Thursday, April 04, 2024

Today's Blind Items - Fired

It was definitely surprising when this series regular left the show when it was at its peak. He had come in to the show halfway through its run and his persona on the show was making him a lot of money outside the show. A lot of money. That money depended him being on the show. For years, the show runner ignored the way underage extras that he was always hitting on and looked the other way when he could convince them to come to his dressing room on set. Then, with a few episodes left one season, he went too far with a teen who was 14 or 15. He didn't like that she said no when he wanted her to touch him and got angry and pushed her and she broke her arm when she fell to the ground. The parents were threatening all kinds of legal action. The producers and network paid a lot of money to make things go away, but our actor had to go to make the parents satisfied. The parents. The network and producers actually were going to let the guy continue on the show. In fact, the same producers hired him again for a very short lived show, but told him he was going to leave the teens alone. The short lived show was filled with teens and it wasn't long before he was up to his old ways. New network management came in and just decided to shut down the whole show rather than have anything bad happen again.

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