Saturday, July 15, 2023

Blind Item #8

Apparently the friction that exists between these two A list celebrity politicians from opposite parties is they were both sleeping with the same mega donor.

Blind Item #7

This married foreign born A/A- list actor with at least one movie franchise, got another woman pregnant.

Blind Item #6

The alliterate one had dinner last night with someone who is not her husband.

Blind Item #5

This A list NBA player is going to have to get a permanent restraining order against the porn star. I think Misery is her favorite book.

Blind Items Revealed #4

July 7, 2023

This recently deceased A-list singer in her part of the world used to tell everyone early in her career she was a virgin. She wasn't.

Coco Lee/Hong Kong

Blind Items Revealed #3

July 7, 2023

Lost in all the drama about the slap, is why there is a line of credit at the casino in the husband's name when the singer is the one who pays for it. 

Sam Asghari/Britney Spears

Blind Items Revealed #2

July 7, 2023

Speaking of being passed around, I think this A- list singer/actress has enough self-esteem to not date the three named actor who couldn't go a day without cheating on his wife.

Selena Gomez/Jeremy Allen White

Blind Items Revealed #1

July 7, 2023

This reporter might not have the ginger haired one's phone number, but he has the email and multiple phone numbers belonging to the alliterate one.

Omid Scobie/Prince Harry/Meghan Markle

Blind Item #4 - Reader Blind

This recently wed A-/B+ actor was told by his now wife that he was not allowed to invite his family to their wedding. This won’t end well. 

Blind Item #3

Speaking of the strike and management. Everyone seems shocked about the AI scanning your likeness and using it forever. They have been doing that already for years.

Blind Item #2

The guy who owns all the trades and is on the side of management should definitely not be reminded of the time he was arrested for peeing on a woman.

Blind Item #1

This A/A- list comic actor is not only using bots to help him in his war against his ex, but is also using them to trash her too.

Friday, July 14, 2023

Blind Item #13 - Reader Blind

This foreign born girl group member has been spotted having lunches with a real life Succession-esque foreign born family member who is in a succession battle with his siblings to be appointed CEO of foreign luxury conglomerate. Eyewitnesses say the lunches are cozy and if this materializes - a formidable power couple could be born.

Blind Item #12 - Reader Blind

A boxing champion known for his lavish ways has been spotted in a far flung location providing support to a controversial regime . This regime of a poor country paid this millionaire boxer more than $1 million dollars to be there.

Eye witnesses report seeing the icon rubbing shoulders with high-ranking officials of a government that has faced criticism for its alleged authoritarian and corrupt tendencies. 

The boxing champion's presence at events and gatherings associated with this regime has left its citizens questioning his motives especially as this nation is about to have general elections. 

There are suggestions that this unexpected alliance could have financial incentives at its core with rumors of deals being struck behind closed doors. 

Blind Item #11

What happens when staffers who work for two of the biggest Pop stars in the world read CDAN religiously ? They change the world. Touring companies are now planning to run mandatory sexual assault and racist backgrounds checks on touring staff after these two A list solo singers' tour broke records when it was announced they were doing same. Long story short, stars know that any behind the scenes drama will make it into a blind within hours. #MeTooChecks limit the risk of scandal by weeding out anyone who stands in the way of profits. 

Blind Item #10 - Reader Blind

Foreign blue blooded folk of a royal nation claim the alliterate one and her ginger husband have never lived where they say they live but instead have always lived apart. The alliterate one stays with the kids at a San Ysidro ranch in a chalet owned by her father in law whilst the ginger haired one is all over the place.

Blind Item #9

This former cult follower is set to move in with a movie producer and a ghost writer. The wheels are in motion to get as much out of her as quickly as possible. 

Blind Items Revealed #5

July 7, 2023

Speaking of lying to fans, this one named permanent A list singer decided she wanted a day off so canceled a previously scheduled show. 


Four For Friday - Way Too Big

These are A list rockstars and above who had a hard time getting groupie sex because of how well endowed they are. Many potential sexual partners went running away.

#1 - This guitarist for an 80's hair metal band used to be as famous as the lead singer. Considering he had a thing for barely legal teens, he had to get them almost passed out before they would say yes. There was a lot of screaming involved to the point where if someone screamed, everyone would look to see if the guitarist was in the room.

#2 - This foreign born lead singer of a band that had an animal name in it said he hated life on the road because once he was seen naked, every woman said no. Not every man though and on the road our singer started sleeping with guys.

#3 - This singer said it helped a lot that he couldn't see the looks on women's faces, so he just didn't care what they felt. He was going to get his.

#4 - This female singer was A list solo and a musician was A- list in a group. She was known as the woman who went seeking out the biggest. She wouldn't even talk to you if you were under 8 inches. 

Your Turn

Denny's or Waffle House? Is Cracker Barrel in the same category as the other two?

Blind Items Revealed #4

July 7, 2023

This A+ list singer is lucky she isn't facing tens of millions of dollars in lawsuits. She also got away with lying to the public again.

Taylor Swift/FTX

Blind Items Revealed #3 - Old Hollywood

July 6, 2023

The daughter of this permanent A list mostly movie actor says there is no way he ever slept with men. Umm, ask your mom about the actor he lived with for many years, when each could afford mansions on their own.

Jennifer Grant/Cary Grant/Dyan Cannon/Randolph Scott

Blind Items Revealed #2

July 6, 2023

The holes in the music awards rules are massive. There won't be any stopping payola from the artists who have it to spend. It just means no new unknown names will ever get a chance to hear their named called. It is just going to be one big love fest for those who can afford to buy the voters or the board.

Grammy Awards

Blind Item #8

This foreign born B+ list actress has never looked happier now that the shackles from her relationship to the foreign born A- list actor/Oscar winner/nominee has ended.

Blind Item #7

This Housewife/actress is someone who tabloids love talking to because she can't keep a secret.

Blind Items Revealed #1

July 6, 2023

The pint sized actor has stayed out of the legal system for the past several years. He had quite the losing streak and the attention was not good. If he goes in for another fight, there are going to be a lot of questions asked he doesn't want to answer. The thing is though, he likes everyone to believe he does all his own stunts, so the latest reports that he doesn't do them all are the kind of thing his ego makes him want to avenge.

Tom Cruise

Blind Item #6

The big lawsuit against the cheap clothing company is just because the other fast fashion companies were getting screwed over. They pay taxes in the US and Europe so regulators are willing to turn a blind eye to their IP theft. 

Blind Item #5

The three named offspring died basically the same way her dad did. At least that is according to the autopsy. It still doesn't tell us about the fatal drugs and why she got them from someone who wasn't her regular.

Blind Item #4

There was no way the relationship between this former A- list actress who starred on a long running vampire show and her significant other was going to work. He was way too jealous of her yachting past. Another actress from the show has a soon to be husband who is turned on by her past as a yachter.

Blind Item #3

If the foreign born billionaire/serial cheater who is married to a foreign born A lister, gets his way, all of his companies are going to have there very own celebrity to act as spokesperson. Plus, his kids are just as much of star f**kers as he is.

Blind Item #2

The A list NBA player/coffee maker isn't dating the foreign born one named singer either. However, it is more believable than the race car driver. The coffee maker's girlfriend probably isn't all that happy about all of this.

Blind Item #1

The brothers who like to control so many political fortunes have been making more and more bets as of late on weather derivatives. Since, they don't like to make bets without losing, how much can the weather be controlled?

Thursday, July 13, 2023

Blind Item #14

You can tell which trades are owned by the AMPTP with their horrifically misleading headlines. Some are outright lies. The one with Matt Damon is especially egregious and misrepresents everything he said in the clip which was attached, so everyone could see the trade was lying. 

Blind Item #13

This married B+ list actress will never be the highest on the list in her family even if everyone else dies. She is sleeping with her married neighbor.

Blind Item #12

This A/A- list home channel reality star spends hours a day tracking her most recent ex. It is scary.

Blind Item #11

This former A- list mostly television actress was everywhere on television not all that long ago and is still super young. She comes from an entertainment family but is highest on the list. Her boyfriend controls her life to the point she has to ask permission to leave the house.

Blind Item #10

This actor is A- list and has been acting with his sibling since they were kids. The cast party to end a long running show was epic. The A- list actor wasn't invited.

Blind Item #9

I have talked about the middle of the week actress and how she said she wanted a writing credit for the show. She is really upset they haven't given her one yet, and has started really pushing back on it.

Blind Items Revealed #5

July 6, 2023

I think people are shocked that this controversial movie got great reviews from the trades in town. For the most part, the trades just review them as they see them. It happens to be a good movie. If it had been a bad movie, they would have said so. I mean, one of the actor's most controversial roles, saw the film win three Oscars. 

Sound of Freedom/Jim Caviezel/Jesus Christ/Passion of the Christ

Today's Blind Items - The Fetish

Just when I think there are no more crazy fetishes to discover that are of interest to sportscasters, someone comes forward to tell a story about this permanent A list national sportscaster who liked to call all his girlfriends by the names of his grandchildren and would often also throw in their moms into the conversation all the while never actually having sex with the girlfriends. He enjoyed being orally serviced while he commented on not only her performance but would use the names mentioned above and would do all of this while smoking a cigar and listening to classical music.

Your Turn

Have you ever pawned something/bought something from pawn shop?

Blind Items Revealed #4

July 6, 2023

If you think this former manufactured singer/reality star/serial filter user/lover of geriatrics wouldn't go back to the offspring of the former A++ lister, you would be wrong. This is why she is always telling tales out of school about him. He would make a nice change from the guys a year from a nursing home she currently hangs out with to make a living.

Aubrey O’ Day/Donald Trump Jr./Donald Trump

Blind Items Revealed #3

July 6, 2023

The publishing family sit on the board of the movie studio. Of course they are going to kill a story about the CEO of the studio.

Newhouse/Condé Nast/Warner Bros./David Zaslav

Blind Items Revealed #2

July 5, 2023

The alliterate one sent her husband home from a party early because he was annoying her.

Meghan Markle/Prince Harry

Blind Item #8

The fighting organization invested a bunch of seed money into this initialed tabloid. So, they know the tabloid never says anything bad about the fighters without prior approval. That is why you see all the love fest photos of the foreign born fighter/serial rapist/beater of women on the site. It is disgusting. 

Blind Item #7

I know without even looking into it for five minutes that the bad nepo actress offspring turned reality star turned celebrity turned wannabe reality star is filming a reality show right now with her kids. When the set up in the press is this heavy handed, that is a guarantee the show will be awful. Who decided to greenlight this monstrosity. I would check the money her kids are supposed to earn too. 

Blind Items Revealed #1

July 5, 2023

This A- list mostly movie actor who is an Oscar winner/nominee was still doing the whole southern accent thing in Paris this week. Can we get him a new movie and a new accent please.

Austin Butler

Blind Item #6

This A- list actress/offspring got nominated for an Emmy. If she wins, she knows the former fellow cult member will walk out just like she always does because the cult is one massive mess of horrible people.

Blind Item #5

The only reason this former A+ list mostly movie actress who is an Oscar winner/nominee wants to go back to her old franchise character is because people will like her again. Plus, it would be her biggest paycheck ever.

Blind Item #4

Even I can admit the A list actor/comic/singer had a ready made promo for his new project. I think the whole world would be really onboard if there had been a video of him saying what he did rather than the written social media post.

Blind Item #3

This three named A/A list actress/offspring is an Oscar winner/nominee. This past weekend she also showed she believes and spouts racist stereotypes. After what happened at the Oscars, it is shocking she was even invited to the event to make the remarks.

Blind Item #2

You know what you do when you have a really big project coming out and you are being accused of grooming and loving child p**n. Well, if you are this A- list comic/actress you write a really big check and then it goes away like magic.

Blind Item #1

Even the tabloids have finally given up on pretending the A+/A list mostly movie actor is dating the barely there celebrity.

Wednesday, July 12, 2023

Blind Item #13

This A+ list mostly movie actor had a run in with the law during a possible DUI stop in early June. It was not his car. In the car were several dozen GHB pills. Our actor was the only person in the car.

Blind Item #12

This one named permanent A list singer was THIS close to working with a viral photographer and inviting him to shoot her on tour. That was until he several people accused him of sexual assault. After what happened with her producer, she couldn’t risk being linked to another alleged predator so he was dropped even before he was contacted. He’ll never know. Until now.

Blind Item #11

Speaking of the movie in #10, the foreign born A list actress who stars in it, needs to learn to say no when someone asks if she wants more fillers.

Blind Item #10

Speaking of soon to be released movies, this foreign born A/A- list actor who is an Oscar winner/nominee finally freed the long time "girlfriend." He now has another just in time for the new movie.

Blind Item #9

If you are this studio, you don't need to extend the review embargo, the people going to see the doll movie are going to see it bad reviews or not.

Blind Items Revealed #5

July 5, 2023

This YouTube star in the middle of a huge crash and burn is trying to hang on to the rich guy she is seeing outside of marriage. If she is going to go down, she needs his income.

Colleen Ballinger

Today's Blind Items - Fortunate Son

While he is not a household name, this musician was definitely A+ list in his prime, for playing a certain instrument.  He played that instrument on hundreds of recordings, with dozens of A+ list entertainers, which span nearly every major genre of music.  He is also an award-winning producer, and is currently on tour overseas as a solo artist, although he is far less well known for that work.

Our musician's son is quite a different story.

A couple years ago, the musician's son was employed as the White House correspondent  for a relatively mainstream Internet political organization, founded by a former A list cable network talking head.  The son began to espouse hateful rhetoric, which led to that organization firing him.

Presently, the son is obsessed with making hateful posts about Jews on his bird social media, which he typically does multiple times per day.  The son has become a close follower of the notorious closeted neo-Nazi internet celebrity, about whom I have written previously, and referred to as Fan.   He travelled across the country to attend the only event Fan held this year.  The son has even openly advocated for beating and raping women, while appearing on Internet streams with other close followers of Fan.

Musician / Instrument / Son / Former Employer / Founder

Your Turn

If you could learn another language, what would you choose?

Blind Items Revealed #4

July 5, 2023

This A- list actress who plays the same role in movies and television had no problems in her role of producer demanding other women get naked if they wanted to be cast. She just refused to do it herself.

Sarah Jessica Parker

Blind Items Revealed #3

July 5, 2023

She might have been released from prison early, but if she wants to get on the straight and narrow path, perhaps this actress should stop communicating with her ex who is also still in the cult.

Allison Mack/Nicki Clyne/NXIVM

Blind Items Revealed #2

July 3, 2023

This former daytime talk show host tried to get tabloids interested in purchasing baby photos of a family member. They all passed.

Kathie Lee Gifford

Blind Item #8

The marriage between this foreign born former almost A list singer and the streaming actor is hanging on by a thread.

Blind Item #7

The depressing, still very young A list singer really needs to stop wanting to be with guys twice her age. They never have good intentions and she just gets hurt.

Blind Items Revealed #1

July 3, 2023

Neither this A- list writer/actress/creator nor this A- list actress who is an Oscar winner/nominee/snake oil salesperson has commented on the arrest of the cult leader they love so much. It has been three weeks and they have stayed silent. Apparently keeping a warehouse of sex slaves makes them want to stop talking about the guy they have bragged about for years.

Mindy Kaling/Gwyneth Paltrow/Shaman Durek

Blind Item #6

Not only did the permanent A list "singer" not write her book, apparently she didn't even bother to read what had been written. 

Blind Item #5

You don't have enough fingers to count the Emmy nominations/wins of this A/A- list actress. It is definitely an interesting choice she has made with her latest project which is a kids cartoon featuring a human sacrificing blood drinking cult.

Blind Item #4

This A list voice over actor/writer/creator/showrunner now has even more allegations from women about improper behavior. I think this is the first time I have heard anything about underage girls though.

Blind Item #3

This foreign born former A list boy bander knew he would get nothing by softballs and no follow-up questions in his recent podcast interview. The host of the show is known for letting abusers/troubled men say what they want with no pushback.   

Blind Item #2

If you think the sun damage is bad on this former A list actress, despite all the snake oil she sells, then you probably realize she doesn't actually use the snake oil she sells.

Blind Item #1

The snack Housewife has been completely off the radar the past week ever since the whole divorce thing of her co-star has been making headlines. 

Tuesday, July 11, 2023

Blind Item #13 - Reader Blind

Which East Coast Housewife was in contact with people who know about her co-star’s deepest darkest secrets when she first joined the show? She heard the rumor, did some digging and uncovered the truth. She won’t use it , but does like knowing how much power she has over him and his wife.

Blind Item #12

The meme actor has never been known for his discretion, but to say the A- list reality star is one of the worst times in bed he has ever had, is not really all that nice either.

Blind Item #11

Is it legal? No. Is it revenge porn? Absolutely. Is the ex willing to leak it to the world? Yes, he is unless he gets his deal. The thing is though, his now former significant other while an A+ lister in her corner of the world doesn't have that kind of money and doesn't have enough buzz to get it from others. Plus, this is from when she was about 18, and she is long past that now. Maybe he would take another secret lobbying deal.

Blind Item #10

This barely there celebrity in a family full of them, is hooking up with her former drug dealer. That doesn't sound like a good idea.

Blind Item #9

This pint sized A list actor had some kind of eyebrow lift or replacement which does not match the other side of his face.

Blind Items Revealed #5

July 2, 2023

The alliterate one wants to have the wife of the killer actor be a part of the snake oil she is going to start selling soon.

Meghan Markle/Hilaria Baldwin/Alec Baldwin

Today's Blind Items - Buyer Beware

There is a house currently for sale. It is owned by a foreign born A list director. Our director has never been one for awards or even nominations. Oh, sure there are a few here and there, but nothing spectacular. He has directed at least one installment of a massive long running franchise. Over the past several years, the genres of movies he has been asked to direct seem to be headed towards a younger market. That was not the case with his biggest projects.

Perhaps one of the reasons for this, is because of at least one thing that happened in the house now for sale. One of the accusers of the cleaning product actor has come forward with accusations against the director and his friends and what happened in his house. Apparently, our accuser was invited over to the home of the director where he drugged her. He then invited several of his friends over to the house where they all took turns sexually assaulting her. The police never bothered investigating her claims, which she has now documented in a piece of art. The assault didn't happen all that long ago, but the director thinks getting out of the house now would be a very good idea. Maybe the new owners should know what they are buying into.

Your Turn

From a reader.

iPhone or Android?

Blind Items Revealed #4

July 2, 2023

The mistress wants to be the highest paid bar star to get her to come back.

Raquel Leviss/Vanderpump Rules

Blind Items Revealed #3

July 2, 2023

The former A- list Disney actor needed to make sure his girlfriend turned 18 before the news of him cheating with her on his long time girlfriend leaked.

Ross Lynch/Jaz Sinclair

Blind Items Revealed #2

July 1, 2023

Even back before she could legally drive, this three named model turned reality star turned celebrity turned possible accessory after the fact, knew that for her to succeed as a model she would have to sleep with much much older men and did so. She then got involved with one more powerful than others, so she wouldn't have to sleep with a lot of older men, but just one.

Kimora Lee Simmons/Russell Simmons 

Blind Item #8

It seems kind of fitting that the groomer/YouTuber/racist is about to launch an OnlyFans aimed at parting her fans with their money to see her naked.

Blind Item #7

Producers of these two upcoming blockbusters want carve out exceptions in case of a strike. They want the actors to be able to promote the movies and do press and whatever else is needed.

Blind Items Revealed #1

July 1, 2023

This living legend who is an offspring of a legend is being robbed blind by those closest to her.

Liza Minnelli

Blind Item #6

It is pretty rare that the pink newspaper gets involved in celebrity gossip, but one of the editors has shared the bed of this A list actress/sometime director and is willing to take shots at her ex in a business gossip kind of way.

Blind Item #5

That two week extension in talks had nothing to do with talks, it had everything to do with the nearly seven figure deal the head of a union was trying to land for herself, and a two week vacation. 

Blind Item #4

This foreign born A list host/music mogul is addicted to plastic surgery and it is not going well for him.

Blind Item #3

With her latest social media move, this Housewife essentially admitted to what was suspected awhile back. She was cheating on her former A list NFL husband.

Blind Item #2

The wrongful death lawsuit rapper is lucky a recent concert didn't end up in even more deaths than the last one. After basically getting away with the last bunch of deaths, he doesn't even care what happens or the crowd situation as long as he gets paid.

Blind Item #1

This A- list singer/actress is desperately trying to take advantage of the pay cable show/torture porn by trying to be a victim. She had nothing to do with anything as far as inspiration for the main character. 

Monday, July 10, 2023

Blind Item #14

When your asking price for a rental property is twice what you should be asking, then you are either not serious or you are hoping against hope some idiot will bite and you can get some breathing room on your mortgage. Lets see what camp this reality star falls into.

Blind Item #13

This A list singer who is turning back into an actress wanted to attend the premiere of this long awaited movie, but her significant other told her she should stay home with him because he didn't want to go and it would look bad if she went without him.

Blind Item #12

This one named A- list rapper who can't afford to ever pick up the check when out, has no problems ordering thousands of dollars of food and booze when someone else is and almost got into a fight with a friend who felt the rapper was ordering way too much.

Blind Item #11

This A- list actress was a hit on cable and crashed and burned on her latest projects when she was going to be the lead. She also said she never saw someone look in a mirror more than when she went on a few dates with this standup comic.

Blind Item #10

The former Disney actor turned A- list adult actor/HGH lover is doing the whole beck and call thing of his personal Svengali. 

Blind Item #9

This foreign born A list singer gave her phone number to this foreign born A list actor. Both are involved in serious relationships.

Blind Items Revealed #5

June 29, 2023

If you have been reading the site with any regularity over the past few months, then you already knew that the permanent A list singer was doing way more drugs than usual. It shouldn't be a shocker that she overdosed.


Today's Blind Items - Bodyguards

This foreign born A list singer is scared of his own shadow. Since becoming famous, he has become abysmal. No one likes being around him, so he throws money at people for drugs and parties so they will hang out with him. He throws money at people for gifts so they will show up at parties. When he is around his friends he is known for finding some weak person and then destroying them through words and actions. Often he hits them and slaps them and abuses them in front of others. He especially enjoys if they don't speak English as a first language. Sometimes, these victims fight back and then our singer has his bodyguards step in and threaten and beat the victim and remove them from the event. I'm not sure there is a more awful celebrity in existence right now.

Your Turn

Was the video of Jamie Foxx or a body double?

Blind Items Revealed #4

June 29, 2023

The wealthy farmer had promised his former Dominatrix $1M for her family when she passed. They got nothing.

Bill Gates

Blind Items Revealed #3

June 29, 2023

This permanent A list "singer" has a bunch of her past performances and home videos from the past two decades in the hands of a film editor for the documentary. She has no idea.

Britney Spears

Blind Items Revealed #2

June 29, 2023

With her new membership, the A+ list singer can ensure she has a better shot of not only getting nominated for the award she most covets, but also having a chance to win.

Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences/Taylor Swift/Oscar

Blind Item #8

This former A list commercial actor used to hang around all the time with the soccer coach that got busted with the sex assault videos on his phone. 

Blind Item #7 - Kindness

This foreign born A- list dual threat actor who has been in and out of the closet a bunch in his life is filming a movie on an island famous for LGBT rights. He's made a point of patronizing local, LGBT-owned businesses during his stay, happily meeting and greeting the owners of these businesses and fans as well as supporting their work.

Blind Items Revealed #1

June 28, 2023

This former A list comic/A- list actress should never work again after what she did, but at several events in the past week most people didn't care what she did to those kids.

Tiffany Haddish

Blind Item #6

This permanent A list pro athlete is thinking about retiring because he knows if gets tested for PED's he will test positive and he doesn't want that to be the last thing people remember about him.

Blind Item #5

This A- list actress really wanted to star on the second season of a pay cable show. She got the role. The thing is, right before she got the audition, she had unprotected sex and was thinking of starting a family with her significant other.. When she heard about the audition she went crazy overboard with the amount of Plan B she took and everything else she could think of.

Blind Item #4

I wonder if the really really rich actress would consider the A- list singer/actress such a good friend knowing the husband of the rich actress has confessed a million times to having a crush on the singer/actress. Get him drunk and alone with her and lets see what happens.

Blind Item #3

This three named muse/singer thinks that if she goes total scorched earth that somehow she will get her ex back. That isn't going to happen.

Blind Item #2

There is no saving the stoner comic actor from his fate. This A- list actor with the goody goody image though, should put out some kind of statement in a hurry about whether he knew a bunch of underage kids were being plied with booze and sexually assaulted at his place.

Blind Item #1

You would think the foreign born A list mostly movie actor could at least match the various spray tans on his body which is what his character would do.

Sunday, July 09, 2023

Blind Item #8

There is a Housewife with a podcast who really doesn't want to explain the whole swinging and swapping thing.

Blind Item #7

This back in the day A list singer in a group who has never been able to make any kind of comeback and is still more well known for something outside her group, was showing everyone last week a recording of her from two decades ago where she is on the floor and a bunch of guys are pleasuring themselves to her naked body and then finish all over her.

Blind Item #6

A daughter of this now deceased A- list comic not named Robin Williams, plays her dad's standup while she is having sex with guys.

Blind Item #5

Despite what you might think about this permanent A list mostly movie actor who is an Oscar winner/nominee, he told everyone a decade ago that the comic actor/former co-star is an awful human being. Nothing has changed since then.

Blind Items Revealed #4

June 29, 2023

This foreign born one named permanent A list singer is being cheated on yet again.


Blind Items Revealed #3 - Kindness

June 29, 2023

The meme actor recently paid all of the tabs in a restaurant.

Timothee Chalamet

Blind Items Revealed #2

June 30, 2023

This A- list actress/host has a very fanciful tale in her upcoming book about the murdered rapper which makes it seem like they were star struck lovers instead of the hookup she was.

Jada Pinkett Smith/Tupac Shakur

Blind Items Revealed #1

June 30, 2023

For the first time that I have heard, the ginger haired one spent two consecutive nights away from the marital home in his local hotel suite.

Prince Harry

Blind Item #4

This former A list rapper turned actor/producer might be trashing industry parties and what goes on at them and the things that happen to young stars at them, but the former rapper did the same thing and played the same game and was used just like the rest of the people who wanted to get ahead.

Blind Item #3

This online tabloid is owned by a big media company. Apparently they must expect some kind of exclusive interview or backstage passes to a concert of this permanent A list singer if they are willing to throw out the no drugs BS.

Blind Item #2

Speaking of horrible things, this former Disney actress used to be passed around by guys twice her age, even when she was underage. They would never pay her though and she is having a hard time selling herself which is why she has turned to grifting.

Blind Item #1

This former A- list actor who was accused of some pretty horrific things from his at the time A list actress significant other, has a new career. Professional steroid taker/body builder.