Tuesday, March 05, 2024

Today's Blind Items - Traffick Traffick

What happens when you get a couple of billionaires with sexual perversions and a couple of A list celebrities who make a lot more money doing the bidding of the billionaires than they do being a celebrity. You realize that the market in the US is tapped out for the young men they crave. They had been doing business on that two country island but there are too many STD's running rampant through the island because of all the the sex tourists and the gangs. Don't even get me started on the cannibals. So, they have moved on and are now setting up in a country that is a huge transshipment point to the US. The young men would do anything for these particular A list celebrities, so are signing up for student visas by the dozens and then are shipped (literally on a ship) to a northeast port and then essentially sold off. Yes, it is something straight out of 300 years ago. No women though. These men just want other men.

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