Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Kim Kardashian Playboy Photos Leaked

For a woman who said that she wasn't going to do anything in Playboy that showed her entire body, and doesn't want to have to explain her current actions to her grand kids, this might take some explaining from Kim Kardashian. There are 8 photos in total, and some are full frontal. Guess she thought her grandsons might like looking at what grandma used to look like and what her grand daughters might achieve in life if they really work hard at acting like a slut.
Here are the photos and of course, they are NSFW.


  1. Meh. Like her grandkids won't be well aware what their grams is like - she'll have had plenty more time to illustrate that by the time any grandkids are old enough to pay attention...

    I do not get the fashion for the hairless cooch. Seriously. There she is, very obviously an adult woman - til you get to the bald, child-like labia. Wtf?
    It's just as bad on men - hairless junk looks like a shaved chihuahua. Ugh!

  2. Ok, first off, just because a woman has a big ass it doesn't make her an instant in! :0)

    Second, I have been shaving my coochie for years but after seeing hers, (no offense)it looks so unattractive fully shaved...I think I am going to switch to the "landing strip".

  3. Tania- a lot of poeple go hairless for other reasons. it actaully provides more pleasure that way..just sayin!

    I'd much rather see hairless then some big crazy dirty lookin bush.
    On both men and women.

  4. this whole family just grosses me out!!!

    I'm embarrassed for Bruce Jenner.

  5. Jax, I agree with you there. It does feel better and cleaner but geez...maybe it's just me, but I think it looks weird...although not nearly as awful as the ol' 70's bush. ~screaming~

  6. If you watch their show (Yes, I am guilty) you see that she doesn't really want to do it but her MOTHER insists that she does because it'll be a good opportunity for her. Seriously? What kind of mother whores her daughter out like that?

  7. I hate to admit this but I think there's something up with guys who need to have a shaved look on their g/f's / wives. Just ewww...

  8. @Brenda22: Did you cringe when her little sisters started imitating "Girls Gone Wild?" So innappriate!
    The Mom seems like a total boozehound.
    This show is more addictive than "Kimora" and I actually feel ashamed that I watch it (reruns of course

  9. This comment has been removed by the author.

  10. Is anyone else bugged that these pictures do not look like Kim K.? As in, if I did not know they were of her I would not recognize her?

    The pictures look nothing like her... and she is a very pretty girl. These photo's are horrible. Did they airbrush her a new face?

    It is hard to believe that Playboy used these... the quality is just off. They made a very pretty girl look old and bizarre.

  11. Jax, Jolara,
    yeah I know some people prefer it for the way it feels during sex (though it seems to me there'd be a very small window to have the smooth sex - hair grows back fast & stubble is ouchy!)
    But to me, totally bald just looks wrong. So does the 'landing strip'. Amd ingrown hairs and 'chicken skin' don't help the look. I prefer a tidy triangle - trimmed enough to prevent the soldiers escaping the barracks, without the need to rip hairs out by the roots!

    But cleaner? I dunno. It's kind of a pity that people equate a bush with dirtyness nowadays. Just when did natural body hair become 'dirty'? Sad - and just one more thing to make young girls feel unhappy about their bodies.

    And as Hank mused in an ep of Californication - some hair there reminds you you're with an adult!

  12. Her tits look a lot more natural than I was expecting.

  13. Actually, it's not cleaner to shave everything off. There's a reason we're born with lint

  14. Jesus Christ now anyone that likes a shaved look is secretly a pedophile?
    What planet are you on?? I'd be more concerned at those who make that kinda connection. Liking a clean hairless beav hardly equates with wanting to have sex with lil girls. Sick.

    To each Vajayjay their own I guess.

  15. Twisted- ya but we ain't running around with loincloths etc.

    That's what panties were invented for.

  16. This comment has been removed by the author.

  17. We'll have to agree to disagree on this one. And yes, I do wear panties.

    Well, it depends. Who wants to know?

  18. HAHAH do what you like girl!
    Meanwhile EL is sitting back with his feet on the desk pissing himself that a KK post spurned woment to discuss the merrits of a bald puss. Enjoy ENty!


  19. LMAO!!! Jax, you DO have a way with words, hon.

  20. Speaking of no underwear, what the hell was Nicole thinking?

  21. I'm a professional bikini waxer, and I no longer will wax it all off. My clients don't even request it anymore...just clean it up or do the landing strip thingy.

    I think it's healthy to leave a little hair down there.

    I also agree that it is somewhat disturbing that a man would want a hairless partner.

  22. It makes her look "unreal" in the pictures. I remember when I was younger and shaved. I had a gyno appt and the DR suggested trimming instead.. NOT total hair removal. She explained the reason. So for the record mine is trimmed.

  23. What was the reason, or do we not want to know?

  24. If the only distinguishing factor between a woman and a child is bushy pubic hair, then seriously, said woman needs to invest in some estrogen tablets or something... grown women tend to have boobs and hips too, you know.

  25. twisted, She explained that the hair is there to protect you. Kind of a barrier.I know the debate of it makes things MORE sensitive with the hair gone, but I trim nicely and have reaped the benefits just as well.

  26. That's what I thought, but I figured I'd ask.

  27. I will prolly never revist this site again...came to it by accident, but i realized people were fighting about the "bush"...It is way sexier to be shaved clean if you have a nice toned skinny body. Otherwise it looks like a swollen knee cap. If a girl has a little bit of size to her or just not very lean then an airstrip is the best way to go.. Hair masks chubbiness. If you ladies are not going to groom yourselfs....all i ask for the beauty of the woman is to atleast take some clippers and shave it down (short) and if you have hairs all the way where your legs connect to your pelvis as well as hair starting to grow onto the insides of your legs...just shave it...cause it just looks nasty and cavewoman like...same goes for men...we live in a new age with education and technology...there is no reason to live like they did a million years ago.

  28. look here.. if someone wants to shave themselves bald or with a landing strip or not shave at all thats their preference and its not anyones place to tell them what to do with thier bodies anyhow. if she shaves herself bald thats fine.. its good hygiene. i myself do both. and its for hygiene and i wouldnt want to be with a guy that doesnt have good hygiene or at least groom himself.

  29. Anonymous4:29 PM

    Can't comment on what i can't see.

  30. first, i cannot even get on to see what all the fuss is about anyway;moreover, what is kim kardashian famous for other than being famous? i mean, is she an actress or a singer or anything other than that? what does she do? why should we even be concerned whether or not she has hair on or off? what? who? why?!!!!!!

  31. Why do people care about these people and what they do? I could careless what she does or does not do. That's her stupid business. I have my own problems and I don't need to be concerned with someone elses!!

  32. to each their own I guess.


  34. Anonymous10:08 AM


  35. Oh My Living God!!!!!!!

  36. Oh My Living God!!!!!!!

  37. Exclusio Video: Kim Kardashian NUDE ( VIDEO )


    Enjoy!!! She pretty sexy...
