Tuesday, June 03, 2008

Is Rupert Everett Ever Happy?

Can anyone remember the last time that Rupert Everett was in a good mood? Happy? Not bitter? I honestly don't know if he is in a relationship right now, but if he is, then that person must be a saint and I would like to present them with a medal.

Last year Rupert Everett rambled on to anyone who would listen about how gay people can't make it in Hollywood and are discriminated against. Although that is true to some extent, I think that in Rupert's case it is more because he is the biggest pain in the ass in the world. Think about it. If you are hiring anyone for your company or someone to mow your lawn or deciding where to buy your groceries. All things being equal are you going with the person who smiles or the person who never stops complaining? I also thinks it does a disservice to those actors who have come out and do get roles as straight or gay characters. Rupert's comments just make it more likely that less people will come out, when to make a change, more people would need to do so.

Rupert Everett acts as if the world owes him a favor. Hey pal. You don't like it? Then go do something else besides acting. While you are bitching and moaning and complaining and oh, earning almost $1M a film, the rest of the world moves on and could care less that you missed out on the part of Rambo because you were gay.

Now, Rupert has taken his attacks to the US, calling us "blobby." Rupert says that we all talk like characters from Sex And The City and Friends.

"The Americans are whiny victims whose language is entirely taken from two TV shows -Friends and Sex And The City - and there's nothing sexy about them anymore."

So, I'm guessing he thinks we all sit around all day and talk about sex, coffee, and clothes? I can honestly say there have been times where I have gone at least an hour, maybe even two where I haven't discussed any of those topics. Oh sure, I've thought about them in that time, but kept my mouth shut so that doesn't count.

So, I guess if Rupert can make broad generalizations about the world then I can make broad generalizations about him as well. Hey Rupert, why don't you take that stick out of your ass, go get laid, and then try and get over your martyr issues or looking for someone to blame for the fact that your success is defined by you playing gay characters because you are not a good enough actor to portray straight characters. Don't be a hater. Ooops. I can't say that because they don't say it on those shows.


  1. hey Rupert .....as least on this side of the pond people can understand what we're saying...not like that British lingo that does not even remotely resemble English no matter that its coming out of England - i tried watching coronation street once -couldn't figure out what the hell they were saying in their accents !! And they say the Newfs up here are bad - nothing on the brits !

  2. "not like that British lingo that does not even remotely resemble English no matter that its coming out of England"

    You DO have problems with the English language!

  3. another bitchy queen who feels entitled because he came out.
    Rupert there isn't an award for it.

  4. He sounds like Morrisey-all whiney, morose, gay and a big complainer. Hey Rue-Rue, hows about you go to your bank and take a little lookey loo into your bank account-some of us "blobby American's" help put that pound or Euro into your account. Don't like us? Cool, then go and do some strictly European work and we can keep our money, go drink some coffee and talk about clothes. Sounds to me like someone is just a teensy bit upset that they did not get cast as the "go-to-gay" on SATC.
    Get ahold of yourself Rue-Rue, you ain't that much.

  5. Anonymous10:43 AM

    wasn't Rupert a gay prostitute at one point?

  6. Anonymous10:46 AM

    some - yes, and quite a successful one I believe.

    The other reason (besides being a whiny bitch) he doesn't get jobs is that he fucked up his face with plastic surgery and doesn't even look like the same person.

    An Ideal Husband was on cable over the weekend... he a) played straight, b) pulled it off, c) was incredibly handsome. It's a shame.

  7. That photo does him justice...if you've seen him lately, he looks like walking death. Either he's ill...well, I just think he's ill.

  8. He was good as a host on Friday Night Project

  9. He's like my Queen Mum, he just bitches for bitching sake.

    I liked his book though and his big revelation that Sharon Stone is a whack job!

  10. He's just bitter because John Barrowman did what he couldn't do. Mmmmm... do those bitter cakes taste good, Rup?

  11. Yeah, Rupe, don't be uppity.

  12. I will never forgive him (or Madonna) for Next Best Thing. How could a gay man or a gay-friendly woman make that movie? It's in my top three worst movies ever.
