Friday, April 04, 2008

Ashton Makes It A Little Obvious

Let me see if I get this straight. No paps ever follow Lisa Rinna. She has to go to them. Yet somehow, Lisa Rinna ends up on a balcony in a bathrobe drinking wine with an 18 year old kid who has a sock in his pants and the pap just happen to be right outside the correct balcony at the correct time to take photos. There are about ten photos in the set and this is as close as they actually come to kissing in any of them. Lisa is laughing so hard that a kiss would probably be impossible anyway.

The only way that kid would be with Lisa is if she were chaperoning his high school prom or paying him lots and lots of bucks. For a woman who really has no remaining natural parts she is not bad looking, but to think that guy would be interested in her without some form of compensation is just not believable.

Ashton needs to start becoming more creative or this idea of his is going to go nowhere. Now, if he came out and said his marriage to Demi was part of a five year prank, and that he is really her adopted son, then that would be cool, and would explain a great deal about why Bruce hangs out with Demi so much. What they should have done is left a bathroom door open at a restaurant, and had Lisa's husband bent over the sink looking like he is doing lines of coke. Now, that would get some attention and some press.

All of the above comments go for the Marla Maples, Bachelor dude photos as well.


  1. Okay, I'm lost. What does Ashton have to do with the pictures?

  2. ihave yet to flip past this stupid show, is it possible to jump the shark after 3 episodes?

  3. he has a dumb ass show called Pop Fiction where he gets celebs to Punk the papas with dumb photo ops and set ups. April pregnant, Mario lopez and Eva...etc. its totally obvious and figured out b4 the show even airs.

  4. jeezz...Avril pregnant. sowwy friday brain.

  5. Ohhhhhhhh....thanks, Jax. EL shouldn't assume we're following Ashton's every "career" (cough, cough)

  6. Anonymous9:57 AM

    Funny thing is, this is the second show that Ashton has basically stolen!

  7. i was lost too. thanx jax. i don't know that show. sounds stupid.

  8. @Jax.....another hilarious avatar. hahahahah it's the best. Fookin priceless.

  9. i know its my fav!!! travolta clapping gleefully behind Poprah at one of her shindigs. gay much?

  10. LMAO!!!!!! I didn't look at the larger version until crazypeanut mentioned it.

    He's the gayest gay who ever gayed!
