Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Khloe Kardashian Illegitimate Or A Liar

You know I admit it. Kris Kardashian had me suckered last week and so did Ryan Seacrest who I blame as well. They had me convinced that Khloe Kardashian had learned her lesson and gave a wonderful sob story about how the only reason she was drinking was that it was the anniversary of her father's death and blah, blah, blah. I could understand why someone would drink that night. Doesn't excuse drunk driving, but hey, she was stepping up to the plate, and taking the blame and any other cliche you can think of.

Ummm. One problem. As TMZ reported yesterday, Khloe was busted on March 4 and her dad died on September 30. So, this leads me to believe there could be a few possibilities. We can believe that Khloe Kardashian is actually an illegitimate child and that she has a different father than the other two sisters. If you told me she did I would probably believe you, but I am never good at seeing features in kids of their parents, except for Shiloh because that kid is scary Brad Pitt.

So, if we assume Khloe is in fact the daughter of Robert Kardashian then we have to assume that Ryan Seacrest, Kris Kardashian, Khloe Kardashian and the entire family including former Olympic Gold Medal Winner and Wheaties Box cover boy Bruce Jenner deliberately lied to the world in order to attract sympathy and increase viewers. During the show that the Kardashians reenacted the arrest it explicitly states that Khloe was arrested on the anniversary of her dad's death.

I don't remember what she said to the judge at the time she was sentenced but if she said the same thing in court she could have committed perjury as well, although nobody would do anything about it. The fact that the whole family and Ryan Seacrest lied deliberately and probably laughed about it while all getting their nails done really pisses me off.

I think the American public are very forgiving people. If you make a mistake and admit it we move on. It is just our nature. What we hate is being lied to or feeling like a fool and having you rub it in our faces even when the facts are staring right in front of you.

Now, what I want to see from Kim Kardashian who is always saying that her blog is the truth and only the truth is to go on her blog and admit to the world that she and her family lied, kept lying and that Ryan Seacrest was also part of the big lie as well. Her family used the sympathy of the American people for their own personal gain and profit. To me it is no different from someone raising money for someone who really didn't die of cancer. Their lies got people to watch their show which in turn will make them more money. Each is a fraud. There is no difference. And yes, that includes you as well Seacrest.


  1. "To me it is no different from someone raising money for someone who really didn't die of cancer."

    Who is this about??

  2. It is sad that they would exploit their dead father for some ratings boost and celebrity. It's not like Robert Kardashian was some saint either he basically came out of 20 years retirement from law to help his celebrity friend stay out of jail for murder and may even helped him hide the evidence. That entire family gives me the creeps and I don't think anyone looks at them for moral guidance.

  3. megan - I agree about the hiding evidence part - I've always wondered where that missing suitcase he had went.

    And I watched that show and I think that this is just despicable... i thought the renactment was bad enough but now we are supposed to buy a 6 month delayed anniversary depression?

  4. Isn't it funny that "Hpnotiq" is on the wall behind them?

    This whole gang (including Bruce and his brood) gives me the creeps.

  5. Forgot to add, that before he died, Bob Kardashian admitted that OJ did it.

  6. I think it's astounding that every member of that family is amoral, shallow and disgusting.

    If you look at a family in real life - I'm thinking of every family I grew up with and know now - there might be one or two jerkies. Or they're mostly evil, but there are a couple of normal nice ones. But in Hollywood, ENTIRE FAMILIES are morally bankrupt.

    These human turds, the Hiltons, the Hulk Hogans, the Spears...

  7. why in gods name would they recreate her arrest? tacky much?

  8. califblondy .. who did he admit it to? I dont want to start a war in this comment section, but while I think OJ played some part in the murders, I slways thought his son was the one who actually pulled it off .. and that is why there was dna ...

  9. i can't imagine anyone giving a shit about this boring whore and her amoral family. who cares? why is anyone watching?

  10. Who gives a shit???? Put her, Paris and Heidi and Spencer in a boat in the middle of the Bering Sea. That's what should be done with them.

  11. No war, Donna. OJ did it, period. Ever read about the witnesses who weren't allowed to testify? One thing written when it happened was that OJ couldn't keep quiet and would someday admit it himself, a la the book "If I Did It."

    Before he died (and I can't remember whether it was a video or written interview) BK told about the night OJ admitted to the murders. But BK already knew.

  12. Putting aside how I feel about Robert Kardashian, these people (and I use that term loosely) are so fuckin disgusting to use their father's death to gain sympathy from the public. This is how you honor your father's memory? How low can you go? You called this man "Dad" you scum bag skank! Burn in hell bitches.

    Not only was this disgusting but stupid, like no one was going to follow up with verifying RK's date of death.

    For the love of God, someone take these attention whores to a remote island and drop them off. Along with the other attention whores listed above. Sick bastards.

  13. honestly, I did follow the trial and read alot of different books/ articles about it .. my most favorite being the one written by dominick dunne (when has he ever NOT written a great read) .. and to tell you the truth, I did download the If I DID it .. but never read it ..wow .. I think I need to start doing a little research, as I am horrified to think that someone knew the truth, and because of misguided friendship, kept quiet .. thanks for the info ..

  14. everyone's DNA is unique,even the son's DNA would be slightly different than OJ's. it would show the same genetic family, that's all.

    thank you Grissom and CSI.

  15. they are all hideous.

  16. I don't agree with what's happened, but I think it is a continuity issue.

    Her arrest on 03/04 was close (10 days) to her father's birthday (02/22) - thus the coping with loss of dad. The issue is that the episode aired in November, closer to his death. So to keep it apparent to viewers that it is more real time (not 6 month's old news) the narrative was about death, rather than coping with the anniversary of his birthday.

    Sadly, they're following the script of the show, rather than the actual life timeline, it seems.

  17. Robert Kardashian died in 2003. This is over 5 years ago.
