Thursday, June 05, 2008

Apology Number 3 And Counting

If she could get a visa, I would advise Sharon Stone to travel to China and spend the next six months in the earthquake devastated region of China. I would tell her to provide whatever assistance she could, live where the relief workers are living, eat what they eat, live how they live, and to do this all with no publicity. At the end of six months she could come out and then things would be better.

Unfortunately Sharon Stone listens to no one but her self and thinks that only her opinion matters and that she thinks she is relevant. She's not. She is a bitter hag of a woman who somehow managed to take a scene in a movie and make it a career. How she even hangs on to a career is beyond me, but she is watching it go bye bye now.

You don;t think it is going bye bye? Well she is on apology #3 after the first two didn't take. They didn't take because they were insincere and the third is even worse. I can just picture Sharon sitting around in her robe screaming at agents, managers and the woman cleaning the gunk between her toenails while wondering why there is no money coming in.

I am actually surprised Sharon hasn't somehow tried to exploit her kids in one of these apologies but then she would have to remember their names and so that may be beyond her ability right now.

In her latest apology she blames the media, the person quoting her and the fact that she was distracted.

"Yes, I misspoke. I could not be more regretful of that mistake. It was unintentional. I apologize, those words were never meant to be hurtful to anyone, they were an accident of my distraction and a product of news sensationalism."

It was intentional. Those thoughts were well formed and she meant every word she said. To blame it on news sensationalism and everything else shows she is still more interested in making excuses than admitting guilt, and until she does change, she is still going to be stuck in her house with no job because no one will want her or be seen with her or work with her. Would you?

If she takes my advice it would be over and done. Don't take my advice and honestly, I don't think she works again ever unless it involves asking people if they want it supersized.


  1. Goes to show you that even people with high IQ's can be some of the dumbest people around.

  2. Was that high IQ of her's for real? I thought I read something that it was all B.S.

    Somehow, if she can get in the country, I see a trip to China in her near future with a camera crew along to capture every touching moment.

  3. Oh ya, somewhere Joe Eszterhas is laughing his ass off.

  4. Maybe she can evoke a loved-one dying of cancer in her next apology, a la the Denise Richards Method of Excuses.

  5. She'd best not set foot in China. She'll be torn apart - literally. But not even that can fix stupid. She's done, and it was high time.
