Friday, June 13, 2008

Hi, I'm Taylor Hicks And I'm A Publicity Whore

Ahh. Taylor Hicks. You remember him don't you? American Idol winner that has unfortunately not gone off quietly to that good night. No, I don't want the f**ker dead, I just like that line. Yes, I know all of you Taylor Hicks fans will write in and tell me about him being in Grease or the sold out show he did at Bob's Jiffy Lube or whatever, but the fact is, in about a year or two we won't be talking about him.

Hell, I wouldn't even be talking about him today except he went out and got himself some publicity. I will admit it was creative. As you can see from the photo above, Taylor is not above exploiting the fame of others for his own personal benefit. The Jonas Brothers were scheduled to be at Regis & Kelly and knowing there would be a million screaming fans there, Taylor got on a bus and went and stood with the crowd. His next act was to take the sign above from a fan, make sure the producers of Regis & Kelly knew who he was and that he was there and then got his 30 seconds on air and in the tabloids and on here. In the future when you steal a sign, you may want to read what the sign says. I don't even want to understand or try to comprehend how they would rock your world.

Tricks like this work a few times to keep you in the public eye, but it is also kind of obnoxious to do so at the expense of another group. Not that Taylor Hicks has any problems being obnoxious.


  1. You gave him the publicity he was craving Enty!


  2. he is going to do grease on Broadway

  3. he is going to do grease on Broadway

  4. Could've been worse... The sign could have said "I want to have your babies!".....

  5. more like a pedo with that sign lol

  6. he looks like my 60 year old uncle Orville. not hot.

  7. amber-- I was just about to put he looks like a creepy pedophile--you beat me to it!

  8. Doesn't She-Who-Will-Not-Be-Named teach a class in how to get publicity, with a free 'scrip for Valtrex included?

  9. LOL @ Bob's Jiffy Lube.
