Tuesday, September 09, 2008

Today's Blind Items

Apparently working out is not the only way this former A lister has for losing weight. During a Fashion Week event in the past two days, our actress, on her own for the first time in awhile decided to prove that she can snort more coke than even Elton John. Whatever was placed in front of her, she hoovered right up. She is not much for sharing though. When someone tried to bend over for a little bit, she told them to find their own.


  1. Carla-- I don't think anyone. including Ben Affleck would say jlo is a former A list actress.
    I get the feeling it is someone who just broke from a relationship.

  2. Is Kate Hudson considered A-list?
    I know she is here this week.

  3. Kate--that is a great guess. I think she is single now--& always had a boyfriend. Also, she is really thin.
    I wish it wasn't her, because she really did some great stuff, & was so beautiful.

    And Carla--I should have put lol after my statement. Sorry.

  4. What's really sad is that Fashion Week "promoters" are sill clearly marketing the cocaine diet craze and, hence, stick-thin figure models as "role models" for teens and young women.

  5. i bet its kate hudson.
    if she doesn't wanna share an elevator, she would never let another nose snort her coke.

  6. hot damn its totally Kate. on her own for a first time in awhile? all we bitches talk about ishow that skeez can't be alone.

    no wonder she 'couldn't handle it!" in the elevator.
    2 blinds in 1!

  7. Has Winona Ryder ever worked out? She's more the not-eating kind of skinny.

    Ent doesn't say A list "actress," so I think it could be J-Lo. Has been bragging about working out, lost a lot of weight after her pregnancy...

  8. Oh, and the "on her own" is because J.Lo is always haunted by Skeletor.

  9. Totally Winona Ryder. She was photographed with Rachel Zoe.

  10. OK -- I know this is a stretch, but it's a blind kind of stretch ...

    Could it be Britney? An A-list actress, no .... but a former "A-lister" ....yes, and she has acted (although that VMA intro she did reminded me of those commercials for auto insurance with the dreadful acting).

    I don't know if she was at Fashion Week, but I know she's been working out a lot at/for Bally's, and she's been off on her own without any handlers lately.

    Just a thought.

  11. i was gonna say helen mirren, but she's still an a lister.

    i really don't think kate hudson was ever a list. ever.

    if he's talking about former a lister on tv, it could be jennifer aniston.

  12. I retract my J.Lo guess - no one would ever dare to think they could share her blow. :)

  13. first thought in my head was Kate Hudson. Plus there was that story about how she didn't want to be in an elevator with the little people.
    Clearly she doesn't know how to share!

  14. Kate Hudson or Winona Ryder.

  15. i think it's kate.
    although, aniston is looking thin, and she is "on her own" after the cox-arqettes (sp?) vacationed without her. i've always wondered how she stays so thin with all the pot she smokes *allegedly*!

  16. Renee Zellweger? I don't know about "former" but she's definitely A list and has had to lose weight after all the Bridget Jones movies. And I read that she was at Carolina Herrera this week.

  17. i'm surprised people think kate hudson is a list. that means she's on a par with halle berry, julia roberts, cameron diaz? why am i not seeing that and why is she never on any of the a list actress lists?

  18. Has to be Winona. She looks so skinny in random photos and she is in there TWICE.

  19. Molly, it's only because Hwood keeps giving her film roles, lord knows why, and because of her family.

    Although she did give that unforgettable performance in "How to Lose a Guy in Ten Days." and "Fools Gold." and let's not forget "Le Divorce." Oh, you already did?

  20. Actually, I take Zellweger back after looking at the photos and seeing how thin J. Lo looks. It's not from triathalon training. Also, she's been attached at the hip with Mark for a while now, hence the "alone" comment. And finally, the clue just said "former A Lister", with "actress" as another descriptor - not "former A list actress". Jen was an actress, and an A list star, but not an a list actress. It works. (Although I have a hard time imagining her doing coke in full view of anyone, let alone anyone having the nerve to ask her to share.)

  21. Gwyn was there too as well as Hillary Swank, making lots of funny faces. Although Hill is probably still A-list, Gwyn is most certainly not!

  22. But bookstalker has a point-Winona was in the pics twice! And she looked like a ghost!

  23. Lori, that would also explain why J.Lo says she doesn't have a nanny - when she looks at her all she sees is a Snuffleupagus. :)

  24. ms snarky, thanks, i knew there had to be a reason...lol.

    huh? never saw those. the only thing i thought she was good in was almost famous, and that's because she was playing herself.

  25. Kate Hudson is A-list... she was nominated for Almost Famous for both AA and GG and won she the GG.
    After the elevator blind...totally Kate.

  26. I still don't see any part of the first sentence applying to Kate, but there's certainly no reason to hang out with Rachel Zoe apart from getting a fix.

  27. I wouldn't doubt that Kate Hudson loves her some blow but she isn't known for working out; she keeps her weight down by smoking the ciggies.

    JLo is on her own for the first time in a while, and so is Jen Aniston. Both keep fit by working out and making sure that people know it.

    I also think it's well known that Jen not only tokes but snorts.

  28. Kate Hudson still gets lead roles in studio movies, like in Fool's Gold. I wouldn't say she's a former A list.

    Winona is a much better fit. "I don't know what the hell I was thinking putting two Winona Ryder photos in here. Sorry." You, naughty boy!

    Former A-list? Check. It wasn't just the shoplifting incident. She's one of those actresses who has difficulties finding a second wind to their career when part of their appeal came from their juvenile and fragile looks.

    However, I just can't figure her "on her own for the first time in awhile". She's had many short relationships and she's supposed to be dating Tom Green now. And I can't even less picture her working out!

  29. what about Kate Winslett?

    hoover= brit term for vacuum
    elton john= brit
    lost weight
    never out.always with Mendes.
    former A-list after Titanic.

    doesn't indicate married or not.

  30. hey, guys! i finally figured out facebook!

    and i'm now brain dead. whew!

  31. on her own for the first time in awhile

    i hate the way this is worded. it could mean anything.

    bionic bunny, congrats. i must be the only person on the planet who has never done myspace or facebook. i spend too much time here as it is.

  32. grace, there are pics all the time of Kate Hudson running. and this is the first time in a while that she hasn't been snogging someone. Although just because she isn't dating anyone in pubic doesn't mean she's not doing the nasty!

  33. And wasn't winona just recently photographed with a new man? I can't remember WHERE I saw that....

    Don't think it's Kate Hudson because he mentions losing weight. Even by Hollywood standards I don't think anyone's ever said Kate needed to lose weight.

    The Elton John reference seems to refer to something. Obviously the drunken incident with Lily Allen....was anyone former A list at that soiree? (I can't remember what it was?)

  34. molly - I agree, it could mean single, or it could mean JLo at a party for once without her ever-present skeletor guard.

  35. I have lurked for over a year but never commented. First, let me set the record straight that I am NOT a Jennifer Aniston fan. At all. However, there is a serious misconception that pot smokers are overweight, out-of-shape, or chunky due to "munchies". The majority of chronic pot smokers I know are remarkably thin.

    I have used off an on for over a decade, and ironically, each time I indulge for a few weeks or so, I actually end up LOSING weight. The same applies for most everyone I know who partakes.

    Sure, it gives you the munchies, but not to the overeating extent. From my experience, the effects of the substance provide more self-control, motivation, and focus than many other things... particularly alcohol.

    Now, that being said, I use in extremely small amounts. I do not get "stoned". I take a hit once or twice and call it a day. Nice relaxation, great focus, and contradictory to most reports, more motivation. Moderation is key. But just because JA is thin, does not make her a blow queen.

    Blow has much more obvious, aging effects on the body. We would've been able to tell long ago if she were using a drug to keep her thin. For one, her pupils are never pinned, and she never has coke bloat in spite of documented alcohol consumption.

    Look at Faith Hill. She aged pretty damn quick after those three kids. Why? Cocaine diet.

    Gah. Bet you're all glad I came out of hiding to step on my soapbox.

    Nice to meet everyone! :) I should probably go back into hiding now. That response was soooo long.

  36. *skeletor guard*...lmao!

    or it could me she just came off promoting a new movie or cd or something.

    we don't even know if she's a list in movie, tv, music, being a slutty ass whore...

    hey bring forth, welcome!

  37. Don't know and don't really care unless the bitch want to share...

    BUT--Christina Ricci looks AWESOME in this pic with Winona! Gorgeous!

  38. And welcome too, bringforth!

  39. OK, though...after reading the caption for JLo's photo, this is sounding like Ent means her.

  40. Kate Hudson. Elton John=Tiny Dancer ... Almost Famous.

  41. Cristina ricci... Didnt she just break up from her relationship?

  42. Welcome bring forth- great points that I didn't know! thanks

  43. Please let it be Kate H. and let her disappear. I also want her to be the Lainey blind about the actress who yells at everyone, including her kid.

  44. The first sentence makes it sounds like it is someone who has sort of recently dropped some noticeable weight. Kate and Winona have both always been thin. And any pregnancy weight Kate would have lost would have been too far in the past.
    Bionic, I joined Facebook when Enty did and I still don't have a clue what it is I'm supposed to do once I get there. Ha!

  45. Welcome and thanxs for info bring forth. So maybe this is a stupid question but I am asking anyways. What is coke bloat? I always thought it was suppose to make you very thin. So Im going with either Hudson because what Cancan said and she is on her own for first time in awhile or Lopez, because she was there by herself and she just lost a lot of baby weight.

  46. I agree with cancan's equation.

    I read somewhere that Kate recently quit smoking cigarettes. Maybe as a result she's gained weight and now has to snort.

  47. Bring forth...welcome and smoke it if you gotta,no one here cares.

    and i agree on all points. if i stopped toking here and there i'd be a house from boredom,instead i smoke and go hiking like the good lil Canuck I am.

  48. JHo all the way. When has Kate been known for working out?

  49. bring forth, no disrespect intended.
    personally, i have a problem with ambien if i stay awake too long. if i could sleep, i'd probably be much thinner.
    and welcome, smoke 'em if ya got em!

    and, i confess, y'all. i just purchased a copy of "facebook for dummies".
    and enty, thank you for being my first! :)

  50. I agree with jax - it's prolly Kate, hence the "freaking out in the lift" incident.

  51. Wait - ENT said "apparently working out isn't the only way...." So who's the former A-list actress known for "working out"?

  52. Aniston. Enty doesn't say A-list for movies or tv! LOL. Aniston's not movie A-list, but she still would be for TV.

    Also - on Sunday night in Toronto she was jacked up on something. Go over to ET's website and look at the interview she did for ET Canada. She's wiping her nose like crazy with the back of her hand. Perez Hilton had a Not So Blind Item yesterday that was clearly Aniston and said it was week. More than a few people think it was coke based on all the nose wiping in her interviews.

    Lastly, Aniston was in NYC on Monday at the launch of a new fashion line that David Arquette is doing with Ben Haper, who's married to their friend Laura Dern. Picture below. Whatever tiff she and the Cox-Arquettes had seems to have been resolved...although Courteney doesn't look all that thrilled with the way Aniston is clutching onto her so tightly!


  53. Interesting to bring up Christina Ricci - although I thoroughly believe this blind to be JLo. Remember years ago when Christina came into a womanly body as she got older? She said she'd never go out of her way to be thin - just healthy-looking, because there wasn't anything wrong with that. How times change.

    Oh, and ecfan - notice how her hands are just a little to close to the neck ...

  54. bringforth, Bravo.

    I could not have explained it better myself....you were spot on.

  55. Im going w/ Lilo - recall she said she was working out and that was how she was losing all the weight. Well history has shown ole Sam isn't the best influence - recall the passed out pics and she was a mess back then. Plus I think she qualifies as A (or did), it doesnt say "actress".

    Plus you've seen the pics, she is definately back on the powder diet, if she was really working out we'd see some definition somewhere - right :)

    I'll try to find the article where she says she's working out.

  56. ahhh, here we go ...

    that's not what's making her thin :)

  57. although she hasnt been out of SamRo's sight that I can recall so maybe it doesn't quite fit but geez, she sure is getting tiny and doesn't look healthy to me - I'd bet good money she's back on something.

  58. Read the FULL item and don't throw guesses out of a hat, because it is COMPLETELY skewed towards Kate Hudson:

    1). Apparently working out is not the only way this former A lister has for losing weight.

    So the actress is known for working out. We always see Kate playing tennis and riding bikes. She works out plenty. Winona Ryder? Never seen a single workout shot of her ever.

    Former A-lister fits too. She was once Academy Award nominated actress with her pick of plum roles. Now she's mired in forgettable B-list rom-com Hell.

    2). During a Fashion Week event in the past two days:

    Check Kate with the Rachel Zoe party and the elevator incident.

    3). Our actress, on her own for the first time:

    CLEARLY a reference to Hudson. She's a serial dater and ALWAYS has a boyfriend or man-toy around. Being alone and single is rare for her. Winona Ryder?? When's the last time we even knew or cared who she was dating! And Aniston is alone a lot of the time, she's without someone more than she's with someone. This is clearly Hudson.

    4). she can snort more coke than even Elton John:

    Almost Famous - Tiny Dancer.

    EL barely made this one blind. Every line fits Hudson.


  59. Was SamRo with LiLo at Fashion Week, bc otherwise it is true she hasn't been seen alone in a while

  60. I disagree that it is Kate. She has always been skinny, so losing weight doesn't really apply.

    I would say Kirstie Alley.

  61. Bring Forth, Bring it on! We love it babydoll!

  62. Anonymous10:04 PM

    This does fit Kate Hudson, but after watching this toronto interview with Aniston, I have to agree - Jen is wired for sound here. Can't sit still, wiping her nose and rambling, wandering comments . . . she can barely ride a train of thought. She usually comes across as focused and relaxed.
    I have known plenty of cokeheads - JA is definitely a powderhound:


  63. Is Drew in town for any Fashion Week events? She was the first person I thought of after reading the post.

  64. My first guess was JLo, but I think the Kate Hudson argument is much stronger.

    Also, JLo isn't exclusively an actress, so i think Enty would have mentioned her other career.

    I don't doubt Aniston likes blow, but the Elton John clue doesn't fit.

    Strangely, I think the Sharon Stone guess is a possibility. She has been looking way rough lately -- like she needs to top up her Botox -- and she's always with guy who is allegedly 24. (If he's 24, then I'm 15.) While there is an Elton John connection (AIDS fundraising), I don't think she has a reputation as a gym bunny.

    That said, Kate Hudson.

  65. Completely wayyyyyyy of topic...

    Facebook blows. It's pretty useless. Unfortunately, I know it very well. All...too...well. =/

    If any of you need help with it lemme know. I think I'm starting to like you guys that post here at CDAN.

    Same with Science and/or Technology (computers or computation).

    I'm actually awake right now waiting for the results of the LHC first run in Switzerland.

    And no, the Large Hadron Collider will not create black holes to suck up the earth. If they are created, they will last less than one hundred millionth of a second. Could suck up a scientist or two =)

  66. Oh and the blind...


    Tom Cruise.

    Former A-list Actress.

    All in the clues, people!

  67. I am really liking the hudson and aniston guesses.

    I thought about Lindsay because of the "first time on her own" and losing weight BUT A-list? I don't know if she has ever really been A-list.

    If he had said singer it would have obviously been Lily bc of the whole Elton John b*%ch fight - I can snort you under the table thing.

    I am leaning a little more to Aniston though because of the weight loss...everyone has been saying how fit she looks lately but I have not heard many comments about Hudson's weight loss. And it is certainly the first time in a while that Aniston has been seen without some hired boy toy. I never understood how Mayer was supposed to help make her look desirable but he also grosses me out...I digress.

    Ok Aniston...until someone convinces me otherwise.

  68. also with the build up of the brad factor in toronto Aniston may have needed a little gak to boost her confidence. I could see her personality getting hooked on that crap. I don't know what Mayer is into but being on tour with him and just being in the business I am sure it is tempting.

  69. Ok I watched that ET interview. I definitely think she was on something...agree with ace tomato. Every statement was completely generic as if she were commenting on something she did not personally experience. Weird. She should know to save the drug use for after the interview. Thanks for the clip link ace.

  70. Definitely Maniston...I've heard that she and CC-A have been into the blow for quite awhile. And she's been looking thinner recently than she has in awhile.

  71. "Facebook blows. It's pretty useless."

    I generally agree, but the Enty appreciation group has turned into a great place for CDANers to hang out and shoot the shit. I just wish more people would participate - my demand for chat is rarely satisfied. :)

  72. OK-so all you guys think JA was coked up in that interview? I only saw her wipe her nose twice and she really didn't seem that out of it to me, at least no more than normal?

    Did Julia Stiles used to be A-list? Ent makes a comment about her in the random photos about how she used to be in everything and then POOF! Don't know her romantic history though.

  73. Oh...sorry...it was actually "whoooosh" that Ent said. Isn't "whoooosh" the sound that a hoover makes???

  74. Not sure ice angel "whooosh" seems more of a sound associated with expelling air not sucking up...sorry I have no idea - mine is a Kenmore ;)

  75. Jen had a very itchy nose during that interview. She scratched it twice but that was a very short interview.

    Isn't she the answer or best guess for the blind of the actress who took male hormones to reduce her weight and subsequently had a miscarriage and that's why the high-profile marriage broke up?

    I had attributed it to smoking, but her voice did go down in pitch some years back -- it is used to be much higher.

  76. Not JLo - she is training for a triathlon, and you can't do coke with that - believe me, I know.
