Tuesday, June 03, 2008

Well How About F**king Then?

Sean Combs is doing his best political spin on the whole Cameron Diaz issue. As you may have seen yesterday, websites were buzzing about Cameron and Diddy hooking up. Obviously since I didn't write about it, I wasn't really buzzing about it, but I could kick myself for not posting the Cameron Diaz photo from the MTV thingy because she looked really good.

So, Sean is spreading the world this morning as opposed to spreading his seed which he also seems to do regularly. He insists that he and Cameron are not dating. Ummm. Sean. I don't think any of the websites said you were dating. I think they all said you were f**king. As I remember it, and my memory can go bad. You and Cameron were playing gropy gropy, got back to Prince's place, told him to fire up the video camera and then you and Cameron locked yourselves in a room for 20 minutes. Considering that you are probably a one minute man, I'm going to give you the benefit of the doubt that the other 19 was for her pleasure.

I am hoping you didn't spend it getting undressed and posing in various positions for the mirror. Cameron is a laugher, and remember she already banged Justin Timberlake for awhile so she is used to big laughs.

Diddy says he and Cameron are just friends. I think he said the same thing after he spent the night in Sienna Miller's hotel room as well. It is good that he stays friends with the women he sleeps with. Just not the women he has kids with.


  1. I do believe I recall that Sean Combs has said that he listens to his own music on his iPod during the....um, "act." So, I'm thinking Cam got some mileage out of her laugh. I bet her sides still hurt. Wonder if he ever offers to share an ear-bud?

  2. i imagine sex with her would be like banging the Joker.

  3. OMG, if she wrapped that scarf around her neck, it would be one of them thar terroreest scarfs! Call Dunkin Donuts! Call Fox news!

  4. Anonymous10:59 AM

    She's the most passed around beard in Hollywood, so I wouldn't be surprised if the reason why she gets all these guys is because they all know on the DL that she's ok with putting a finger up their butt or watchign gay porn while they do it.



  5. He'll bang anything with a hole

  6. Hey
    Does anyone know why Lainey on her blog calls Cameron Diaz a hermaphrodite/Trannie?

    I am curious to know if Lainey knows something we don't

  7. I was thinking the same thing about the terrorist scraf. Did Rachael Ray regift?

  8. I always thought Diddy was one of the big down low fellas.

    Both Cam & Sean love to smoke a blunt, and depending on how you roll it (Diddy size?), that could take 20 minutes.

    They were probably laughing about the rumours as they passed it on the left hand side.

    Or not.

  9. dave,

    so are you calling Dunkin' Donuts er whut, here? I wanted a Boston Creme, dammit!


  10. I too believe that Diddy is being honest here -- of course he's not "dating" Cameron. He's not the dating type. He goes in for the kill and leaves just as quickly. Cam and Did are f**k buddies.

    And as for Kim Porter, I just can't believe her -- she's Carrie to Diddy's Mr. Big. She always forgives and she always goes back and she always gets the short end of the stick.

  11. Wait a minute... didn't we read last week (or the week before) that the former Mrs. Eddie Murphy #2 was Diddy's new gal? Tracy Edmonds?

    What... that story was f-a-k-e?

    No way!

  12. Montana, um, BECAUSE SHE LOOKS LIKE ONE?
    So Dopey f*cked Diddy. And we care about these losers because...?

  13. Anonymous5:56 PM

    I can't remember if I read this or saw it on TV when they were talking about rappers. But if I remember correctly Diddy said he would go for anyone or anything. So to me the guy is bi. Don't understand why anyone would even consider bedding him since he is ugly and very stuck up. Regarding Kim Porter she is an idiot for going back to him but than again money talks and talks. And if Kim starts saying that they love each other and respect each other don't think the woman knows what she is talking about.
