Wednesday, January 09, 2008

Blind Item Reveals

May 15, 2007

So a little help with yesterday's item may be in order. How about recently filmed, but not out yet. How about our A list actor was not alone. How about he was joined by another brooding A list actor who happens to be married. No word on whether the married actor partook of the drugs but certainly did partake in the strip club fun.

Married Actor - Sean Penn


  1. So was the other actor Jude Law?

  2. non married Jaoquin?

  3. Or Vince Vaughn who was in "Into the Wild," directed by Sean.

    Thank God RWP is free from that man!

  4. BS! Again! Actually you need to read the previous day for the original blind because the one here was a CYA for the writer. The comments on how ridiculous this "reveal" is and what constitutes wilderness (Tracee thinks Brighton UK is a wilderness area) are worth the read just for laughs.

  5. find a site you like.

  6. Not getting why the original BI wasn't posted, because again it doesn't fit the non reveal? The comments on the original are hilarious though.

  7. Click on the date underneath the headline. It will link you to the original blind.

  8. Which still doesn't say Penn. Come on no one's that desperate to be "in the know" that they'll buy this bullshit?
