Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Snorting Vodka Has New Definition

I always thought if you were snorting vodka and getting hammered drunk every night, it meant that you were not sober. Apparently though, Amy Winehouse's dad has a different interpretation. See, he thinks Amy is clean and that "staying out til 5am is what people her age do, she hasn't relapsed. If she's with Kelly Osbourne there's no relapse. Kelly's a drug counselor, so Amy's completely safe with her."

That is a man who is in some serious denial. I can just hear her saying those exacts words to her dad, and him just saying, "uh huh." I'm sure it is possible that he doesn't read the newspapers anymore, but has he noticed that Kelly Osbourne doesn't seem to be in most of these late night photos. It probably is because Kelly is off counseling other drug abusers. Where in the hell that one came from, I have no idea. Probably straight from Amy. Kind of like when a kid says a parent will be home so a party is safe. Yes, a parent will be home, but not specifically at the party. More like a parent will be home somewhere in the city.

I thought this guy was smarter than this.


  1. Is this another spoof? Robert Downey Jr has more qualification to be a drug counselor than Kelly Osbourne does.

  2. Kelly is a drug counselor?!?!!?! Didn't we see her being held up and carted out of a club just recently???

  3. There's nothing worse than the loss of a child, whether we're talking about the emotional loss, spiritual loss or physical loss. When you lose a child to drugs you lose them in all three ways.

    I feel so sorry for her father. This has to be painful. If he's in denial it's because he can't deal with the pain of reality at this point. Give the poor guy a break.

  4. Hmmm I've been clean 6 years now. I'm glad my parents stepped up with the tough love and bullshit detectors when they did or I may have lost that fight completely. He needs to open his eyes and take a good, honest look at who his daughter is hanging around. Yeah, it's painful, but it's your job as a parent. Yes, even if your child is an adult. **Especially** if your child is an adult.

  5. Sigh. It frustrates me to no end when people don't understand that addiction is a lifelong disease. As the child of two alcoholics, I hope she gets her shit together soon. She has way to0 much talent to go down this path.

  6. Hey Jesse d, congrats on being clean for 6 years. You just keep adding to that number!

  7. Anonymous11:21 AM

    Addiction is not a disease. Its a physical addiction. Physical addiction does not equal a disease. She's simply in a cycle of self pity and depression, and refuses to take the necessary steps to get out of it, because she's enjoying it too much, and doesnt want to/is afraid of putting in the hard work to stop. Or she's mentally weak. I'd say its that mental weakness that usually creates the cycle of addiction in the first place.

    And before I get jumped on for saying addiction isnt a disease, I just feel that way from my extensive firsthand experience. The word "disease" becomes a cop out to prevent anyone from having to take personal responsibility and use effort and will power and self control to keep your life in order. Those of us with real diseases really resent addiction being called a disease.

  8. I'm no doctor, (I only play one on TV), but I've never agreed with addiction being referred to as a disease.

  9. Califblondy...lol...

    It is a disease, though. There are neurochemical and molecular changes in the brain making it a medical condition and a disease. This is why people go through physical hell trying to get off the stuff. It's not just in their minds.

  10. Anonymous12:21 PM

    I'll agree that its a medical condition. But disease...that usually carries connotations of "its not my fault, its my body's fault, it just did this to me". I guess that kinda gets into a gray area.

  11. actually, i believe it's both. we do it to ourselves, but the there's the psychological addiction and the physiological addiction. that's why the body has to detox, and you need to do it under a doctor's supervision.
    but i agree both with twisty AND with jesse on this one, a little of this, a little of that.

    but i don't get the vodka snorting thing. anybody who's ever laughed too hard while drinking a COLA knows what i mean. and why vodka? my whole face hurts just thinking about it.

  12. Can someone please explain to me how you can snort vodka without drowning?

    Do you think if I put vodka in my Neti Pot that it could cure some sinus problems?

  13. brenda, i'm pretty sure death would cure your sinus problems. :)

  14. Anonymous12:23 AM

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  15. Anonymous12:26 AM

    Amy doesn't seem to want help and if she doesn't want it, what can you do? She's an adult. She's going to make her choices and if all of her choices take her to a sad ending, it's no one's fault. I really hope she does clean up though. For a tiny femme, she has a big voice. I wish I had talent like her's.
