Monday, August 11, 2008

Do They Make It Until 2009?

I'm almost afraid to look, but I bet that somewhere, some UK bookmaker is taking odds whether Amy Winehouse and Blaaaaaaaake make it to 2009. In case you actually were doing something interesting over the weekend, you may have missed the fact that Blake is due to be sprung from jail on December 30, 2008.

So, that scenario gives Blake and Amy about 48 hours until 2009. I'm guessing that even though Blaaaaaaaaake has been doing drugs, they are not quite the quality or strength that he is going to indulge during that 48 hour stretch. Now, I'm not one to be gruesome, but would any of us be surprised if one or both overdosed in that 48 hours. Drug dealers have got to be telling themselves that this is going to be the biggest payday that any of them will have seen in a long time.

Now, the way I see it we have some choices for those 48 hours which could involve either or both of them.

A. Death
B. Overdose
C. Arrest
D. Sobriety
E. Pete Doherty does Amy live on New Year's Rockin Eve while Ryan Seacrest gives a play by play commentary that includes, "oh, so that's where it goes."


  1. A. Most likely.

    B. Nothing New

    C. Nothing that hasn't happened before

    D. THAT would be quite novel

    E. See "B"

  2. My first question was going to be "do they make it as a couple?" or "do they just make it (alive)?

    Therfore, I go with A due to B

  3. I go with none of them Amy and Pete will both have over dosed by the time he gets out

  4. Oh, I'm hoping these 2 crazy kids can make a go at it this time around.
    Young love is a beautiful thing.

  5. sadly she may expire b4 he gets for him to OD within weeks ala Sid n Nancy. these two are toxic to one another and won't last more than a few months of 2009.

  6. F. cheating

    G. serios health problems

    H. reality show

    I. failed suicide pact


  7. I just don't understand the British justice system. Sorry but I would consider Blaaaaake to be a serious flight risk.

  8. What do you mean brendalove a flight risk from what? He was on remand then he was sentanced minus the time spent on remand then hell be let go. nothing to flee from.

  9. not a famous adrian said...
    Oh, I'm hoping these 2 crazy kids can make a go at it this time around.
    Young love is a beautiful thing.

    Tee hee. With a big, big emphasis on the "CRAZY" part.

    I thought AW was going to be on the list of faces we're not going to be subject to!!!!

  10. One question, does requiring life support due to OD and then dying in early January 2009 count as an option?

    Mind you, I personally think her talent is phenomenal; however to have something of that calibre housed in the waste of space that is Amy Winehouse shows us that indeed, the Deity has a very twisted sense of humor.

  11. definitely an overdose

  12. this makes me sad sad sad. i was too young for janis joplin but i feel like i am watching something very similiar happen before my eyes. janis was only 27 when she died, will amy make it that long even? so sad, why does talent have to go hand in hand with pain so often?

  13. mags--AW is really a good example of someone self-destructing before us.
    It's a shame that someone with so much talent but so little self-esteem could destroy herself so publicly.
    I would like to think someone might look at her & get the help they may need, but I doubt it. Most people like her don't see what the problem is. Sad.

  14. Anonymous4:57 PM

    Yeah, I agree with the rest of you: I could never take bets on how long their relationship lasts when I'm too certain that Amy won't be alive much longer.

  15. Adrian - LOL!!!

    Man, I wish Amy weren't in such horrible shape - it would be so much fun watching what happens when he gets out if it weren't so tragic.
