Monday, January 01, 2024

Blind Items Revealed #33

October 26, 2023

You would think after so many years, that someone would have just dug up the bones and disposed of them far far away from the ground itself so no one could tie the deaths to the dead A+ lister. You have to go back a long way for the beginning of this one. The office parties at the company were legendary. When the head guy is an alcoholic womanizer who hates his wife, parties at the office are going to be big. They always involved secretaries who worked at the company and were hired for their willingness to sleep with male employees. They were encouraged to bring female friends to the parties and were paid bonuses or given vacation time if the friends they brought ended up sleeping with one of the male co-workers. 

The head guy is known for being sweet and kind and family friendly. Instead, when he was drinking he was a monster and especially so to any woman who displeased him while drunk. If you look back at old film of him, you can see him sexually harassing women all the time and groping them. And that was the stuff they sent out publicly, so you can imagine what he was like in private and drunk. No one is alive any longer who can tell you whether the two women died of an accident or drank too much and died or if they were killed. But both women had spent time with the head guy. The two women died about six months apart. The first one died while there was construction going on at a huge new project being built by the head guy. So, they buried the body there. Six months later, that construction project had stopped, but there was a big ranch on site at the project so they dug up the first one and buried her with the second one  at the ranch.

There they stayed for decades. Like I said, everyone who knew the story was long dead. All we know was that one body had been buried and then exhumed and that one body appeared to have been buried only once. We wouldn't even know any of that except about five years the ranch gave way to brand new construction and during the excavation, the bones were found. The workers were paid to keep quiet and the new head of the company decided to use his power and influence to have them disposed of with no questions asked. 

Walt Disney/Lillian Disney/Walt Disney Studio/Disneyland/Golden Oak Ranch

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