Friday, April 04, 2008

Hulk Hogan Gay?

Oh, wait a second. I guess that is a woman. I think. Are those breasts? No, not the ones on Hogan. The other person. She/it reminds me of that woman that Howard Stern used to always have on his show who said she was a woman but no one believed her. She finally took a test, and turns out she was a woman. Kneepads Magazine has obviously taken sides in the divorce proceedings and realized that Hulk's wife doesn't really have much of a future. Kneepads says that Hulk Hogan is in a much better place now that he is with Jennifer. Oh, huh. Well she has a woman's name, so we will go with woman for now. I mean Brooke is a woman or so people tell me, so I guess this person could be as well.

Kneepads Magazine said this photo is Hogan frolicking with Jennifer. Hey People how about that cover story with John Graziano. When is that coming out? I don't think he is going to be doing much frolicking in the near future. Where is the mention of the lawsuit against the Hogans and the pending criminal charges? None of that huh? Nope, just a lot of crap like the following sentence, "Best known for laying the smack-down, Hulk Hogan showed his softer side this week in Miami Beach – splashing around with new girlfriend Jennifer McDaniel."

Excuse me while I go throw up.


  1. is this brooke's girlfriend that he slept with or a new girlfriend? all the women in his life have the same look, over-bleached, over-tanned, manly and dull.(and poor fashion choices)

  2. Cap, no, her friend was Christiane Plante.

  3. And AMEN that they're all plastic cut outs of one another.

  4. Ew Ew Ew! I will never be the same.

  5. she looks like Debbie Rowe...aka Mrs. Michael Jackson/ baby mommas.

  6. Yeah, a little bit. Maybe she's gonna have his fake babies and then give them to him as a present.

  7. Oh Jesus, Hulk Hogan looks like a charred piece of leather.

    Stay out of the tanning bed, kids.

  8. Many years ago when I was probably 10 or 12, I loved wrestling and the Hulk, but come on, he JUST announced the divorce, had a fling with one woman, and now is swimming with another? What the hell?
