Monday, August 11, 2008

Today's Blind Items

What? No Random Photos Part One? Due to extreme aggravation with Blogger, there will be no random photos today. If I can get the kinks worked out, then I will either give you them later today or a double edition tomorrow. To make up for it though, here is a blind item that I think will more than make up for it.

This hit sequel almost didn't come to fruition. The reason? How about an A list film actor who was also an A list television actor who couldn't keep his libido under control. Seems as if this A lister took a bet from another A list film actor that a certain wife, of yet a third A list film actor was open to his charms. Well it turns out that he was right. The wife of the third A list actor did have a relationship with our first A list actor. I guess maybe relationship is the wrong word. It was either once or twice, depending on which story you believe. What is known though is that the wife confessed all to the third A list actor who then decided he couldn't work with A list actor number one anymore. He finally gave in to the pressure from the studio, but has not said one word to A list actor #1 outside of hello or goodbye since that date. As for the bet? A list actor #1 offered up his girlfriend for the night. A list actor #2 offered up his girlfriend for the night. Unfortunately no one bothered to check if this was ok with the girlfriend of A list actor #2. She declined, although not for being bartered in a bet, or possibly destroying a marriage. She just didn't find A list actor #1 appealing.


  1. Ooohhh.... good one. The hit sequels I'm thinking of are (a) the Ocean's films, (b) POTC, (c) Die Hard.

    (a) I'm thinking Clooney (#1), Pitt (#3), and Damon (#2). For some reason, I want this to be true....

    (b) Johnny Depp for #1... but I'm not sure who the rest would be.

    (c) Only because Willis could be considered A/A (don't forget how popular Moonlighting was).

  2. Ooh, now this is juicy! I like the Oceans guess.

  3. i do remember that brad pitt called out george clooney for having people to believe that george is so down to earth and a man of the people.

    i saw this on one of those gossip shows. he said it in a not so subtle fashion.

  4. All I know is that reading that just made me dizzy. I'll sit and wait for others to figure it out. :)

  5. Oh-- I can't imagine Brad offering Angelina to ANYONE & walking away
    with all his parts intact.

    Johnny Depp doesn't seem to paly along in all the Hollywood crap.

    Heh heh--How about Tom & KatE?

  6. george clooney does have some unattractive 'mouth furniture'.

    hey georgie, even shemar fixed his louth. jeez.

  7. The Ocean's guess is interesting. I don't think it's them though. Purely because Clooney an Damon are friends and work together on the Darfur(I think that's the one) campaign. They've been seen together pretty often since the movie came out.

    I'll look up some other movies.

  8. Hit Sequel:
    A List #1 - took bet re: wife #3
    A List #2
    A List #3 - wife boinked #1

    #1 + #3 not speaking
    #1 + #2 offered girlfriends, GF #2 didn't accept

    head hurts

  9. @ non-famous adrian: I think I screwed my numbers up. I think Clooney is the lothario, who banged Angelina (wife of Brad) as part of a bet with Damon.

  10. Brad and Jennifer were still married when the first Ocean's was made, right? But I thought he and Clooney are buddies.


  12. a pimp named daver--only problem besides Angelina beating the shit out of all of them is that her & Brad neer married, so I don't think that would work, but it is a good
    fit otherwise.

  13. This comment has been removed by the author.

  14. Brad and George worked together again in Burn After Reading, after Ocean's.

  15. I thought Ocean's as well for the sequel, especially since so many A-listers were involved, and also because Bernie Mac was in those movies. But then I just got confused and I still don't really know who banged who. Or bet on what.

    In other news, I'm going to go see Tom Petty tonight. Weee!

  16. Number this, number that. I've never been good at math. Somebody figure this out and call me.

  17. If it IS Oceans...

    Cloon took bet from Pitt that Damon's wife would sleep with him if he seduced her. She did and then confessed to Damon. Damon got pissed at his buddies for taking the bet thing waaay too far by including his wife. Not speaking to Cloon anymore except to put on happy face at events. Cloon offered up Sarah, Pitt offered up Angie. Angie not offended, but just not interested. Damon slept with Sarah, 'cause he could.


  18. easy: 1 and 2 have GF -> not married, only 3 is.

    Wife of Nr. 3 souns like MD /Zeta Jones.

    Another sequels: batman, 007, bourne, spiderman.

    this is something we can fit affleck in.

    or sutherland - in 24. its not stated that the hit sequel is a movie.

  19. ocean's is the one and only coming to mind. i'm thinking (just like a few others here) it's
    #1-Clooney (girlfriend)
    #2-Pitt (girlfriend)
    #3-Damon (married)

    Clooney and Pitt made the bet. Damon's wife did Clooney and confessed to damon. Damon won't work with Clooney anymore. Angelina wasn't interested in Clooney.
    As far as I know, this seems to fit. Clooney and Pitt still seem like buddies. Haven't seen Damon and Clooney together since the last Ocean's. Seems like Damon would still be working on the Darfur project with Pitt, since the beef's with Clooney.

  20. it says a lister for tv and movies .. how about will and martin lawrence .. dont know who the third could be .. but I could see jada getting jiggy with it

  21. Nature Girl's Ocean's scenario sounds plausible. Isn't MD's wifey preggers?

  22. are harold & kumar still buds?

    it does sound like clooney banged damons wife, wasn't she a waitress at one point?

  23. Harriet Hellfire... are you in Cowtown????

  24. Clooney used to be on ER, you could call him a former A-list tv star.

  25. I would think that if this involved Clooney/Pitt present or past, there would be some mention of A-list #3's wife ALSO being A-list (or any list for that matter).

  26. Brad and jennifer were married for Oceans 1 and 2. Maybe George slept with Aniston.

  27. Angelina makes it quite clear she does not like George Clooney and she is certainly no stranger to breaking up marriages, that's for sure!

    I think Clooney/Pitt/Damon for sure!

  28. Here's a wild thought and completely off the Clooney/Pitt/Damon bandwagon.

    What about Hellboy 2?

    Key phrase being "hit sequel that almost didn't come to fruition"

  29. what about the keyest phrase "A list"

  30. i heard that angie will never be in a film with clooney because he's too femme

  31. Just a thought: if it involves Damon, was Sarah Silverman in the mix somehow? And that would bring us to Jimmy Kimmel...which means the answer is BEN AFFLECK!

  32. LOL gladyskravitz.

    It is hard to imagine MD being a part of this. He and his wife stayed with Clooney at his Lake Como villa last summer after the movie was finished. I'm sure they said more than hello and goodbye.

  33. ice angel,

    what's the reasons behind angie's dislike of georgie? what did she say about georgie?

  34. Brad Pitt and George Clooney worked together on Burn After Reading, as previously noted. And I think George and Matt Damon are still socially close...

    Here is a list of sequel movies, if that helps.

  35. if it is oceans cast i believe this was B.A. (before angelina). jen aniston makes the most sense to me. i dont see pitt letting angelina loose anytime soon, with aniston i just never saw the kind of possesiveness that he has with angelina. and i really agree that ent would have mentioned her being A list.

  36. How about Dark Knight?

  37. Someone rumoured that in the last years Pitt and Aniston had an open marriage or a couple of trial separations. Don't know if this helps reach any conclusions with this BI.

  38. Scratch that. Not enough A-listers.

  39. I get the impression that #1 AND #3were in the sequel together but I am not 100% sure that #2 was in the sequel but was just someone who was friends with #1 and #3.

  40. wasn't there difficulty getting brad pitt on board for one of the ocean's sequels, like the whole project almost didn't come around because of it?

  41. GladysK--
    I like your line of thought--all blinds lead somehow to.....Affleck!

  42. Hmmm, that is a good point stephen. And now it makes things more confusing. This has Ocean's written all over it but the hitch is that it *seems* that they are all still cool with each other. Appearances can be all too deceiving though. And Jen A can't be involved with this as Brad was with Angie by the time the third sequel rolled around, right?

    For those still going WTF? the way to make this blind make more sense is to actually replace all the numbers with names. To wit...

    A-lister #1 - George (tv = ER)
    A-lister #2 - Brad
    A-lister #3 - Matt

    George: "Hey, I think I could score Matt's wife."
    Brad: "No you couldn't man, shut up."
    George: "Yeah, I could. She's hot."
    Brad: "She cute, but she's crazy about Matt. you couldn't get her."
    George: "Let's bet on it!"
    Brad: "What?"
    George: "Yeah. I bet I can bang Matt's wife."
    Brad: "Like what, a million?"
    George: "'s no about this. If I don't score you get to fuck Sarah. If I do score, you let me bang Angie."
    Brad: *chuckle* "I don't think you're ready for Angie."
    George: "I'll be ready."
    Brad: "Tell Sarah to be ready."
    George: *laughs* *they shake hands*

    *A few weeks later, all hell breaks loose*

    Matt: "You made a bet on my WIFE? WTF?"
    George: "Whoa, whoa, it was just a bet man."
    George: "It's not that serious! Damn! We just fucked!"
    Matt: "Get the fuck away from me! I have nothing to say to you!"

    *storms off*

    Matt: "Brad! You made a bet on my wife?!"
    Brad: "Dude, I bet he WOULDN'T score. I didn't think he'd actually go through with it. I'm sorry."
    Matt: "That's okay. I'm just still pissed. After filming is over that's it though, i'm not talking to him anymore. We still going to Darfur next month?"
    Brad: "Yeah. I'll let Angie know we're still on."

    *Brad goes home*

    Angie: "How was your day, swee- Zahara, Maddox, stop pulling each other's hair! Time out! To the corner now! Time out! Okay, how was your day?"
    "Well, George bet that he could get Matt's wife to do him. I bet that he couldn't, and we said whoever won could sleep with the other's girlfriend. So then...get this...*nervous laugh* George actually slept with her! Isn't that funny?"
    Angie: "I'm not sleeping with George."
    Brad: "Well, uhm...I didn't mean..."
    Angie: "He's a fucking wuss. And his mouth is jacked."
    Brad: "Oh! *breathes sigh of relief* Well, yeah, I didn't think he'd actually win."
    Angie: "What about Matt?"
    Brad: "Oh, I dunno. I think he's still steamed about his wife."
    Angie: "Oh. Well. What do you want for dinner? Burger King or McDonald's?"
    Brad: "McDonald's is fine."
    Angie: "All right, let's go. Z! Maddox! Come on, we're going to McDonald's. NO fighting over the front seat, you two!"


  43. I'm still way up near the beginning of y'all's posts but right off it sounds like Nature Girl has a good handle on it thus far.

    I had read that Ang doesn't like Brad hanging with Clooney. Gets him into too much trouble.

    This one is sounding right thus far with that angle.

  44. and you're right, ENT--who gives a crap about random photos when we can get this dirty dirt--thanks!

  45. It's George, Brad and Matt.

  46. I really hope this didn't happen to Matt Damon. I don't know him (obviously), but he always seemed to be a genuinely nice person relatively free of pretense and douchebaggery. I could be wrong.....

    I can however deff see Clooney and Pitt involved in this.

  47. Would Damon 'give into the pressure from the studio'?

  48. @Gayla, ROTFL!!! Thanks for the chuckles!

  49. gayla, HIGHlarious! But I don't want to believe that happened to Matt D. He IS my movie star boyfriend after all! ;-)

  50. Anonymous4:00 PM

    I'm not feeling Ocean's for some reason. Part of it is that Ent has always described BrangelinaClooney as A++ list.

    I'm liking the Harold and Kumar thing. So we've got Kumar (film/tv cause he's on house), Harold #2, and Neil Patrick Harris for #3... kidding.

    That said I'm stumped.

  51. topher grace, tobey maguire, james franco?

  52. certainly fits the "didn't find #1 appealing" better than matt damon or brad pitt (cause the woman who would turn either of them down is just stupid)

  53. Well, gayla, since you put it like that, it's totally them.hahahaha
    That was great!

  54. OMFG!!! Gayla that was AWESOME!

    I can see this as 5 min spoof movie

  55. Anonymous4:56 PM

    Hey ENT I meant to tell ya, you can fix a lot of formatting errors if you post in instead! Always works for me!!

  56. First off, Clooney hates Angelina, so that is never going to happen with Brad and Angelina. It is not going to happen with Jennifer Garner either, so that leaves out Affleck. Nobody wants Matt Damons very unattractive wife, so a bet would never be made about her.

  57. Thanks Gayla, it's all crystal clear to me now.

    Wasn't Matt the popular guess for the guy getting some girl pregnant and for us to watch for a fake bump on the wife??

  58. supposedly Aniston did Marky Mark on Rock Star, and Brad returned the favor with Angelina, but Brad did something quite different than Jennifer did there.

    Although I know Mark Wahlberg would never let anybody be with Rhea Durham while he as with her.

  59. I also think though that A List FIlm Actor who is not very appealing would have to be someone like Matt Damon or another dud like Kevin Costner. But nobody is going to mess with Kevin Costner because he is a dud.

  60. Anonymous6:28 PM

    Sorry, I the only one who thinks that George Clooney is gay??? BTW, so are Topher Grace and James Franco. That said, I have no guesses yet.

  61. ea73-- I am totally with you on Clooney--not sure about the other 2.

  62. Anonymous6:39 PM

    Whew, thanks Adrian! I almost thought my gaydar was on the fritz!! ;)

  63. I dont think its Clooney, Pitt, Damon.

    But I cant think of an alternative either.


    I like the topher, james, tobey guess.
    So would Tobey be the married guy and topher be the one who sleeps with his wife?

  64. Anonymous6:51 PM

    I agree with the person who pointed out that #2 wasn't necessarily in the sequel - he just made the bet with #1. So it's possible that only #1 and #3 were actually in the sequel, with #2 just being a friend of #1. Ok, now this is sounding ridiculous...!

  65. How about an animated film--like Toy Story for instance--Tim Allen, Tonm Hanks, etc.

  66. Topher Grace as seducer?


    In a thousand years, and a thousand of his dreams, please.

    I can't even make a scenario in my head where that's possible.

    My head is actually exploding trying to make that movie.

  67. p.s. gayla -

    kudos! mighty fine.

    I'm voting with you just on dialogue alone!

  68. ...A list film actor who was also an A list television actor...

    That doesn't fit Clooney, Pitt, or Damon. None of them were A-List television.

  69. Anonymous7:31 PM

    Clooney was on ER, winegirl, but I still say he's gay!!

  70. So now we all think Matt's wife did the dirty with Clooney. That's hilarious. But the blind said hit sequel almost didn't come to fruition -- Oceans has had a total of three movies, right?

    But you need three A-list actors in this blind, and very few movies are ensemble pieces, since most A-list actors want all the glory for themselves.

    I can see George ponying up Sarah as the payoff to his bet. He's the type.

  71. I don't think it's Clooney/Pitt.

    Out of georgie, brad and matt, only brad was married during the oceans filming, making him actor 3 in all scenarios. But clooney/pitt are in a new movie coming out called "Burn After Reading" with Dormand and Malkovich.

    Better would be to look at popular HIT sequels with at minimum two A list actors, one of whom was on television. (Oceans 13 was not a hit, rather it was garbage, Oceans 12 earned more than 13, but still not a hit and Oceans 11 made the most).

    Here's what I think:

    There's some lack of clarity. It says the sequel almost wasn't made, but later on it says actor 3 had to make that sequel under heavy pressure from the studio. Does this mean the affair happened prior to the making of the sequel? Or does it mean the affair happened during the sequel in which case actor 3 refused to continue working?

    Im assuming it happened during the making of the film because of this line: "...who then decided he couldn't work with A list actor number one ANYMORE..."

    So here's my guess:

    Actor #1 - Shia tv:Even Stevens
    Actor #2 - Don't Know (Doesnt have to be in the film)
    Actor #3 - Harrison Ford (Married to Calista Flockhart, which would make me also have to make a bet to nail)

    Read a article up here in the Bay from a local ent. magazine that interviewed Lucas. Said Mutt won't be in the next Indie film because "Indie is Indie. Mutt is Mutt. Mutt should be in his own adventures". Yaaa....riiiiighhhht. More like Ford and Ledouche don't wanna work together anymore...

  72. Grace -

    why wouldn't George give Sarah up? It's not like he wanted her for anything...but maybe a beard!

    as much as I love him, and would like him to be hetero, I can't help but think......

    pass the vodka bottle, it's my worst nightmare!

    but I still love him!

  73. trogdor -

    Harrison Ford isn't married to Calista. just engaged.

  74. and p.s. trogdor -

    Lucas only said that after Shia got the recent DUI arrest. before that, he was all hot for the next Indy Jones film to revolve around Mutt.

  75. trogdor---Harrison Ford & Calista Flockhart never married.
    I think they just got engaged this spring.

  76. Ya, I thought about that too. They were supposed to get married this summer. And I dunno if Shia has ever had a girlfriend publicly either.

    I just threw it out there,'cause I don't think it's Clooney/Pitt.

    Ms. Snarky - if they didn't get along because of this affair stuff, wouldn't the DUI be a great excuse from answering why Mutt isn't in the next one? It seemed odd to me that Lucas would say that, when technically at the time Shia hadn't been charged with a DUI.

  77. Actually we are all looking at this as a modern film. What if it was something older with a whole different category of actors?
    Obviously not too old because of the television factor.

  78. I'm going to throw this out there: I say Ocean's 13, but #1 is Clooney, #2 is Pitt and #3 is Andy Garcia

  79. I'm not willing to put Matt anywhere near a blind item because he's only one degree of separation from Ben Affleck.

    That said, we all joke about BA as the universal BI answer when Clooney is the answer to all the kinky blinds.

    Based on recent blinds from all over the internet, Clooney:

    Shares prostitutes with Leonardo DiCaprio where they sniff each others underwear and eat poop.

    Is a bisexual who screws his drug dealer's girlfriend.

    Hired that Sarah chick to be his escort and fired her when she got greedy.

  80. Can someone make Ben Stiller, Christine Taylor and Owen Wilson fit? Meet the Fockers.

    Wasn't she the guess of a blind where the woman would be talking to someone and if someone better cam e along she would drop person #1 and start talking to #2?

    Oh but now that I think about it, no tv, and not all are A-list

  81. Here's a thought:

    Sequel: X-Men: The Last Stand

    Actors (in whatever order fits): Patrick Stewart, Kelsey Grammer, and James Marsden

  82. Think the Ocean's scenario makes the most sense.. however, Sarah L wasn't around (despite what she tells people) until after the 3rd was released..of course, Clooney had others to offer up..think model Lisa Snowden was around for five of those years, and there were a couple of lapdancers who ended up talking..sure any of his skanky gals would've done the deed if asked. By the payoff time, Aniston was history, and Jolie doesn't care that much for Clooney so it makes sense.

  83. Two other sequels that are known for huge tensions between the stars

    Miami Vice: Colin Farrell, Jamie Fox

    Rush Hour: Jackie Chan, Chris Tucker

  84. hee, I forgot to clarify that I don't think this is Ocean's, I was using a clarifying example for the sake of the blind, and just got a little carried away.

    I wouldn't be surprised if George was gay or bi, but I was always too overwhelmed by the hint of sociopathy to really tune my gaydar.

  85. Think the Oceans guess is good. What about one of the other actors in the movie instead of Damon as he still seems to socialise with Clooney and Pitt...

    And for a totally different guess: what about the Zorro movies? That gives you Banderas, Zeta Jones, Melanie Griffith and MD.

  86. Anonymous5:26 AM

    Ok, I'll go old school:
    Godfather 2
    #1 = Al Pacino
    #2 = James Caan
    #3 = Robert Duvall (who got divorced a year after the film was made...)

  87. Yes, missc, I sure am! And a very tired girl today...*L*

  88. ea73-love the Godfather II guess! hmmmm

  89. Matt, George & Brad are all still very openly friendly with each other. They sure fit the clues, but I just don't see it.

    I know it's a stretch, but Bad Boys 2? Martin Lawrence for #1, Will Smith for #3, ? for #2.

    Old school, Ghostbusters? Aykroyd/ Murray?

  90. adrian..I like the older movie idea. If the blind didn't seem so much in the present, we could make the original Rat Packers fit some way.

    For the sake of guessing and entertainment, how 'bout Shrek 3.
    1. Mike Meyers
    2. Eddi Murphy
    3. Antonio Banderas

    I can see certain bets needing to be made with the first two.*giggle*

    Now, if gayla would write some dialogue with those three, we'll have a smirky afternoon again.

  91. Don't you people think that the Oceans' guess is a bit, well, obvious?? I mean - if we go at it in reverse - Matt and his wife's marriage looks pretty solid, and just because she's a "civilian" doesn't mean she's automatically going to sleep with another movie star. I mean - she's already sleeping with a movie star! Brad is not going to offer Angelina up for anything - and I think he'd be pissed if she offered. I also agree that Angelina isn't that fond of George. And they've all been doing things AFTER the Oceans' sequels.

    Your're being thrown a loop, people.

  92. mags-- I agree--we NEED dialogue gayla!!!

  93. I'm late getting to this BI, but applying a little logic - IT IS NOT PITT, DAMON & cLOONEY. First of all - the last Ocean movie was filmed in late July to early Sept. 2006. Both Angelina Jolie & Lucy Damon had given birth not 2 months earlier. Both were still nursing their babies. Jolie had a C-section to recover from and both would have been advised by their doctor to not have sex for 6 weeks after giving birth. And the first thing Lucy Damon does when she's cleared to resume sexual relations with her screw George Clooney? Puh-leeze. And Clooney wasn't dating Sarah Larsen at the time. He was still on-and-off with Krista Allen, who having been both a professional ho and a soft-core porn "actress" probably wouldn't have been adverse to sleeping with Pitt or Damon, but that's beside the point.

    Furthermore, in May 2007 the O13 crew re-united in Cannes for the film festival. They were ALL there. They were all friendly and joking and partying together. Jolie & Pitt were seen making out in their hotel lobby by none other than Lainey at She also remarked on how devoted Damon was to Lucy and how insanely joined at the hip Pitt & Jolie were. At the time Clooney wasn't even dating Krista Allen or Sarah Larsen. He had a blond woman with him that Lainey said had a distinctly HIRED look about her.

    Added to that it was at this time that Clooney, Pitt, Damon, Cheadle and Jerry Weintraub started Not On Our Watch. That charity is still actively involved in Darfur and this year they donated to the relief work for Burma.

    My last bit of "logic" is that Enty says "the sequel" almost never happened. There is no sequel to O13, so it stands to reason IT is the sequel that almost didn't happen. So I'll throw my own suggestion into the ring - IF it's the Oceans A listers, then you're better off looking at Aniston being willing to sleep Clooney or Damon...then confessing to Pitt. We all know Aniston is a major opportunist willing to do anything and anyone to become a major movie star and/or win an Oscar. She's tilting at windmills, but hey, her problem, not mine.

    The second Oceans movie filmed in the summer of 2004, which is when, as Aniston has already admitted, the her marriage to Pitt was really over (in the Dec 2005 Harper's Bazaar). If you don't recall, when the O13 sequel was first announced WB stated that all the actors were back on board...EXCEPT PITT. HE had not responded to the studio's inqueries because he was in France, then Africa, with Jolie waiting for Shiloh's birth. Warner's really had no idea if Pitt was going to do the movie or not until AFTER Shiloh was born. It was in mid-June 2006 that WB finally announced Pitt was on board and the movie would start filming in July. Who knows why Pitt was dragging his feet. People assumed it was because he was about to become a biological father for the first time and didn't want to be away from his kids. BUT...what if the reason was due to a fall out with Clooney? What if that rather abrupt divorce annoucent in January 2005 was precipitated by having found out that Aniston slept with Clooney? After all, the guy was on TV in Dec 2004 crying about wanting babies and 3 weeks later he's getting a divorce. Just a thought...

    The only snag I hit is that Enty says the cuckholded actor refuses to speak to the actor who slept with his wife. But...that's a problem for any scenario involving these 3 actors. Pitt and Clooney ARE on friendly terms (they worked together last fall in "Burn After Reading) are Damon & Pitt. In fact, when Damon had to bow out of the film "The Fighter" with Mark Wahlberg he asked Pitt to take a look at the script and consider the supporting role of the older brother. Pitt later signed on to the film but it's now on hold because of financing issues (uh, that happened after the rather lackluster BO for The Happening. The studio might have gotten cold feet over Wahlberg's ability to open a movie). Also, Pitt, Clooney and Damon are still doing a number of charity projects together. They'are ALL still good friends and rumors are already flying that Clooney, Pitt AND Jolie will attend Damon's One X One event at TIFF this year. But...Aniston as the cheating spouse makes a whole hell of a lot more sense than Lucy Damon! Let's not forget those rumors that she had a lesbian affair with Marky Wahlberg's cousin on the set "Rock Star". Although personally I can't see her getting the stick out of her ass long enough to go lesbo...

  94. mngddess...I don't think most of us believe it's Clooney, Pitt & Damon. I know I don't. We enjoyed gayla's dialogue but even gayla ruled out the three.

  95. i guess we are right back where we started, so how about:
    s. martin, & m.short, three amigos?

  96. Golly...I found another snag in my theory - Clooney is good buds with Aniston's ex, Tate Donovan. Has been for dog years - pre- and post- aniston. How ironic was it that before the birth of his and Jolie's twins that Pitt spent the night at Clooney's villa - while George's good friend Tate Donovan was also there. Two Aniston exes in the same room? I'd have paid movie-ticket admission prices to hear that convo.

  97. this is so interesting, you guys. keep up the good work!

  98. i also immediately thought of Oceans --

    Clooney for #1
    Damon or Pitt for #3

    not sure for #2, maybe Jack Nicholson?

  99. Someone suggested Ben Stiller, then wrote him off because he wasn't a TV A-lister. Which isn't entirely true -- remember the Ben Stiller Show? (No?)

    I like an implausible situation between Vince Vaughn, Ben Stiller, and Owen Wilson.
