Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Wrong Priorities Brooke

Since I know Brooke Hogan trolls the internet looking for bloggers who comment about her little quips on her MySpace page, I hope she gets a look at this. In her recent post, Brooke "I look like my dad, and not in a good way" Hogan had this to say about her best friend and dad sleeping together.

"I think she should of thought about what kinda press she was gonna get when she slept with her best friend's famous father. "I think we're all seeing just exactly how karma works Christiane. Nothing you say will ever put my family back together."

How exactly does karma work with all the crap that the Hogan family has put the Graziano family through? I don't see Brooke railing against everything her family has said about that situation. Making the crash seem like John's fault hardly seems like a sure fire winner to make karma happy. Maybe karma is using Christiane to get pack at the Hogan family. Or also it could be that Hulk Hogan just couldn't keep his dick in his pants. I can't decide.


  1. I think she and Rumor Willis should do a show!

  2. Anonymous8:06 AM

    ugh, that much fug at the same time would break my lcd.

    ent, i don't think Brooke thinks of anything other than herself. And Hulk's dick can't be that strong as many steroids as he popped back in the day.

  3. the hogan family (along with the spears) is a perfect example of what happens when white trash gets too much money.

    $$$ + mansions + new cars does not = class

  4. Yeah, because ya know...her dad had NOTHING to do with screwing her friend...

    Just like her drunken brother who was driving had nothing to do with the state John Graziano is in.

    What a bunch of white trash morons.

  5. I think Brooke should get into wrestling so her Dad can body slam the bitch into the canvas.

  6. And it's interesting that the dumb kunt complains about her female friend when it was her FATHER that cheated on her mother! Where is her outrage at her philandering steroided father?

    Look, the family is seriously fucked up. Look at her lil bro and his problems.

  7. And Christiane Planke was Brooke's best friend? What the hell is a teenager doing hanging out with a 33 year old skank?

  8. El i'm surprised you didn't post about the new info that the second car that was racing Nick Hogan that night was registered to Hulk as well.

  9. She's just pissed because she is used to getting all of Daddy's attention.

  10. This family has some interesting values. Interesting as in fucked up.

  11. Anonymous11:14 AM

    Her blog post was in response to Christiane sticking up for herself, saying she hadnt sold her story, and was in fact blindsided by the paparazzo's depth of insider information, and was so shocked that she admitted it. I think Brooke, in childish "revenge", leaked the story. Hence this little Myspace retort. She wants all the attention on herself and the sympathy vote.

    But of course she wont rail against her dad on Myspace. Wouldnt want to take away from the family income flow.

    Hey Brooke, if you DO read this stuff: Your family is trash, you have no talent, no one wants to hear from you, or see your trannylicious fug face and bod, your family's refusal to take personal responsibility for what happened to John Graziano and the outright LIES to the press have DESTROYED your credibility and career, and now people care less about you than they did before. You're officially over. MOVE ON. NO SOUP FOR YOU. NEXT!

  12. But of course her DAD had absolutely NOTHING to do with it....

  13. Anonymous12:17 PM

    Hey Jax, where did you get that info? I dont see it anywhere online.

  14. My biggest problem with her little rant is her utter ignorance of the English language:

    "I think she should of thought about..."

    That makes absolutely no sense. She doesn't know the difference between a preposition and a verb.
    Christ, pretty soon everyone's going to be illiterate.

  15. Uh, did this Graziano guy like save a family of 15 from a burning building, or rescue the world's cutest baby from a shark or something that I missed? I know he was in the military and that's just super, but why is everyone still wringing their hands over him? As far as I can tell the night of the accident you had two kids out driving around in a fast car, getting their kicks, racing some other kids (Now, I'm not saying this was smart but it happens, all the time.) and unfortunately this guy couldn't be bothered to wear a seat-belt, which is a shame since seat-belts are good and comas are bad. Case in point, Nick is doing just fine. But, this guy didn't do that. In a high performance vehicle, driven by a young and less than highly experienced driver. I know, I know "he races" but whatever, he's a young, cocky driver, who better to wear a seat-belt with than a cocky young guy who thinks he's awesome?!

    I'm sure that until the moment Nick lost control of the car, "the kid who wasn't wearing a seat-belt and is therefore not feeling so great anymore" was enjoying himself, not screaming "stop Nick, please stop this is highly unsafe behavior and I've forgotten to fasten my safety belt, oh please stop Nick, I beg of you." So, hate the Hogans all you want, it's fun and easy, just look at them, it's a bounty of hate just waiting to be enjoyed but enough with the "WHY WON'T SOMEONE PLEASE THINK OF THE INNOCENT VICTIM (who wasn't wearing a seat-belt that he could have put on all by himself but didn't because he chose not to)!!!!" nonsense. Seat-belts are good, not wearing them is stupid and this guy... Well, cause and effect.

  16. Trix it was on TMZ last week. they had found docs supposrting that the silver viper beelived to be racing was in fact registered to Hulk. ill see what i can find.

    this should do it!


  17. monkey- we're too busy hating on the assholes responsible for the accident to start blaming the victim.

    check back later, we may have lost our souls by then.

  18. looks like ent got his wish^.
    monkeyhelper is a very clever name, brooke. so glad you came to visit us here at CDAN.

    jax, i hadn't heard that either. thanks for the link!

  19. there was an even bigger story on TMZ when it first broke but it suspiciously is missing.
    very weird.

  20. Watch this be their first and last post. (yawn)
