Tuesday, September 12, 2023

Blind Item #1

This A-list conspiracy theorist was so drunk, that he nearly vomited several times during his foreign TV interview.


  1. Alex Jones, on Russian TV

  2. What's going on with the site? Nobody seems to be around, is it because it's not Disqus anymore? 🫤

    1. I think some people are on blogger with a different name,some with their real name. Maybe they won't go on until they sign in on a new account and can't do it at work. Are we all banned from disqus?

    2. Thank you! I was wondering too! I'm usually a month or two behind on my blinds so I just keep reading backwards until things sound familiar. And today I continue my reading all comments are gone. So I figure nbd I'm reading July items so it's time I can read the current things. But there's nobody here! I'm more of a lurker than a poster but I miss my familiar faces. It's not the same without them.
