Tuesday, March 04, 2008

A Marion Follwup

Yesterday the statements made by Marion Cotillard caused quite the stir not only on this blog, but websites all over the world. I already told you my opinion yesterday, but something that Marion did overnight really made me smile. Even in the face of all the comments and negative press she received about her statements, she didn't cave in. She didn't apologize to anyone, and is not planning on apologizing for saying what she believes.

In contrast, lets go back and look at an actress like Gwyneth Paltrow who said something about preferring to live in the UK, or Jessica Alba not happy to be Latina. Whatever the case situation, the celebrity always backtracks, stumbles and does anything possible to get themselves out of the little rat hole they have dug themselves. They squirm and shake and hope their career doesn't go up in flames, and that people will still care about the crap they espouse.

Marion didn't do that. She says what she believes, and sticks to it no matter the consequence. She doesn't care if she works in the US or not. Again, although I don't agree with her comments, just because she is French doesn't mean she should automatically get slammed. Do you know how many millions and millions of Americans believe there is a conspiracy involving 9/11? As recently as August of 2006, A Scripps Howard/Ohio University poll showed almost a third of Americans, which would be about 100 million people suspect the federal government of assisting in the attacks on 9/11.

So while I agree that Marion's insurance theory is a little out there, I admire the fact that she does not bow to the pressure of the world and just become a sheep. I also think it is ridiculous that at least 40 press organizations and newspapers called the Academy Awards people to ask if they were going to take her award away. To me, that shows even more ignorance than anything Marion said.


  1. EL said:
    " I also think it is ridiculous that at least 40 press organizations and newspapers called the Academy Awards people to ask if they were going to take her award away. To me, that shows even more ignorance than anything Marion said."


  2. Jesus the media did that? eejits.

  3. As recently as August of 2006, A Scripps Howard/Ohio University poll showed almost a third of Americans, which would be about 100 million people suspect the federal government of assisting in the attacks on 9/11.

    Just to clarify that, Ent I do believe some of those polls (maybe not that one in particular) were called out for their wording of the questions they asked.
    I think an example would be "Since the US gave Osama funds in the 80's, do you feel the governemnt is somewhat culpable for what happened on Sept 11th?"

    So 100 million people may be stretching it a bit;)

    As far as this topic goes, she can say what she wants. People can choose to not watch her movies because of what she says, or they can enjoy her amazing acting abilities. Everyone is free to practice what they wish *shrug*

    She earned that Oscar, the haters need to lay off that, though.

  4. I wonder how the oh-so-tolerant French would feel if an American actress who had just won the Palm D'Or said something similar about a French tragedy?

  5. thank you for this post.

    the reason she hasnt said a peep is because she doesnt have a PR system based in hollywood. good for her. i hope it never changes

    and again - i have had so many debates over this in 2 days - besids the insurance thing, MANY celebs would like to say the same stuff. american celebs. but they dont have the balls. good on her.

  6. Jebus - they need to take a look at some of the things Oscar winner Mel Gibson has said as well then - if one person is under a microscope then they all should be.

  7. I think Mel Gibson HAS been under a microscope since his drunken outburst. He'll never be nominated for another award.

  8. But I don't think anyone ever asked him to give his back.

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  10. Dammit..
    dodgy source but


    She's an actress since when did receiving an oscar come with a gag order?

    Oh and is the typo in the title annoying anyone else? :D

  11. If Mel went on his rant immediately after winning an Oscar, I'm sure lots of people would have asked that he give it back.

  12. sorry how can you compare Mel mouthing off anti semetic and racist BS to Marion talking about a conspiracy on 9/11?

    apples and racist drunk oranges.

  13. He was drunk. I'm not defending him. I've had family members say things to me I know they didn't mean when they had too much to drink. I live in NYC,I lost two friends on that day, and it annoys me that celebrities love to blame everyone for 9-11 EXCEPT the terrorists. And it's MY right to be annoyed by people Ms. Cotillard.

  14. some of the people are taking what she said to seriously...I mean she is not moking anyone that lost their lives or their family and friends affected by it she is just saying she doesnt believe everything they say about the terrorists..to be honest most of the people that had sensitive information about the possible terrorist attacks have made millions off the attack and the war... so that does seems pretty fishy

  15. And was the first WTC attack in 1993 also a US conspiracy? We just marked the 15th anniversary of that day here in NYC last week. "Only" six people died then so I guess that wasn't enough to merit any conspiracy talk.

  16. carolmr i am very sorry for your loss. i would like to think personally if i lost someone in 9/11 that i would want the truth more than ever. what marion said did nothing to dishonour the memory of the innocent. if we don't ask the tough questions you will never get the truth and you deserve the truth. if it was the terrorist then keep on track but if it wasn't what they have telling us all along wouldn't you want to know that too?
    we talk about Katrina all the time and it doens't spark this kind of anger and that was something Bush KNEW was going to happen. and that is not theory, watch Spike Lee's When the Levees Broke, it's Bush on videotape being briefed on the gravity of what was going to come.

    This isn't about being a theorist or being sheep..this is about finding out the truth so it can NEVER happen aagain. we owe it to those people.

    sorry for the long post, i'm done.

  17. I hate Bush, but the governor of LA and the mayor of N.O. should both be getting blasted along with Bush, yet they're not. They dropped the ball over and over and nobody says squat about that.

    See, I think it's the hatred for Bush that prompts the conspiracy theories and the reason he alone gets the blame for Katrina. I'm into the hate, but it's got to be rational.

  18. Twist i hear ya..but i'm not kidding you in the movie at the very end is the videotape of the video conference he had with the big wigs of weather and they tell him in no uncertain terms that its going to happen in less than 72 hours and he thanks for them " for telling me about the big storm"
    no shit.
    everyone needs to watch that movie.
    anyway my point wasnt to bash Bush, but to say hello let's talk about this and make sure it doesn't happen again.

  19. It doesn't surprise me, Jax, although I'm not really a Spike Lee/Michael Moore fan.

    Let's make sure a president like Bush doesn't happen again....lol.

    (And I vote both ways - for Republican AND Democratic candidates.)

  20. i'm a big fan of the truth no matter who it comes from but yes i get some people aren't into their work. this was fact right in front of my eyes that couldn't be disputed.

    i actually don't even agree with what Marion said,it's a lil crazy lol but i give her props for having an opinon and actually caring. there are alot of people outside of N. America who don't care about 9/11 anymore. sad.

  21. oh, who gives a shit??? this isn't even a story.

  22. I love conspiracies, and I am willing to listen to every one of them with an open ear because it makes life more interesting.

    She is entitled to her opinion and I admire her for not backing down. With that said, come on! The plane that hit the Pentagon just disintegrated? Where was the wreckage? How come the original damage looks like a missile before the building started to cave in? Ugh - if you want to lie to people, do it right under their nose.

  23. Well, her PR peeps are saying A LOT, the comments werent posted by ENT. So contrary to what is being reported on this blog, Marion IS bowing to the pressure, saying the statements were taken out of context, blah, blah, blah. She hasnt been able to sleep, blah, blah, blah.

    Keep up ENTY.

  24. Yeah, it looks like EL is going off of old information. He also says she couldn't care less if she ever works in Hollywood again, and I just read she's signed on to do two more movies - "Public Enemies" and a film version of the musical "Nine".

  25. Thanks, jax. I'm sure Ms. Cotillard is not trying to dishonor the memory of the 9-11 victims. But these conspiracies coming from the show business crowd are ridiculous. Fire doesn't melt steel? Rosie, try telling that to a steelworker. It was a bomb and not airplanes that destroyed the twin towers? Some people are even claiming that these planes never hit the towers. My sister actually saw the second plane hit the second tower from her office window several blocks away. But Charlie Sheen of Beverly Hills knows better. And, again, what would the French think if an American actress blamed a French act of terrorism on her government or the French insurance companies?

  26. Just to be clear, there are fair number of 9/11 families who believe the gov't had something to do with the tragedy. Just google Jersey Girls.

    The insurance pay-off was only a part of the whole thing, a side benefit if you will. If the WTC hadn't been destroyed that day, the owners were going to have to shell out billions in order to remove the asbestos that is now causing so many health problems among first responders and other residents of NYC.

    Google PNAC and A New Pearl Harbor for the real reason the attacks occurred and were blamed on Muslim fanatics. A traumatic, cataclysmic event had to happen in order to convince the populace to agree to ruinous wars of choice in the ME, both for oil and for US hegemony. PNAC laid out the plans well before 9/11.

  27. I really don't get what her nationality has to do with it?

    Nothing she has said or has supposed to have said has in any way tarnished or belittled the suffering felt by 9/11.

  28. Actually, she has retracted. This is what she said.

    “At no point did I intend to contest the horrific attacks of September 11, 2001, one of the most tragic days in all of history. Nonetheless, I sincerely regret if my comments offended or hurt anyone.”

  29. Jac, one of the comments I'd read from a Hollywood something or other said he felt they were anti-American. I think carolmr may be saying the same thing.

    I think if that's what dragged us into the war, everyone in countries all over the world were affected and have the right to say whatever they want. They're not criticizing America or Americans, mind you, just stating their opinion about what happened.

    I don't believe the conspiracy theories, but I respect their right to state them. ;-)

    Oh, and former brother-in-law had just gotten off the train and left the WTC when the first plane hit, so our family was also affected, but luckily we suffered no loss.

  30. Asbestos was banned in the mid-1970s. It was used only up to the 64th floor of the twin towers and above that substitutes had to be used. I've never heard that the WTC owners had to remove the asbestos that was there. That would be ridiculous because it would just release it into the air which would be harmful and which is exactly what happened after the towers collapsed.

  31. Anonymous1:18 PM

    I think more people are just upset that she opened her big fat mouth on an issue that doesnt concern her, an issue high on emotions. But then, thats nothing new with Hollywood, right? They all think that just because they have an opinion that everyone should have to hear it. Certainly doesnt help that she's French. In fact, that probably makes people even madder. Its no secret that the French cant even think about Americans without at least an internal rolling of the eyes. Why would we want a woman coming from a country who despises us, to win our highest honor, AND cricitize our government as willing to slaughter thousands for the sake of the insurance? I dont blame anyone for being offended by her.

  32. Anonymous1:18 PM

    *highest acting honor, excuse me

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  34. Good god, French people do not despise America!, Where in hell did you get that?
    I'm totally sure it was the Academy that awarded the "highest honour" and not Marion banging down the doors on the judging panel begging for it.
    Its an honour but its an award for acting, its not a bravery medal its not citizenship...its acting.

  35. Jac ignore the troll. She insulted Canadians yesterday and today she's insulting people with babies, babies, and the French. She posts just to piss people off so don't take the bait and just ignore her.

  36. Anonymous2:52 PM

    Ohhh I get it now. I hurt lil Molly's feelers so she's gonna go around warning people about my opinions. Speaking of babies, you're one yourself, if you're getting all pissed off about a random person's opinions. What the hell do YOU care about what I think? Methinks you care a little too much...

    So fucking what. So people with kids are usually morons who dont raise them right. So having children is a fucking every day event that doesnt need a parade. So the French are snotty, and the Canadians repeatedly criticize American culture without actually extricating themselves from it. BIG FUCKING DEAL. GET OVER IT.

  37. Anonymous2:53 PM

    Actually I WISH my only motivation was pissing people off. I could do MUCH better and have a lot more fun with that, if it were my goal to actually irritate you. Hell, I already know what it takes, we've all taken a page or two from Les Suckno.

  38. Yup Jac and God bless children! They're blessings. :)

  39. i know it's redundant to chime in with an 'i agree' comment, but i wanted to say that i'm not a huge spike lee fan (loved 'do the right thing' but have hated all his other narrative films), but 'when the levees broke' is fantastic and totally worth checking out.

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  41. this was fact right in front of my eyes that couldn't be disputed.

    Actually Jax, yes it can. Do some research about that meeting and don't count on a movie that Spike Lee put together with an OBVIOUS agenda in mind to give you all of the facts.

    Google is your friend.

    The fact that you consider yourself open minded yet cite that movie is astounding to me.
