Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Oprah Pulls Out The Kneepads

Harpo Productions released this photo of Oprah and Tom after she interviewed Tom at his home in Colorado. Various news outlets are reporting that Oprah asked Tom some tough questions like why he jumped on the couch, and why he freaked out when he was with Matt Lauer.

Harpo and their carefully planned leaks are making it seem as if Oprah was asking the really tough questions. Ummm. Do you think Tom Cruise would be flashing his trademark fake smile if Oprah had asked any tough questions? Do you think Tom would have agreed to do part two at Oprah's studio if she asked tough questions? Do you think any Scientologist or any celebrity would ever go on her show again if she asked tough questions? So, why on earth would they have us believe they asked tough questions? Because all the news outlets that are reporting the tough question angle, are also dependent on having celebrities on their programs and so they all follow in line.

Two hours on Oprah with the bulls**t excuse of the 25th anniversary of Risky Business. Good movie? Yes. Great movie? If you like hookers and sex. 25th Anniversary on Oprah good? Please. If it had been the 25th anniversary of Losin It they would have thrown that up there also. This is just a last ditch effort at Tom trying to save what is left of his career before people just tune him out until he is playing grandpa roles in his 70's.


  1. THIS is the pic they released? oprah looks: a. scared, b. like she is desperate to get away from tommy and his teeth.

  2. Wow! They really did a good job erasing those carry-on bags she usually stows under her eyes, eh?

  3. I actually saw a wee bit of footage from the interview last night, and she actually does ask him questions about the things he's said, whether he feels they're misinterpreted, etc. He isn't smiling when he answers, but then again, he is an actor. Anyway, I'll watch it. I've never figured Oprah for a fool, and she knows what people are wanting to hear.

  4. In addition to trying to save his sad career, Tom has apparently been told to recruit more Black celebrities into COS. He got Will Smith and O would be a big score. She's not that stupid, but she goes out of her way to kiss Travolta's butt and they do have a history closeted gays and maybe she wants the Gayle rumors to die down.

  5. Why this picture is supposed to improve things, I don't know. It looks like Tommy is clearly off his rocker again, and O is trying to escape his lunacy zone.

    "Haha, Tom! (Where is that helicopter?!) You're so funny! (I am so firing my chauffeur)"

  6. Tommy Boy is using his infamous death grip.

  7. I think Tommy Boy knows that everyone thinks he's crazy and that makes him crazier. Look beyond the death grip and the manic smile and all you see are sad clown eyes.

  8. I wonder if Opes is now publicly declaring herself Camp Cruise, not Speilberg? That's pretty "risky business" in itself, and the Hollywood Wars latest installment mentions a confrontation betwee Mrs.Moviemaker and "Talks for a living"...hmmm, makes this a MUCH more interesting story. BTW, I think Oprah has her head up her ass. I'm pretty sure her "path to enlightenment" with Mr Tolle will swing soon to the CoS. I'm pretty convinced she already believes she can fly now....

  9. I also think elsiefire is on the right track. SO interesting... Isn't there supposed to be a big bombshell dropped soon?

  10. You'd have to read Eckhart Tolle's book before you could understand the extreme differences between it and Scientology. It's pretty vast, and is rooted in Buddhism and Christianity. Scientology is totally different and there is no comparison.

    Tom Cruise is weird, this is true, but he managed to gather a fairly huge fanbase over the past twenty-something years and has developed some serious business relationships along the way. If he hadn't, he'd have been written off as soon as the Scientology nonsense started up. This is totally a business thing for Oprah. Ratings will be huge for her show, as her producers are well aware, and I don't think she's a stupid woman. You don't get to where she is by being dumb.

    And the gay rumours about her just need to go away. She's not gay, she has a best friend, which is not uncommon. Why are people do people always have to regress to middle school whenever they see two people who enjoy each other?

    I won't try to debate the Tom Cruise gay rumours, though. Or John Travolta either. Sometimes smoke actually indicates fire.

  11. I liked Oprah better when she was helping lock up sex predators and giving away free stuff. Her ass kissing of Hollywood celebs as well as Washington politicians makes me puke. I took her off my Tivo schedule a LONG time ago.

  12. I agree with sheetrock. The only reason that I liked Oprah was because she would explore a topic on her show; anorexia, soccer mom prostitutes, infanticide in India, hoarders, etc. She's good at that stuff.

    But I CANNOT stand when she does celebrity shows. They are boring and cringe-inducing.

    And now, with her blatant ass-kissing of the Scientology crew... She's aligning herself with these people and I can't figure out why.

  13. sheetrock, for some reason, I like her more now. I don't know why. Maybe it's the philanthropy and whatnot, but I became annoyed with her show years ago when it seemed to be about desperate housewives or sexual deviance. Don't get me, these things are enjoyable on some level, but now I find that her show is able to make me tear up, which is hard to do. Maybe I'm getting old.

  14. jesus we need to start some Oprahisms like Chuck Norris.

    When Oprah does push ups she doesn't push up, she pushes the world down.


  15. Beautiful Jax.

    I agree with sheetrock and elsiefire.
    What is this Mrs. Moviemake etc. thing that was referenced?

  16. Of course she's going to ask the 'tough questions', just so he can whine that he's misunderstood and he has a great relationship with 'Kate', and while he believes what he said about antidepressants, he's sorry he hurt another human being blah blah blah more cult-like brainwashed blather.

    Damage control 101.

  17. Twisted, I think you're right. I think his people went to her and said 'Let's try to put a different spin on it, and this is what you should ask him'. Would any of us put him on if it were our show? Hell yes, it's called ratings. Honestly, the only person who might actually bring out the dirty laundry is Martin Bashir, and isn't around much these days.

    I don't think people are stupid, though. Most people will be watching for the sensationalistic aspects of the thing, not for clarification or truth. Just another train wreck. I'd watch if Britney came on too, incidently. It's television, it's a suspension of reality on principle.

  18. Kat, amen! I may watch just for shits and giggles.

  19. Kat, Oprah is a bore for me. And if her show is hitting an emotional note in you then, yes, it might be time to sign up for AARP.

  20. Yes, "death grip" is a perfect description of how he handles women. Gross!
    He used to be so cute. Now--scary and icky.

  21. Anonymous11:22 AM

    Wow I knew the whole thing was just one big damage control circle jerk the minute I read "25th Anniversary of Risky Business". My god, its not like Risky Business is freakin' Star Wars.

    They should just have a show called Celebrity Circle Jerk. At least you'd know what you were getting when you'd watch it.

  22. @littleoleme - The Mrs Moviemaker reference is to this website: http://www.sentenial-gatekeeper.net/thegate/articles.php?cat_id=2

    Makes for a very interesting read-long, but fun! It blatantly appears to be chronicling the breakdown of the Speilberg/Cruise friendship, and has some very entertaining bits...ESPECIALLY the "Talks for a Living" Character later in the posts. Have fun if so inclined to read.

  23. It looks like I am going to have to retreat to my "happy place" for these people to just GO AWAY

  24. Lol sheet,
    Or, it could be a sign of maturity on an emotional level. Cynicism was my thing for years, and then I realized it didn't do a damn thing for me. For some reason I can quite shake celeb gossip. Ah well, baby steps.

  25. I have nightmares about OW and Co$ in the West Wing.

    If OW suddenly decides she's going to stand for office at any level, and she's still kissing Co$ ass, it's pretty obvious what the plans are.

  26. The whole Moviemaker thing reminds me of Shimmy.

    Looks like a fake background in this picture.

  27. @ trix: No shit - "Risky Business" isn't even "Sixteen Candles" or "Ferris Buehler". Hell, it's not even "Clueless". And back in the day I was the target demographic.

    It still sucked balls.
