Monday, August 11, 2008

Fergie Wears The Latex In Her House

In an interview with OK! Magazine one of Fergie's friends discussed the different outfits she uses to try and keep Josh Duhamel distracted from the fact that he is engaged to someone with an Adam's apple. Two of Fergie's favorite outfits are her police officer outfit and her dominatrix outfit. So after I get done drinking a fifth to get some Fergie images out of my head, what exactly am I supposed to think about Josh Duhamel? Sure, he loves to experiment and roleplay. Admirable qualities in a relationship. Good to communicate. I'm also thinking that he is a wuss that Fergie beats regularly.

I think I have heard three or four live interviews with Fergie on the radio and each time someone always asks where Josh is. Invariably she says he is working out or reading a script. Hell, she probably has him locked up in a cage somewhere where he is contemplating what she said about the night stick and being a bad boy.

I understand people get their kicks in all kinds of different ways and I am all for it. I just wonder if there is video of Josh being spanked while he sings Fergalicious.


  1. Oh sweet baby Jeebus please let that be true and let it show up on the interweb!

    Call me twisted but I loves me some Josh... mmmmmmmmm

  2. Oh, for God's sake, Enty - leave them alone!! They've been together for a while - doesn't that count in your book. It's like dog years, right? Every one year a Hollywood couple are together it's like seven for the rest of us. Something like that. And look at the photo! Even though her face looks sorta frozen aren't they cute?

    (sigh) Off topic, please start writing some funny shit guys. I just found out my jerk ex-cousin from Cali is here lowering herself to visit the family. Completely ruined my day...

  3. ya well i have to replace the tranny in a 5 year old car to the tune of $4000, suck on that. :o(

    what no bernie love? no isaac love?

  4. jax...i'm replacing my tranny for the 2nd time in 2 years. 2 YEARS!!! I hate my life...

  5. MNgddess, you do know a bunch of people saw the tail end of Megan Fox blowing Josh in a limo a few months ago, right? They aren't exactly the dream couple. :)

    They remind me of Melanie Griffith and Antonio - you just want to shake the guys and say "WHY?!!!"

  6. Enty - check your SPAM folder - I sent you something interesting about Isaac ~S

    fellow poster - sorry you guys are having sucky monday's -

    Jax - Jesus 4K??? You gotta be kidding - This is why I wished they made us girls take car repair instead of stupid home ec

  7. Wasn't there a blind a while back about a female singer who beat her non-musician boyfriend? Or am I just making shit up now?

  8. I still like them, especially him. There are worse people to rag on, Ent.

  9. Josh doesn't seem to need or want to replace his tranny, who looks pretty good for herself there.

  10. what are you guys doing with transvestites in your cars anyways????

  11. touche not a famous adrian!!! LMAO!!!

    Excellent come back... excellent!

  12. actually our transmission went at 50,000 miles, & went again 2 weeks out of the warrenty, at 55,000 miles. I refused to pay for another, & donated the car to charity. I figured I would rather apply the $2,700 to a new car which of course was less affordable than replacing yet another transmission, but at that point I was pissed.
    Yes , Fergie looks ok for the amount of mileage she must have behind her. heh-heh.

  13. Harriet, I was thinking that, too...

  14. Ha! Today seems to be bad for most of us : ( I left my husband last night, I'm sitting in a hotel, thankfully able to do my work from here because I am so messed up I can barely see straight. I look forward to your always funny and insightful comments to help distract me from my problems.

  15. LOL damn i needed that guys thanks.
    Toyota just got an earful from me.
    warranty schwarranty.

  16. The transmission on a Toyota went? . Great-- I have 2 Toyotas. I was hoping they would last longer than my last car.

    and dbfreak--good luck to you!

  17. Mooshki: I was just about to mention Melanie and Antonio but you beat me to it. Hot guy/busted face chick is a bad combination that always leads to drama and bad plastic surgery. See also Posh.

  18. Car problems with the hoopty's aside.

    I don't understand where all the hate for Fergie comes from, she's very pretty, seems like a nice person - you don't hear specific details of awful behavior. I mean a drunk flight here and there... accidental bladder issues, and perhaps details of her sex life are odd, but she doesn't really look like a tranny, and she dresses beautifully - because she can.

  19. I'm with you Zandra, I don't get all the hateration on Fergie. Yeah, she messed up the traditional sound of The Peas, but they hired her, wanted her, so they could sell mountains of albums and concerts. Their choice. Not her fault.

    Her body is tight. She can actually sing. She doesn't have a great face, but she isn't cutting herself up either. She seems sweet and unpretentious. She and Josh appear to be a normal, relaxed couple. I like 'em.

  20. I never quite got the hate for fergie's looks from Ent's POV simply because I think that the drugs are what jacked her up. And I don't even think she is really jacked up (granted, I've never seen her without make-up), just not as pretty as she could and probably would have been if she hadn't been strung out on meth. I STILL don't understand why people do meth. At least with other drugs you can hide the evidence of being fucked up for a while. Meth kicks in so quickly there's no hope, it's like the drug eats you alive from the outside first.

  21. Nice sneakers. *rolls eyes*
