Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Daily Mirror Blind Item

Which iconic supermodel wolfed down a sneaky KFC - and had to hide her gastronomic blow-out from her eagle-eyed agency bosses?


  1. You know, I'd rather be average old me than drop-dead gorgeous and unable to indulge every once in a while. :(

  2. Since it's a Mirror item, it's probably a Brit model. Naomi?

  3. If you're gonna go "off the wagon" at least eat something that tastes good. KFC in our town is like eating out of a dumpster. The food is disgusting. The only thing KFC can do for you is get rid of a bowel obstruction. Yuck.

  4. Damn, agencies still do this? I remember friends of mine becoming models--and getting crammed six-to-a-studio apartment with three little bunks beds and a PADLOCK on the fridge that only the booking agent had a key to! They were teenagers at the time too, ugh, how unhealthy!!

    Mooshki: the fact that you're happy being yourself and the fact that you'd help me polish off a pint of Ben n Jerry's makes you drop-dead gorgeous. It's called "confidence" and it's attractive as hell!

  5. "...help me polish off a pint of Ben n Jerry's..." It's a date! :)

  6. how sad in our society that thin girls have to 'hide' a meal that didn't consist of dust,tic tacs and smokes.

    just be your damn selves...pathetic.

  7. Do they have KFC's in England? I would think Naomi too. Heidi Klum?

  8. Move over, Mooshki and Ragdoll -- I can polish off my own pint of Ben n Jerry's, thank you very much!

    However, it is sad that even a well-established model has to hide what she eats.

    Things have not really changed in that industry, have they, despite some countries now having a minimum weight requirement for their shows.

  9. jax- haha dust. i've gotta try that one.

  10. If you Google "iconic supermodel", the first name that comes up is Cindy Crawford. I also thought of Kristy Turlington who has just had a little bit of a comeback...

  11. This reminds me. I have a thing of Haagen Dasz Dulce de Leche in the freezer that needs to be eaten.

  12. Anyone up for Starbucks Java Chip? No? Fine... I'll finish it myself :)

  13. harriet hellfire...you can NOT tease me like that! I must have a (4 inch long serving) spoonful!!!!

  14. Whats the matter, she probably would of just thrown it up anyway...

    I looove KFC!!
