Tuesday, March 04, 2008

This Sucks

I'm sure everyone remembers Lou Pearlman. You know he is the fat guy who started a bunch of boy band groups and was the alleged ringleader of the United States' biggest Ponzi scheme. Lou allegedly pocketed about $500M in the scheme.

Well now, Fat Boy Lou is making a deal with the federal government. Fat Boy if you will recall was arrested in Indonesia where he was no doubt discovering fresh new boys to begin a new label there. Although nothing was ever proved about Fat Boy's love of fresh boys, there were accusations made. Well Fat Boy was supposed to have a trial that started later this week on federal charges. In fact, Fat Boy wanted a trial. More than that, Fat Boy told reporters when he was arrested that he couldn't wait to get out on bond so he could help locate the real thieves. Just like that whole real killer thing. Maybe that is why Fat Boy was hiding in Indonesia. He was looking at young boys to see if any of them took the money.

Now, Fat Boy has changed his tune and is going to plead guilty in exchange for helping the government find some of the money that he stole. Some? No jail sentence has been agreed upon, but I promise you that whatever he gets, and he might not get any jail time will pale in comparison to what a guy gets for stealing food to feed his family.

In this country, the more you steal, the less time you have to serve, which is just basically another way of saying if you are poor you get screwed as many times as possible.


  1. HAHAHA! "Fat Boy." I can't think of a more appropriate nickname.

    I wonder if he s going to be investigated for abusing various members of his numerous boybands in the 90's.

    What a fat fuck! (It sounds better when Susie from Curb your Enthusiasm" says it.)

  2. EL, you know the reason for this is because the government is already burdened when it comes to white collar crime.

    I live in a very nice, expensive area outside the city and I know of five people who committed white collar crime. All pled guilty, which reduced their charges because the government doesn't want to spend their time and money going to trial. Two were under house arrest, one is in prison and the other had 10 days of work release. For those who don't know what that means, you spend ten nights in prison and you get out to go to work each day.

    Crime DOES pay if it's white collar crime, but it's not the laws of our country that are the problem, it's a system that is already overburdened.

  3. I should have added that one hasn't been sentenced yet.

  4. Anonymous9:29 AM

    For anyone who hasnt read it, head on over to vanityfair.com to read the article on this fat pedo fuck.

  5. Gamma, that's the crime I hope he does time for. You know what they'll do to him in prison? He'll be hitting all the high notes.

  6. Jabba the Hut in a suit and tie.

  7. yup there is a reason those Carter boys are so messed up.

  8. Calling him fat is an insult to fat people.

  9. he reminds be of the older brother in Weird Science when they turned him into that slobby pile of sickness towards the end. Was that Bill Paxton? lol. i always get my Paxtons and Pullmans mixed up too.

  10. welcome to Corporate America:

    Where Freedom is not Free
    and Justice is not Blind.

    Speech and Justice are a commodity, bought and sold on the open market.

    thanks, neo-cons

  11. Anonymous12:10 PM

    For someone this disgusting calling him Fat Boy is too good. I would prefer calling him the PervMan. He is so disgusting looking!! You can see that he is a Perv.

  12. Lou Pervman? lol..perfect.

  13. Anonymous1:22 PM

    Pervman is actually much more inventive than...Fat Boy? Again, EL is outdone in wit by his own readers....

  14. promise not to laugh, but what is ponzi?
    and does he only do boys? could he or one of his cronies have anything to do with jamie lynn (sorry, i pulled that one right out of my ass)?

  15. Bionic, a Ponzi scheme is one where you give huge returns to investors, not based on profit, but based on the money new investors are giving you to get in on the deal. It's named after a guy named Charles Ponzi who either came up with the idea or took it to a new level.

  16. no justice no peace

    and Fat Fuck Lou needs to be put in prison. maybe some of the youth he molested will sue after this is over and get him locked up for good.

    I am really sickened to think that they're going to cut him a deal. The guy deserves to have the book thrown at him...

  17. I'm sure he's going to get his eventually. I just really hope that we get to hear about it.
