Tuesday, June 03, 2008

Has She Actually Ever Done Any Acting?

As Pamela Anderson makes the rounds for her new reality show she has been doing interviews. And when I say rounds I mean press interviews and not some attempt at the world record for sleeping with the most guys in one weekend. Although, come to think of it that would be one hell of a reality show. And I'm an equal opportunity guy. I agree it would be just as much fun to see a guy go for the world record also, although I'm guessing he would probably die about Saturday evening.

Anyway, back to Pamela and her rounds. She is saying that the reason she is doing a reality show is that acting is too much work. Umm, I'm searching my memory, and granted, it is a little foggy, but I have never noticed a difference between Pamela and any of her characters. I guess she could be referring to the process of remembering her character's name or memorable lines such as "wow" or "ouch" or "don't pull my hair so hard."

What I think it boils down to is that she is doing a reality show because no one would give her another scripted show. Plus, as she admits she feels she is irrelevant if no one is filming her. I think she has proved that with a boyfriend or two huh?

As an incentive to get people to watch her show she says it is completely unscripted and totally spontaneous, so you will hear such classic lines as "wow" or "ouch" or "not again Tommy, I mean Rick, I mean Kid, or whatever your name is."


  1. I HATE her eyebrows, I wish she'd go back to natural instead of those penciled in clownlines. She'd look so much better.

  2. I'm probably in the minority here, but I have to fess up and admit that I laughed more than once while watching her last show, 'Stacked'. What happened to that show anyway? I mostly find her to be a cartoonish parody of the greater sex symbols of the past, but I can't write her off entirely. I really think she has a comedic flair, however slight it may be. That said, don't know if I'll be watching the reality thing. I'm reality tv'd out, and it seems like the thing to do when no one wants you in their films or tv shows anymore. Basically, washed up tartlets trying to make themselves appear interesting. I'm over it.

  3. she may be a slut but she never hurt anyone.

    and Star was a great read! she needs to write more and forget the camera.

  4. I loved VIP, but that was because of the other characters...her character could have been any blonde, dumb actress.

  5. ...Her eyebrows above the dark sunglasses are freaking me out...

  6. Now, now, now...she has acting chops. Just look at how she didn't laugh *directly* in Bret Michaels' face during their sex tape. She even held it together when he kept the headgear on...that's TALENT.

  7. OK. What's scarier: the grandma-brows (why do all surviving women who were about 18 in the 1930s LACK EYEBROWS and draw them in?) or the fact that Pammy matched her lipstick to her dress?

    Pammy, show us the nail polish. $5 says it matches, too.

  8. But she is funny sometimes. Played it up great in Borat. Does have enough chops to laugh at herself.

  9. I have to say, Pam doesn't offend me as others do. She doesn't pretend to be anything that she's not, no fraud for this girl. So even though she's an A-1 skank, she acknowledges as much and doesn't pass herself off as clean or pious, and there's a certain integrity in that.

  10. Anonymous6:01 PM

    I can't stand her.

  11. *Shrug* Well, I'm looking forward to checking out her reality show. I've always liked her and her campy lil' shows. I also enjoyed "her" books and I admire her charity efforts for animals. (It's a shame she's aging so harshly though... But, that's a lifetime of partying and baking in the sun for you.)
