Thursday, October 19, 2023

Today's Blind Items - The Dorm

Many years ago, I talked about this A list mostly movie actor and how he terrorized a fellow A list actress back in the day. Despite similar backgrounds, she has made it a point to not speak to him for well over two decades. They have ended up places together at the same time and she either leaves, or if that is not possible, makes sure to not come anywhere near him. She has never said anything publicly about what happened at all. Privately, she has let a few people know. For the actor's part, he just wants her to keep maintaining her silence. Now though, there are several women who are coming forward who were interviewed for a lengthy magazine piece and they each share a very similar story and say they were all sexually assaulted when they were in college with the actor. He would get them drunk and lead them to his dorm room and sexually assault them before sending them on their way in the morning. Being the time period it was, they knew they would be blamed for getting drunk or making out our whatever so none of them ever pursued any charges. They still are not going to pursue any charges or try to sue for damages. They just wanted to finally share their stories.

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