Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Lane Garrison Won't Serve Maximum Sentence--Gets 3 years 6 Months

Although the prosecutors in this case could have asked for the maximum sentence of 6 years and 8 months, they have refrained from doing so. The judge in the case handed down a sentence of 40 months for Lane Garrison, the former Prison Break star who was drunk behind the wheel of his SUV when he got in an accident which killed 17 year old Vahagn Setian.

The prosecutors for some reason only asked the judge to give Lane a sentence of 4 years 8 months.

The courtroom is packed with friends and family of the victim, most of whom were caught unaware by the low sentence recommendation.
The 40 month sentence means that Lane Garrison will actually serve about 1 year 8 months in prison total. Garrison did address the families of the victims and said he was remorseful and sick that he had done it.


  1. Anonymous11:15 AM

    So this guy was drunk, cause an accident, a minor died and he is only getting 4 years 8 months. But will only serve 1 year 8 months.

    Makes you wonder what type of a Justice System we have.

  2. Wow! That sucks!!! What a great message this sends to all people stupid enough to drink and drive.

    So sad for the family & friends of Vahagn. My condolences.

  3. wonder how many fools will be out tonight driving drunk

  4. Great, so he'll have another DUI within the next 2 years. Way to send a message.

  5. You know a lot of people get 10-15 years and are NEVER remorseful. This guy did the right thing since the accident the ,prosecuters asked for that amount of time. Done -get over it.

  6. Agree with Jax. He did a horrible thing, but at least he stepped up and took full responsibility and didn't try to put blame elsewhere.

    RIP Vahagn

  7. I know Lane and remorseful isn't even a strong enough word for what he's feeling.

    He once said he would have killed himself but he wanted the boy's family and friends to see justice take place and for him to go in front of them and try to convey the way he feels.

  8. ~stepping down from my soap box~ Jax & Kim, you are both right. very good point. And, if truth be told, (head down in shame) I have had a couple of beers and rock crawled in the past. Now I feel like an ass. :0(

  9. The new measure of your little time you get for your crimes.

    This guy got 3+ years - he's a little further on down the totem pole.

  10. I am still wondering why he would party with minors. How dumb and lonely is he?

  11. Jax and Kim have obviously never had a loved one killed by a drunk driver. It doesn't matter how remorseful the man is, he should've gotten more time in prison. His actions killed someone's son.
