Saturday, April 15, 2023

Blind Item #8

This A/A- list wrestler with the real name that had to be given a stage name, likes being forced to be a cuck and also enjoys when women walk on him in heels. One of his celebrity exes is known for telling all about his fetishes and what he wanted her to do to him.

Blind Item #7

This foreign born A list singer says her barely there celebrity ex, once tried to kill her when he wasted on some drug.

Blind Item #6

This alliterate permanent A list singer wanted to keep as much money for herself as possible which is why she has barely any backup dancers on her tour. She also lip synched the entire show to save money. Plus, she recycled old costumes to save money. Not worth your money.

Blind Item #5

The celebrity CEO is like a puppy dog trying to get the attention of his one named ex. She is making him work for it, but they are going to end up back together.

Blind Items Revealed #4

April 5, 2023

In case you were wondering, yes, there are new "revelations" scheduled for every week for two days prior to each episode airing and will continue through the end of the season for the bar show. This is why every Monday you are being force fed a new scandal (sex all over the house anyone?) to make you watch. Other than that of the owner's son-in-law of course. Would it shock anyone at this point if the cheated on one's new love interest is a woman. Maybe they can borrow someone from another reality show that needs ratings. Is anyone from the seasonal house available?

Vanderpump Rules/Lisa Vanderpump/Jason Sabo/Ariana Madix/Summer/Winter House

Blind Items Revealed #3

April 8, 2023

This should be banned for life from reality shows reality star, has 24/7 minders with him at all times while filming the beach show that made him famous. The reason? It was the only way any of his domestic violence victims would film with him and it also keeps from drinking or doing drugs. 

Ronnie Ortiz-Magro/Jersey Shore

Blind Items Revealed #2

April 8, 2023

I suppose you can call it quitting acting. The hard to spell model was not getting cast for anything, so she quit. And is it acting really, if you can't actually act? 

Emily Ratajkowski

Blind Items Revealed #1

April 7, 2023

This A list daytime talk show host recently left a date sitting at a table alone after she decided it wouldn't work. She never even spoke to him. She just saw him from across the room and turned around.

Drew Barrymore

Blind Item #4

The barely there celebrity offspring who has more money than sense sometimes, was a huge star f**ker which is how she ended up with the criminal. The cause of the breakup was not her cheating on him, but him cheating on her with the string of escorts he was running and sleeping with, one of whom killed a guy.

Blind Item #3

This former Disney actress turned host who does a little bit of everything, thought she would land a ghost hunters type show super easy, but she is discovering not everyone is a fan. Apparently there was some behind the scenes drama from an executive's wife who holds a grudge against the actress for something that happened years ago.

Blind Item #2

The Svengali got a power of attorney over this pay cable cable actor to act in his best interest. Uh huh.

Blind Item #1

As soon as he makes his way back to LA, this long time "girlfriend" of this A list host will be given her walking papers. I think she thinks she is going to get more money than he is planning to give her.

Friday, April 14, 2023

Blind Item #13

The woman in #12 has hooked up with the husband of this foreign born A- list reality star, who despite living outside the US, keeps landing US reality shows.

Blind Item #12

Whether or not the story making the rounds about the rapist soccer player hiding money from his ex-wife is true, the ex-wife has almost as much money as the rapist soccer player. If he is hiding money, it is because he doesn't want his rape victims to be able to sue him and get money.

Blind Item #11

This former one-fifth had yet another plastic surgery procedure. I am sure she will deny this one too. In this procedure, she got fat removed from the inside of her thighs.

Blind Item #10

This north of the border rapper says that whenever he tries to use a bot farm to make sure he has the most streams, he always has to pay extra, because there is a singer who pays for the service every single week, unless she is outbid.

Blind Item #9

This A list singer/actress never seems to learn that she should stop defending sexual predators. She has a long list of predators she embraces and supports, and now she found another one and is sleeping with him too.

Blind Items Revealed #5

April 7, 2023

I'm sure it is no coincidence that this massive streaming platform and the one owned by the wealthy bookseller are both wining and dining and giving huge raises to their biggest showrunners/creators who they expect to go to bat for them publicly and privately about the WGA talks and how things are best if they stay as is.

Netflix/Amazon Prime

Four For Friday - Slept With Him

This A- list actress sometimes sings. She also has been known to sleep with boyfriends and husbands of women she hates. This is a list of some of the celebrity guys who were in relationships, when she did.

#1 - A+ list singer in a group and solo. Former boy bander who is never getting the band back together.

#2 - A+ list mostly movie actor who is an Oscar winner/nominee and can do no wrong in the eyes of Hollywood.

#3 - Foreign born A- list singer who is now married to an actress from an iconic teen movie.

#4 - One half of a brotherly singing duo. I hope she made him use protection.

Your Turn

I saw this one on Twitter. A character who didn't deserve their fate.

Blind Items Revealed #4

April 7, 2023

This foreign born former boy bander had to take multiple drug tests over the past two months to prove he is clean, and now he is about to land a huge new television project, which will go with his new music project and his new actually not dying body.

Zayn Malik

Blind Items Revealed #3

April 7, 2023

Yes, this now sober A- list singer did call out her former employer for not doing anything when she was sexually assaulted by a co-star, but the reason she and other classic favorites from the channel were left off a promotion is because no one who watches the channel now, knows who any of the people are, who were left off. 

Demi Lovato/Disney

Blind Items Revealed #2

April 6, 2023

This A list country singer should be very wary about the gig her new boyfriend is about to take. His last relationship also ended because of a new job.

 Kelsea Ballerini/Chase Stokes

Blind Item #8

 In a story that had way way too much information, this former A list singer/sometime actress turned neither of those was explaining to a table full of friends why she was late and said it was because her husband finished himself sexually all over the first outfit she had been planning to wear, so she had to find something else that she could wear. Her descriptions of the event, were much more graphic in nature.

Blind Item #7

 This foreign born former A list model/actress slept with a relative's wife before a wedding to make sure the new wife would be a great sex partner for the relative.

Blind Items Revealed #1

April 6, 2023

This foreign born A- list mostly movie actor has already moved on from his three decades younger wife. His new girlfriend is the same age his wife was when he got married to her, which means the age gap is even larger this time.

Vincent Cassel/Tina Kunakey

Blind Item #6

The alliterate actress from the national park show should know that her significant other who she hooked up with while married, is talking and texting to another woman. 

Blind Item #5

Usually no outside camera crews are allowed in the desert festival. Apparently the reality family pulled some strings so new "love" could be captured for the television show. Oh, and as a twofer, you have a wife supporting her husband's return to playing music. 

Blind Item #4

This foreign born A-/B+ list actress is cheating on her much higher on the list significant other.

Blind Item #3

This one named foreign born permanent A list singer not named Rihanna, literally FaceTimes her significant other every 15-20 minutes when he is not with her, just so she can check on his location. The calls only last 20 seconds, but they are never ending.

Blind Item #2

The son of the Pawn Stars royal, looks a lot like the heir as a child. Maybe that is why the son of the Pawn Stars royal is involved in the whole coronation thing. 

Blind Item #1

One of the reasons why this former A+ list rapper has not released any new music in a very long time, is because no one likes working with her. She doesn't show up when she says she will and has been known to be a week late and then yell at everyone when they gave up waiting on her.

Thursday, April 13, 2023

Blind Item #13

This local to LA politician ran on the concept of change and made a very big deal about it. Does that change also include sleeping with one of your employees? Because that seems very on brand for a politician.

Blind Item #12

She moved overseas for the foreign born former boy bander, and he is still cheating on his girlfriend. He is lucky that it is not the actress version, because she would have destroyed him for doing that to her.

Blind Item #11

Speaking of OnlyFans, there is a CURRENT Housewife who has expressed an interest in starting a page. If Bravo takes their cut, would they be in the porn business? 

Blind Item #10

This reality star was on a show from a very early age. Her sister was also a reality star and has a hidden face OnlyFans. The other sister wants to do the same thing, but with her boyfriend. 

Blind Item #9

There might be new music from this foreign born permanent A list singer, but there doesn't mean there will be a tour. Ever. 

Blind Items Revealed #5

April 6, 2023

At this point, you get the feeling the old permanent A list singer is trying to drag out a lawsuit until he dies. He obviously doesn't care about what people think with an argument that because he was legally in charge of a minor's well being, that he was legally allowed to rape her.

Steven Tyler

Today's Blind Items - The Connection

It is obvious no one will do anything. It is a woman who had no family in this country. She was expendable, and she was used and discarded. I knew the name in the back of my head, but it wasn't until the news broke of who she was sleeping with, that everything clicked. Oh, I know no one is actually saying the singer was hooking up with the manager, but they were. He probably even paid for the drugs. The reason I had heard the name before was she was the other woman that was the final straw in the demise of the marriage of a different A+ list music manager all of you know. That was the name bandied about as the mistress. I know a lot of you like to think it was a Housewife, but come on. That rumor was started by the Housewife herself in hopes of getting him looking at her and getting some of that manager money. I am sure if the layers are peeled back far enough that she was making her living as someone managers could help themselves to in return for drugs and money, and they could all use the cover that she was an aspiring singer they were trying to help.

Your Turn

Have you ever won a contest, like a radio show giveaway or a raffle giving away a house, or some type of luck involved contest?

Blind Items Revealed #4

April 6, 2023

Surprisingly enough, despite all the stuff that has come out the past couple of days about a news anchor, it is the big boss that is on the shakiest of ground. He was never going to be a good fit for the place. The anchor already got demoted for his behavior and if he is fired, they are going to have to pay him. They are encouraging him to find a new home though.

Don Lemon/Chris Licht

Blind Items Revealed #3

April 5, 2023

This A- list actor is apparently in every project on this pay cable channel. He is also engaged and is cheating on his significant other. I bet they don't make it all the way to the wedding.

Lukas Gage/HBO

Blind Items Revealed #2

April 5, 2023

This three named actress is taking advantage of recent events to take her image in a completely different direction. Whether or not she was actually involved in helping anyone after a tragedy that recently occurred, she is going to monetize it like crazy and her most recent project demonstrates it.

Melissa Joan Hart/Nashville Covenant School shooting

Blind Item #8

You are a former A list teen actor/musician who was headed to big things until you weren't. You thought you were a huge star and acted like it, so no one wanted to work with you. You then got busted for having sex with minors, but nothing happened. You got away with it, so you did it some more. You are addicted to duster because you can't afford much more than that. How do you get people to notice you and give you magazine covers and guest spots on shows? Hello DWTS. You go "missing" and then are found right away, but get to have that redemption story you don't deserve.

Blind Item #7

This A list actor who has a new movie debuting at that big film festival next month, says he is afraid for his life. He thinks there are people out to kill him, and he has sent a body double out a lot in his place over the past month or two. The problem is the body double was not supposed to let anyone get close or take pictures, but the fame got to him. Everyone now is asking where is the actor? Is it a thing where he is scared for his life or is he in rehab or getting more surgery?

Blind Items Revealed #1

April 5, 2023

This actor was A list for decades. In fact, his greatest successes probably came in the two hit shows in which he starred over the last two decades of his life. He was an Oscar winner/nominee and the the show where he most recently starred, is still airing new episodes, although not for much longer. In any event, this actor proposed marriage to his girlfriend and she accepted, but the actor's wife wouldn't agree to a divorce, so the actor had to dump the girlfriend. 

George Segal/Just Shoot Me/The Goldbergs

Blind Item #6

Even this foreign A++ list tyrant got tired of the antics of this foreign born former A- list actor here, and permanently A list in his home country. It is why the actor had to go back to being a predator in his own country. The actor had previously enjoyed the protection of the A++ lister, but the list of abused girls became way too long to cover for any longer.

Blind Item #5

This A- list actress all of you know, is looking to finance a new project. Using some tricks she learned when she was trolling for women for the disgraced producer to use, she is wooing a very wealthy woman who has a crush on the actress and loves writing big checks. The actress will do whatever or whoever it takes, to get the project financed. 

Blind Item #4

The tech guy who killed his higher on the list "lover" had a six figure deposit put into his bank account two days prior to the killing. Pay off? Buy off? Extortion?

Blind Item #3

The late night talk show host is just angry about a recent appearance because it changes the storyline producers had planned. 

Blind Item #2

Speaking of drugs, this foreign born former superhero still wants a shot at Bond. If he does, he needs to stop having the coke and pill parties.

Blind Item #1

Shortly before this A list everything overdosed, this former A list actress said she finally had enough working for him and she was going to quit.

Wednesday, April 12, 2023

Blind Item #13

There was nothing new about the abuse documents making another run through social media about the politician. What is new, is that it is one of her opponents running for the same job from the same party, who decided to flood the documents back out again.

Blind Item #12

The snitch rapper wants people to think he is traveling to central Africa, when in fact, he is just taking a ferry from Europe to Africa and back.

Blind Item #11

There is a little revolt going on with some of the mothers of children of this prolific celebrity baby maker. They all want to be paid equally. Some get much more money than others, especially those that had lawyers.

Blind Item #10

I'm glad the trade magazine wrote the 50,000 word article taking apart the charity of the A+/A list actor. That being said, the good deed the actor did for the 100+ year old guy was talked about much more this week than the charity story will be. Our actor always gets a free pass.

Blind Item #9

The siblings recently left the sports entertainment world that made them famous. I wonder if it is because the head of it came back. The guy who helped/enabled their mom to get cheated on and then paid off the woman who was the mistress. 

Blind Items Revealed #5

April 5, 2023

Apparently this global health organization didn't like what this A list tech guy was going to say at a conference about his time working with them early on in the pandemic. Now, he is dead. I am sure it is a coincidence.

WHO/Bob Lee

Today's Blind Items - One Movie

I am not sure how many directors have made a X rated movie and also been nominated/won multiple Oscars, but this one did. He was known for having women do things they didn't want to do and would surprise them with the most awful things he could imagine. He wanted to see their reactions and capture it on film. He would only cast actors who would be willing to go along with these things. He did this right up to his final movie and the actress offspring all of you know, who didn't know she was going to have to get naked.

This is not about her or any of the director's most famous movies. This one, was a much smaller film with some very taboo family topics. There is an actress who is the love interest of the male lead, at the beginning of the film and the end. The entirety of her role was filmed at the beginning of production. The director wanted to see how a scene would work where the woman was forced to have sex with the lead actor's character and his best friend in the movie who later dies. As was his usual style, the director didn't tell the actress any of it. It was supposed to be aa kissing scene, not a forced threesome. She cried the entire way through it and walked off the set and never worked in any movie or show or play ever again.

Your Turn

 How old is too old to be a new parent?

Blind Items Revealed #4

April 5, 2023

This former A- list singer was also on a very popular television show featuring twins. He can say whatever he wants to say about when he started having sex with his wife, but everyone knows that when he was 35 and she was 15 and a runaway, that he hid her until she turned 17 and then married her at 19.

Marques Houston/Sister, Sister/Miya Dickey

Blind Items Revealed #3

April 5, 2023

Do you ever wonder on this anniversary of death that the A- list singer/sometime actress tells her offspring, "Sorry I killed your dad." 

Courtney Love/Frances Bean Cobain/Kurt Cobain

Blind Items Revealed #2

April 5, 2023

The most recent ex of this alliterate A list rapper says they got secretly married about three years into their relationship and are still married. Perhaps that could be addressed on the show in which he is going to appear. Then again, it is not like his current girlfriend could communicate with him about it anyway.

Gabriela Berlingeri/Bad Bunny/The Kardashians/Kendall Jenner

Blind Item #8

I personally don't think anyone should be honoring the racist, sexist, fat-phobic who frequently yelled at models who gained even a pound. That being said, it isn't my decision to make, but if you are going to do it, doesn't it make sense for your magazine cover that you put the daughter of the three named model who was the youngest model ever for the designer? The daughter is a better model than two of the offspring/trash models the editor put on the cover. 

Blind Item #7

This foreign born A- list actor has been most recently seen in a universe streaming series that has been renewed. He has a long celebrity girlfriend born in the same country as our actor. That was not stopping him from enjoying the women of this not a state, but not a country this past week, while wasted out of his mind. He did not limit himself to just one woman.

Blind Items Revealed #1

April 5, 2023

You would think most A list comics/sometime actors would be above stealing content from a reporter and passing it off as their own. Then, you realize the comic/actor is a horrible human being and has always been one, and realize that he is perfectly capable and willing to steal content and pass it off as his own.

Michael Rapaport/David Mack

Blind Item #6

It looks like the checks the boy bander was offering to keep the multiple sex assault allegations hidden away forever, were just not big enough. 

Blind Item #5

It is not solely that this former A+ list singer recognized that a breakup song about the A+ list singer might be pushing things too far, it is that he knew she had just split with her boyfriend. It was not even two hours after the split, that he was talking about it on stage. He definitely keeps track of her life.

Blind Item #4

Apparently, if you want to get away with a murder, go south of the border with a dozen or more of your friends. In front of every one of those friends, kill one of the people and then flee back to the US before the police south of the border know what is going on. Then, here, the US will pass on prosecuting the killer or any other charges, and that is how you get away with murder. I guess that could be another season of the show.

Blind Item #3

It was obviously a horrific accident, but nowhere has an actor had a bigger 180 from hated a-hole who no one can stand and a very very messy personal life, to an actor basking in the public's love that he is still alive.

Blind Item #2

Obviously the questions from the interview that aired yesterday between the foreign born comic/multiple host and the bar star were prepared in advance by those closest to the bar star, which is why it is shocking it still didn't go better for him. He even had input on what he wanted asked and how the question should be framed. Not the brightest tool in the shed.

Blind Item #1

With a second solo international trip so quickly on the heels of another, it looks like the ginger haired one might be willing to try the go back into the family business six months a year, and get some of the daddy money. 

Tuesday, April 11, 2023

Blind Item #13

This love her or hate her A- list celebrity actually had a shirt on for her most recent thirst trap photo, but decided it was not thirst trap sufficient and took off the top to pose in her bra. That is the one she posted.

Blind Item #12

This A list pro wrestler has not received any punishment for grooming a girl who was barely into her teens. 

Blind Item #11

This alliterate crossover reality star was groping someone at a bar who is definitely not the woman he is supposedly dating.

Blind Item #10

The A+ list singer did some striking back of her own by throwing the foreign born actor under the bus about his lack of career. Will she go really deep and talk about the cheating or save it for new music?

Blind Item #9

With a revelation that is about to break in the next few weeks, the string of affairs of A++ listers had at some point in their married lives will remain unbroken for at least the past sixty plus years. It involves someone a couple back in the series.

Blind Items Revealed #5

April 4, 2023

The alliterate one is being given an award because the organization presenting the award needs a high profile name to sell tickets. No one had been buying any.

Meghan Markle/2023 Women of Vision Award

Today's Blind Items - Summer Camp

This actress started to make it big when she was in her teens. She hit it big pretty much, right away. She is A/A- list and is an Oscar winner/nominee. Her family has always been very grounded and there was never the whole you have to work thing so you can support us stuff coming from the family. Despite the acting and despite all the Hollywood stuff, her family wanted her to do normal things. One of those experiences they wanted her to have was summer camp. So, off they sent her. It was something she had done as a camper and this particular time she went as more of a counselor rather than just a camper.

While there, she ended up hooking up with another counselor and our actress became pregnant. While she was pregnant, her first big break was showing her to the world. The only other person in the business she told she was pregnant was an actress who she worked with and her own pregnancy drama a decade or so later. Our pregnant actress didn't tell a soul she was pregnant and didn't tell anyone when she had an audition for the role that would change her life. She managed to get out of some table reads, and then gave birth and two months later was shooting the role that would shine a huge light on her. 

It was an open adoption and about five years ago, the child made contact with our actress who has brought her into her close knit fold and gone on vacations and things with the permission of the adoptive parents. No one has asked about the child. They just assume the child is a friend of one of the other children. The father of the child has never really wanted anything to do with the child.

Your Turn

From a reader

Actor/role that should have won the Oscar

Blind Items Revealed #4

April 4, 2023

This former stripper turned reality star turned porn star turned celebrity is using her bought and paid for degree to start her own church. And yes, she has asked the former A+ list rapper to be a part of it.

Blac Chyna/Kanye West

Blind Items Revealed #3

April 4, 2023

I know this foreign born A- list reality star/host in her own country, and B- list the world over, really wants the world to think she is dating the A+/A list mostly movie actor just like she wanted the world to know she was engaged to the NBA player after six weeks of dating, but our actor doesn't like reality stars. They are way too thirsty.

Maya Jama/Leonardo DiCaprio/Ben Simmons

Blind Items Revealed #2

April 4, 2023

This foreign born A- list celebrity in her own country, and non existent to anyone other than me outside of it, needed some publicity for something other than her breast enlargements, so defaced her own property and then called the press.

Katie Price/House tagged with graffiti

Blind Item #8

This married actress with a really really good side hustle is hooking up with a venture capitalist who she met a couple of years ago, and they recently reconnected. 

Blind Item #7

If you are a brand, this former A+ list rapper, will be ride or die if you pay her. The way she blocks people right and left who call out her support of the child p**n enabling fashion brand is next level. She earns that paycheck, even if it means supporting awful companies.

Blind Items Revealed #1

April 3, 2023

This late night talk show host is going out with as much disdain as he came into town with and at an event this weekend was a total tool.

James Corden/PaleyFest

Blind Item #6

With their aid being diverted elsewhere, some countries are now being forced to accept the money and help from the wealthy farmer. These include countries where they have already seen the damage he causes with his forced use of certain growing techniques and products and being forced to use seeds he provides.

Blind Item #5

I mentioned this comedian/actor/YouTuber a few weeks back about how he didn't care about any #MeToo movement and he is proud of what he has done to women and has doubled down and is now being even more aggressive with women and daring anyone to call him out. He thinks he is untouchable.  

Blind Item #4

This former A- list Disney actress was on a game show recently, and was so bad at it, they decided not to air the episode.

Blind Item #3

A recent music video starring this former vampire actor who crashed and burned his career was supposed to film in Los Angeles. It was going to use some locations from a movie in which he starred. He actually had to get an emergency passport renewal to travel overseas to film it at the last minute.

Blind Item #2

Speaking of hiding things in plain sight, this A- list actor who has been A+/A in his career and all of already has a long long time secret lover so is not sleeping with the politician that has been rumored. 

Blind Item #1

What better way to cover up a pregnancy by your much much much older lover, than to sucker your very young boyfriend and say it is his and get married. That is the plan anyway for the very young A- list actress.

Monday, April 10, 2023

Blind Item #13

There is a sex tape for sale that features a closeted very big name Congressman with another man. Does anyone care though? Who would want to buy it? I believe there are some names that would be big sellers, but that is because there would be people willing to shell out money to buy it and watch it. The seller of this sex tape has already come down 75% on their sale price. They will probably need to keep going down to get any interest. 

Blind Item #12

This former bar star cheats on his significant other every day.

Blind Item #11

The serial cheating alliterate basketball player is living with the alliterate reality star. This should turn out well.

Blind Item #10 - Chat GPT Blind

I asked ChatGPT to write a blind item for me and this is what it came up with.

“Which A-list actor was recently caught cheating on his wife with his co-star? The two were spotted getting cozy at a local bar after filming wrapped up for the day.”

I thought for sure it must have found it somewhere on the internet, but I can't find it anywhere. Let me know if you find it somewhere, or if it really did write its own.

Blind Item #9 - Reader Blind

This A- celeb was supposed to be in his hometown for a speaking engagement.  It was reported as being canceled due to a scheduling conflict. The real reason is that his fiancé doesn’t want him seeing his family since they have become estranged since their relationship started.  She is afraid they will do something to convince him not to marry her. 

Blind Items Revealed #5

April 3, 2023

This permanent A list actor with multiple hit shows is still alive. One night, back in the day, he and this foreign born permanent A list artist, who sold his work in mass quantities as he aged, used to go out and pick up women together and used the pickup line that either the actor would put the women in a show, or the artists would paint their picture. Neither of them ever followed through.

Dick Van Dyke/Salvador Dali

Today's Blind Items - Protection

This young north of the border no name actor is resting easy now that his fans have made him look like the innocent party after a series of very serious sexual assault allegations that go back quite a few years. They completely tore apart the credibility of one of the whistleblowers. But she is far from the only person who has spoken out. Doesn't matter anyway because our actor had an extended on set fling turned serious relationship with one of his co stars (that pint sized it-girl you all would know) while they were working abroad.

Not only that, but his star actress paramour is now executive producing the popular streaming show and is using her newfound influence to protect her ex-boyfriend's career. She's well aware of his pattern of behavior and the evidence of his— ahem —proclivity towards vulnerable and underaged girls. So she's effectively enabling his abusive tendencies. But does she know he was grooming and propositioning minors while he was still dating her?

Wait until some text and email messages with underage girls start leaking.

Your Turn

 How many of these did you own?

Blind Items Revealed #4

April 3, 2023

This might be going to jail CEO of a sports entertainment company, knows the pressure would be on to throw him in jail if he sold his company to the actual highest bidders, so is hoping that selling it to the management company and all of their connected political donors, will see any possible charges float magically away.

Vince McMahon/WWE/Endeavor Group Holdings

Blind Items Revealed #3

April 3, 2023

The three named singer/rapper who had a decent first pitch this week is not dating the A+ list NFL player. Just because you are in the same place, does not make you a couple. cc: Yolanda Hadid.

Megan Thee Stallion/Travis Kelce/CMT Awards

Blind Items Revealed #2

April 3, 2023

It is always believe the victims or publicize the affair for ratings until it is your own son-in-law, and then it is we need privacy and the woman is lying. Amazing how the news broke after the reunion filmed, isn't it?

Lisa Vanderpump/Jason Sabo/Vanderpump Rules

Blind Item #8

Nothing is unplanned for the A+ singer. After the news all saying the same thing was sent out to outlets, promo for her next move is released in bits and pieces online. It features a former ‘boyfriend’ and the vibe the singer wants the public to pay attention, not the ex. 

Blind Item #7

This former A- list actress from a long running hit almost network television show has to mostly take work as a producer now and put together her own projects, because the showrunner of her former hit show tells everyone not to hire the actress. 

Blind Items Revealed #1

April 3, 2023

This alliterate talk show host is moving to Los Angeles and a fresh start and to get away from her ex. It is also the only way she can get the podcast/show she wants. The company partnering with her wanted her in Los Angeles.

Wendy Williams

Blind Item #6

This three named A- list actress who will never be the highest on the list in her family, convinced tabloids that the lawsuit filed against her had been settled. It hasn't and if she loses she is going to have to pay out a bunch of money for labor law violations.

Blind Item #5

This writer/showrunner of multiple shows, finally figured out the free money was going to dry up if he did another season of his high budgeted show and never brought in more than 350K viewers for any episode. So, he is getting many of the gang back together and throwing in a reality star everyone hates, but will probably watch because they will want her killed.

Blind Item #4

Remember when the initialed cult that branded people first got their start, how they used to molest children and tweens? It was around that time that the religious leader for a large group of people and his assistant were spending so much time with the group. I guess we now know why.

Blind Item #3

Of course the mogul; knew what he was getting into with his new husband. That is why the potential payouts I discussed a few weeks ago were so low. The mogul loves that everyone is talking about him which has not happened for years. Who do you think leaked the background report of his husband he had prepared, to the press?

Blind Item #2

The former wheelchair actor paid a whole lot of money to make sure his mediocre song made it to the top of the charts.

Blind Item #1

The wannabe cannibal planning a comeback reached out to this foreign born B List actress famous for her contract relationships to see if she would be willing to be his ‘girlfriend’ once her time is up with the foreign born alliterate superhero. The foreign born actress almost played ‘girlfriend’ to the permanent A+ lister so she’s okay with crazy if it gets her attention. 

Sunday, April 09, 2023

Blind Item #8

This A+ list CEO of a company, every person in the world knows, is sleeping with someone who is not his wife. The only reason anyone knows this is because of the enemy he made in a former friend co-worker who wants to get even for getting his pet project canceled.

Blind Item #7

 This A- list actress who stars on a hit streaming show after starring on multiple hit other shows, one of which also turned into a movie and is iconic, got dumped. So, she doesn't want to be on his show any longer.

Blind Item #6

 A Polaroid has turned up that was long thought missing. It is from a college party and shows this A list royal who is not alliterate, lifting up a sweater and flashing for the camera. It is for sale. The person who took the photo and owns the copyright is doing the selling.

Blind Item #5

I bet the A+ list singer is wondering if she can claw back that fake award she got her now ex. It didn't keep him around as long as she thought it would.

Blind Items Revealed #4

March 17, 2023

This north of the border singer/wannabe actor is super young, but has already got work done to his face and his neck.

Shawn Mendes

Blind Items Revealed #3

March 18, 2023

This barely there celebrity who had a very troublesome political husband was being very handsy in the corner of a recent charity event, with a married prince.

Huma Abedin

Blind Items Revealed #2

March 21, 2023

For the vast majority of its productions moving forward, this big streaming service is going to stop footing the bill for premiere parties and leave it up to the individual producers to decide if they want to do something on their own.


Blind Items Revealed #1

March 23, 2023

The alliterate former talk show host, is able to work and succeed, but advertisers have been scared away because of her past. She is going to have to go the subscriber route in order to make money podcasting.

Wendy Williams

Blind Item #4

Continuing the awful people theme, this A- list pro wrestler got divorced last year because his wife discovered he sexually assaulted a barely barely barely legal teen. 

Blind Item #3

Speaking of horrible people, this A- list actor from an acting family, had a woman pass out in his bed because she had too much to drink. He didn't want her throwing up in her bed, so dragged her out of the bed and dumped her on the floor so he could have the bed to himself.

Blind Item #2

There was no way on this planet that the girl with this foreign born A list singer at a party last night was legal. He is back up to his old ways.

Blind Item #1

This boy bander shares his significant other with other men so he doesn't have to have sex with her any longer.