Thursday, June 05, 2008

The World Is F**ked Up Part 64

I don't even know where to begin. I have started and stopped this post so many times because it pisses me off so much and so I guess I am not thinking straight. According to the new issue of In Touch Heidi and Spencer have earned $3M in the past two years.

Yep, $3M. Let's break that down shall we? Each day for the past two years they have made $4,109.59 each and every day. How much do you make a day or a week or a month? Work hard for your money? I bet you do. What about if you are at home right now taking care of your kids? How much are you earning for that? What? The extra $300 rebate from the government per kid whoo hoo. Lets go to Applebees and celebrate. What you are doing is contributing to society like each and everyone of you. Well except for Denise Richards.

What do Heidi and Spencer do? Nothing? How do they contribute to society? They don't. They denigrate it, take it further to the lowest common denominator, and at the same time are being paid more for that than 99.5% of all people in the US.

They have no skill. They serve no purpose. They are not actors in the sense we think of actors. What they are is a representation of what is wrong with the function of celebrity today. It is not about talent, it is about marketing. Sure, in the past the studios had a publicity system that drove the popularity of the actors that worked for them, BUT, and this is a big but, the studios generally only put their powerful publicity machine behind someone who actually had talent and who actually had a future. If someone had no talent, then the studio system could not make them a better actor. They might have a brief flicker, but then they were gone.

The teen stars that Tigerbeat in the 70's promoted and that Disney does today differed in the sense that the people they promoted had actual talent. Say what you will about David or Shaun Cassidy or the whole HSM franchise, but the fact is there is talent there and a skill and as such were rewarded for it. Do I think it is and was too much? Yes, but at least I could swallow it. I can't swallow the whole Heidi and Spencer thing or any of the reality people that have no talent other than the ability to be invited to events and keeping their faces known and thus creating more demand for appearances and fees.

It is striking that when you read the In Touch article, it is pointed out that Heidi's singing has not made any money or has her acting or her fashion or anything tangible. The only thing that is making them money is people willing to pay to see the couple. To make matters worse it is going to provide an entire generation with a career choice. When you ask a kid what they want to be when they grow up, the answer should not be someone who shows up at parties and gets paid for it.

When asked about it, this is what Spencer had to say. “My hustle is just too crazy,” he says. “I’m trying to take over the world!”

That is what I am afraid of. A world of Heidi and Spencers.


  1. I wouldn't walk across the street to see either one of 'em. Another case of being famous for absolutely nuttin'.

  2. Anyone else here live in Los Angeles and listen to Kevin and Bean on KROQ? They do a bit called "Spencer the Love Dispenser" where people can call in and ask "Spencer" for relationship advice.

    They are totally mocking him for the tool that he is. It's a funny bit except that it is at the same time utterly galling in that this douchebag is even part of our cultural psyche.

  3. i think we could raise $3M and get them 'taken care of'

    i know people.

    (passes hat)

  4. Ugly fucking fake tits and no talent. This is how it leads to a world of Idiocracy.

  5. Listen, I'm not bitter or anything, but GOOD GOD ALMIGHTY.

    How can anyone pay these no talent, sleezy pieces of crap that much money?

  6. Enty -You know that gun you were gonna use on yourself because you thought Paris might be preggo - well SWEET JEEBUS go get it and use it on these two wastes of air and skin... please I beg you by all that is sacred DO IT NOW!!!

    I got a crazy hustle for that stupid piece of crap known as Spencer (aka steve sanders) i'd like to crazy hustle his albino ass off a 20 story building into a woodchipper...

    whew.... i'm a little testy today!must be time for my meds

  7. There can be some shallow comfort taken in the fact that these two are not bright people, and are definitely not putting that money into any sort of investment or savings vehicle that could sustain them and their sickening lifestyle for even six months after MTV finally decides to drop The Hills and Heidi and Spencer are no longer in demand anywhere except the odd county fair or car dealership opening. What will they fall back on then? "Work" of any sort is definitely out of the question. With any luck they'll even owe substantial back taxes and might go to jail. One can only hope...

  8. Jax, can I sen you my contribution?

  9. Jax - here's two bucks. It's all I got but I think you can get a discount on a hit man.

  10. wow with Cyn's donation it brings us up to $1.6billion and change.

    not too shabby for 2 hours work.

  11. Anonymous2:29 PM

    your part of the problem Ent. you and every other blogger who keeps giving exposure to these no talents. stop bitching or stop acknowledging that they exist.

  12. this is really depressing.

  13. You know, Ent, I wasn't even going to read this, but it caught my eye that these two are actually getting PAID.

    I'll kick in for the hit man.

  14. "That is what I am afraid of. A world of Heidi and Spencers. "

    Unfortunately Ent, this is what we already have, a world of Heidi, Spencer, Paris, Britney, Miley....

    I'll just said Amen to what everyone else has said and offer to paid the hitman myself if he will take out Miley first.
