Monday, October 15, 2007

NY Post Blind Items

#1 WHICH reality star turned rocker recently had major work done after a minor weight loss? Following in the footsteps of her plastic surgery-addict mother, the young starlet got her tummy tightened and her breasts lifted .

#2 WHICH pint-sized cable hit actor has major depression issues? "He has to speak to his mommy every morning because nobody on his show likes him," said our tipster.


  1. Oh God, first is such a terrible burden. ;)

    I loves me some Kelly O, but this is sooo her for #1.

    #2 - No clue, but also not a lot of interest in shrimpkind in general, so I got nothin. Sorry.

  2. 1- Kello Oz
    2- The Pivert.

  3. #2- Kevin Connolly from Entourage

  4. #2 Brad Williams, the little man from Mind of Mencia?

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. The Pivert is a great guess. He always brings his mother to awards shows.

  7. THE DEVIL!!! A.K.A> LACEY from rock of love???

  8. Lacey was a self-proclaimed "singer/musician" before her lame attempt at reality tv.

    May she be gone, as well as forgotten.

  9. I guess the young guys on Entourage are tired of being cockblocked by an middle aged elf with a coke problem.

  10. #1 screams Kelly Osbourne. So it's probably not her. Although it would be funny since all she talks about is how girls should be comfortable in their own bodies and not try to live up to sick beauty ideals.

  11. come on, now #1 really sounds like Kelly Osbourne

    #2 Jeremy Piven...he just oozes frat boy creepy sexuality...and he seems to be attached to mommy

  12. Is 5'9" considered "pint sized"? Cuz that's the height listed for Jeremy Piven on all his "Bio" pages.

  13. Piven isn't short, and just because he's brought his mom to an award show doesn't mean they're close. Kevin Connolly is five five. That is pint size.

    I think it's Kim Kardashian or Kelly O, except she hasn't lost any weight lately.
