Monday, January 01, 2024

Blind Items Revealed #14

August 3, 2023

A lot has been said about this actress and her recent death. None if it makes much sense. Apparently, one of her offspring did find a note. Well, actually much more than a note. It was about 50 pages and it looked like the beginnings of a book or at least notes to herself about what the actress wanted to discuss. During her final project, a lot of memories were dragged up by the actress about her life and how a lot of those things were coming to life on screen. Specifically, she wanted to put a stop to certain actors who were seducing young actresses and giving them lifetime STD's. Our actress had a long hard life and one of the reasons she felt it was so hard was because of the abuse she endure at the hands of her dad. The sexual abuse was horrific, but every single day for her entire life she had to come to terms with the STD he gave her during that abuse. So, when she saw actors doing the same thing to young girls and the project she was working on, she decided to go on a vendetta. Obviously, someone probably didn't want her to do that.

Anne Heche

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