Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Star Wars Sex

I'm sure there are lots of people throughout the world who are just dying to know that Carrie Fisher has admitted to having sex with Harrison Ford while filming Star Wars. Apparently the two have always denied anything romantic going on between them. As a guy, I take the position that you don't need anything romantic going on to have sex. I know, I know. That's why I have been divorced six times.

So for all of you Star Wars geeks around the world, Carrie Fisher did the nasty with Harrison Ford during filming. Message boards around the world are probably shaking. Guys in storm trooper uniforms are crying right now. I'm sure many of life's mysteries regarding Star Wars have been solved by this piece of news. I think I am a better person for not knowing what any of those life's mysteries are.

In an interview with UK television, Carrie Fisher said she was going to get in trouble for revealing the fling. In trouble from whom? Do you think Harrison Ford even cares who he had sex with 30 years ago? Oh, was he married at the time? Well he isn't married to her anymore. He might get a phone call and his ex might call him an a-hole, but, I don't think it is going to change anything from the past.

"I had a crush on Harrison for sure. Harrison is great fun when he's had a few drinks. Once I left the room and came back and he was in the closet not wearing a lot of clothes."

What is it with celebrities and having sex in confined places such as closets, and bathroom stalls. Wonder if he used a light saber?


  1. Come on, Ent, it's method acting, and it made for a really good performance.

    Think about it: how much better would attack of the Clones be if Hayden and Portman got it on (sic)

  2. Anonymous10:29 AM

    I should be a method actor so I can excuse my drug use and promiscuous ways.

  3. Who the hell can blame her? Shit, I'd still hit that...

  4. Majik: could you blame Harrison either?

  5. @Leah:

    Farking hilarious! Thanks for that.

  6. Beautiful!!!! I bet it was hot sex too!

  7. This confirms my suspicions about
    R2D2 amd C3PO.

  8. "you came in that thing? you're braver than i thought."

    oh, i would have done him until he took up with than skinny skank. i really hate calista flockhart. she ruined him for everybody.

  9. Okay... so two grown ups had sex in the 80s. Whoop de damned do. Adults do that, so who cares if Fisher and Ford did? Heck, back in those days, (Fisher's coke fiend years) Fisher looked damned good, so cheers to Ford for tapping that just in time before she got clean and exploded.

    Nope. Don't think this so-called "news" of yours will make me cry in my bucket. I don't worry about these sorts of things nearly as much as you appear to.

    And you call us Star Wars fans geeks? Pfft.

  10. I'd do Han Solo. And you know all boys dream about doing Princess Leia. This is the hottest piece of gossip I have heard in a long time!

  11. Anonymous9:59 PM

    Han Solo is my ultimate crush, with Harrison Ford a close third behind my husband.

    Sigh. Good for you, Carrie =)
