Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Ryan Reynolds Interview With BBC 1

I know all of you are in love with Ryan Reynolds. I love his movies, but don't think as a person he is all that fantastic. This interview he did with BBC1 in the UK kind of got me a little more on his side, and shows that he maybe has some compassion in him after all.

In the interview, Ryan talks about the time he met Abigail Breslin who co-stars with him in the new film Definitely, Maybe and how he wanted to spend some time with her prior to filming so they could bond. He really didn't know what to expect with the 11 year old, and it shows.

"I took Abigail out for the day to see if we got along or not. She wanted to go to the museum of Natural History in New York and look at the turtles. I felt like I was 12 when I walked in and 30 when I left. We were there forever.

"Then she dragged me to a toy store. I was longing for the sweet release of death by the third hour of this. I thought, 'I will just buy the kid whatever she wants.' She said, 'I will take that stuffed animal.' I took it and walked to the cashier and gave the guy my credit card. As we were walking out I checked my receipt and it was $300 - for a stuffed animal!

"I couldn't believe it. I said to Abigail, 'This was a $300 giraffe. Did you realize that? You could buy a real one for less!' She said, 'Oh wow!' Then her mother came up and that is when I fell in love with her.

"She told her mom, 'Ryan bought me a $300 stuffed toy - what an idiot!' From that moment on I was helplessly in love with this little girl."

It's nice to see Ryan actually behaving like a normal person. Ryan does his work, and does it well, but he usually does absolutely nothing that is not explicitly spelled out in his contract, and it is very rare for him to do any commentaries on his DVD's. He is not one to do favors or to do anything that is not spelled out in his contracts. So, for once it was nice to see that maybe he is a decent guy underneath it all.


  1. $300 for a giraffe? Screw that. Children are too expensive. I'll get a jade stone massage, an ionic foot bath and a reflexology mani/pedi for that price.

    I can't wait to spend the money on what would have been a child's college fund.

  2. Don't forget the killer abs underneath it all, too!

  3. They must have gone to FAO Schwarz, where you certain can spend three hours and $300.00 before you know it.

  4. Why should he do anything that is not explicitly spelled out in his contract? If the movie people wanted him to do those things, they should negotiate and get it in his contract.

  5. I remember Damian Lewis and Lodge Kerrigan talking about their experience working with her on 'Keane' (standout film, and not seen nearly enough, BTW) - and how she's so grounded. Personally, I know that I prefer to watch her to Dakota Fanning...

    Oooh and Ryan! Yum.

  6. melissa I agree. Can't think of any who do "extras" or "favors" not in contract. This is business no? Riders & amendments are added on if needed.

  7. Honestly, he still seems like a dick to me. Let's just leave him where he was before - hot until he opens his mouth.

  8. I think there are probably people in the business who, if they're asked to do a little something extra, will be good sports and say sure. Apparently, he's not one of them. His response is, "Nope. Not in my contract", which is not how most celebs would handle it.

    I think that's what EL means. Hopefully, he'll correct me if I'm wrong.

  9. He's a hot piece of butter.

  10. I dig Ryan, but that interview seems a little off. All I could think when I was reading it was that she seemed a little old for stuffed animals.

    Has anyone seen the extended preview for this movie? That final scene never fails to make me tear up. Then I get mad at myself for letting such a corny line get to me.

  11. Van Wilder 2 was the "extra" this guy didn't want to participate in. I wouldn't have either. I'd love one example of an actor doing extra favors for mnoey men not in the contract, excluding charity appearances.

  12. i loved the story he did for the Huffington Post about Competetive Eating, very clever and well written.

    oh and he's hot.

  13. Pity about the scientology though.

  14. Awwwww Yeah!!! Love him! lol

  15. kids love stuffed animals at all ages. my 23 yr. old DIL and 22 yr old daughter still do.
    i don't think girls ever out-grow them. and, uh, usually they are a LOT cheaper! maybe it was six feet tall or something, who knows?

  16. I'm not picking on you bunny, but if someone gave me a stuffed animal as a gift, I would be stuffing it somewhere else.

  17. Liked Ryan before I read this (really don't know much about him at all other than how attractive he is) but he's gone up a notch for me. He didn't sugarcoat the time he spent with Abigail and it sounds like children are really not his thing (they are definitely not my thing).

  18. Seeing Ryan with his shirt off makes me gasp.

    Ent, please include him in your next show n' tell.

  19. I actually think he sounds like a dick in this interview. Who offers to buy a gift for someone (a kid no less) and then bitches about the price?
    I thought she was too old to be lugging that monkey at the oscars. I kind of felt that they were trying to encourage that she is a kid still. Like Dakota Fanning wearing all those baby dresses.

  20. ukgrrl--What are you suggesting? That Ryan Reynolds is a Scientologist, too? NFW!!! I refuse to believe it! Damn! Enty--anybody? Please confirm or deny.

  21. Abigail is priceless! Let's all pray very hard that she doesn't end up like so many other child stars.

  22. Ryan isn't a $cientologist. Someone is joking.

  23. Do not be manipulated!
    See for yourself
