Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Harrison Ford Is A God

Have you ever wondered why people actually drink the grape kool-aid? Have you ever stopped to wonder what kind of people join cults? Well, if you want to find out, just take a drive out to Harrison Ford's home in Wyoming. What originally began as a group of 4 or 5 people has now turned into a group which fluctuates between 20-30 people. What is this group of people doing?

The former Star Wars actor - who plays Han Solo in the hit sci-fi franchise - claims he is hounded by a group of film fanatics praying to him as the leader of the Star Wars-inspired Jediism religion. They spend hours each day in meditation and prayer and see Han Solo and thus Harrison Ford as their God. Ford's reaction is, "It's flattering, but I can't accept their prayers."

Even though I think it is strange, I could actually envision a religion based on Jedi. Fine, whatever, enjoy. But, with that being said, their God should be George Lucas who created all of the characters, and not an actor playing the character. Each time they find a new Han Solo will there be splinter Jedi religions?

If you want to spend a few hours looking at the religion, there are several websites. Here is one.


  1. Anonymous12:15 PM

    this is just sad

  2. Anonymous12:16 PM

    Harrison could be the new L.Ron Hubbard. Scientology got started when Hubbard published a comic book and then found out that there were people that believed his crap was revelation.

  3. Thats creepy. He better hope they don't turn on him I bet those Jedis will cut his ass quick. They sound hardcore!

  4. I have geeked out over a lot of things, but never "Star Wars." I don't get it...
    They seem harmless, for now.

  5. Han Solo wasn't even a jedi

  6. ROTFLMAO. "each time they find a new Han Solo will there splinter Jedi religions?". Classic line. Made my cry on that one. Being Catholic, I appreciate that one greatly.

  7. Now Tom Cruise is going to be on Harrison Ford's ass to convert.

  8. the Jedi religion does not scare me near as much as the DaVinci Code cultists. Now that is some f^cked up sh!t.

    that being said, Harrison Ford should capitalize on this and apply for tax exemption a la Scientology

  9. I am more worried about the Harry Potter fans.

  10. In the 2001 UK census, several thousand people put down Jedi as their religion. Enough to get it noted as a bona fide religion. No sign of anyone over here praying to Harrison Ford though.

  11. i did a good bit of harrison ford worshipping myself (he was a fine specimen once upon a time) until he left his wife and hooked up with that anorexic bitch.

    and i thought his wife got the wyoming property??

  12. I checked out the site and WOW! I love Star Wars, I'm a fan,but....
    All I got to say is somebody is smoking some incredible weed!

  13. christy, I feel like their drug of choice might be more in the line of POP ROCKS.
    weed would do 'em some good.

  14. Why would Jedi-ists worship Harrison Ford? Han Solo was not a jedi. I think he actually made fun of Jedi.

    Not to mention the face that Han Solo wasn't real and Harrison Ford is just Harrison Ford, and is also not a jedi.

    People are dumb.
