Tuesday, September 16, 2008

What Do You Think?

It seems like everyone is all in a fuss about Frances Cobain's Sweet 16 bash and how it was portrayed as a "suicidal 16" themed bash. I think she was just trying to say that she was kissing off childhood by saying RIP. People are saying it is insensitive to her father's memory. Well first of all, it is her father and only she knows what is right and what is wrong for her, and how she deals with that situation. I don't think any of us can tell her she should deal with that situation and whether she is right or wrong.

Now, what we can criticize is the fact that Courtney Love keeps selling off bits and pieces of Nirvana to anyone who will give her a few bucks and a carton of cigarettes. She always claims she is selling everything off because she has no money. Well, if she has no money, why did she drop $320,000 on the birthday? As far as I know it wasn't being filmed for My Super Sweet 16, and most of those parties don't even rack up that kind of bill. My math is shaky, but for that kind of money she could have bought Frances a $20,000 car for each of the 16 years she has been alive. Now that would be a pretty cool present. I just think that anyone who can drop that kind of money on a party that will be over in a few hours, really is not hurting for cash.

So, what do you think? OK for Frances to throw a RIP to childhood party? Do you think Courtney was ok to spend that kind of dough on a party while at the same time pleading poverty?


  1. wait, she has to be sensitive because her father offed himself? thaaats kinda fucked up. i think its a pretty cool idea. Though, 16 seems a little young for it. maybe 18?

    Courtney probably didn't drop the whole 320. she probably got SOME donations. like didn't the arctic monkeys play? aren't they friends?

    I have to admit, I'm broke, but my daughters 2nd birthday is a huge deal to me. She had the stroke in July and dammit, I'm having a pony party for her. Its $275, and I do feel a bit guilty spending that money, but I just want it to be nice for her. Not that she wouldn't just appreciate a few gifts and a bbq in the backyard, but yeah.

    I still love Courtney, and I'm gonna get flamed for it. leaving it at that.

  2. *shrug - she's a teenager - it's the polar opposite of those sweet 16 parties in terms of theme.

    I wonder who controls Frances's inheritance (assuming she was left one from her dad) - if the kid herself is paying for it really.

  3. Ridiculous. I think that parents that spoil their children in that capacity (albeit this instance is the insanity that is Courtney Love) do them no favors. Our kids today feel like they should roll out of their parents' homes into their parents lifestyles, sans the work. Which is total BS. I'm having this war with an ex boy toy of mine right now. He thinks he should have everything I have because he lives and breathes. He does not, however, take the college education, 15 years of busting my ass, blood, sweat and tears it took me to get where I am into account. Parents do this crap for THEMSELVES, not their kids.

  4. Didn't she sell off the Nirvana catalog? Maybe I'm mistaken, but I thought she had gotten MILLIONS for that.

  5. Spending that kind of money is ABSURD! What about her education? Her future? What a waste of resources on something so frivolous.

  6. spot on, indigoblue!!!

  7. I think it's a cool idea, morbid and different, but cool. I mean, it wasn't called "Isn't suicide awesome?!" From what I read, it was meant to be about the end of childhood and coming into adulthood.
    Or something like that.

  8. I am sorry Julie to say that I think courtney is a total twat .. besides a couple good songs with her band, she basically sucked the life out of kurt and is now sucking the money out of his memory to pay for a party for frances .. whatsa matta courtney, feeling alittle guilty.. as far as frances bean, she is a 16 year old girl who grew up surrounded by the mystery of her dad's death (I refuse to say suicide) and the mystery of what keeps her mother alive .. kurt and courtney could have surely been the sid and nancy of their generation .. anyway, I hope your daughters party is awesome Julie .. I know I always try to give my little ones a birthday they wont forget .. and that I wont be in debt for forever!

  9. The suicide thing may seem shocking but it's her dad and her party, if she thought it was a good idea I think she can have whatever the hell kind of party she wants. For Courtney Love to spend that much money on it - whether she has a lot of money or not - seems a bit frivolous, but I don't tell other people what to do with their cash. Unless I think they might spend it on me, in which case I shall tell them to buy me stuff.

  10. This comment has been removed by the author.

  11. I don't believe it cost that much and that the reported figure is a wild speculation or a falsehood by Ms. Love.

    Party was over by 11:30 when the venue was opened up to the general public. Mum footed the bill for decorations, loot bags, hospitality & the band. Venue wouldn't charge a rental fee provided a minimum amount of catering & booze was ordered. Furthermore, the venue had sound equipment in place, so no rental fees there. Venue provided security & staff.

    Yeah, that figure is wildly over-inflated.

    Excluding the band's fee, I doubt she even spent $50K.

  12. Thanks, Quintessential Southerner. Glad to see I'm not the only one wanting to spew my Cheerios every time some overly entitled brat doesn't get the car of their dreams on My Super Sweet 16. It's called a JOB, folks. Want it?? WORK for it!

  13. Courtney Love is probably broke but Frances most likely holds the inheritance and estate and has money to live off of.

    To Kurt Cobain's mother's credit, who raised Frances, here's a pic of a teen girl wearing a sweet pink outfit and doesn't look like Peaches Geldof or some other drug-addled screwed-up girl.

  14. when did Kurt Cobains mom raise Frances?

    I've NEVER heard of his mom having her. Jaime, Courtney's stepsister, yeah, but not grandma cobain

  15. ok, nm. for a little bit she did. my bad, sorry.

  16. I think she is 16 and shouldn't be scrutinized over the theme of her party because her dad was cool and her mom is a trainwreck.

    I think very little that Courtenay does can impress me. But her daughter does seem okay despite her.

  17. Courtney only sold HER portion of the Nirvana catalog. Dave and Krist still own their slice of the pie. I bet it drives her bonkers on a daily basis.

  18. I used to love Courtney but now she is just a pathetic fucktard. I feel sorry for Frances: dead dad and Courtney for a mom. Courtney is just selling off items that should really be in Frances' possession.

  19. jesus christ kurt must be spinning in his effin grave. everything he was about was the opposite of this sweet 16 BS. do you think if he were alive today he,d be wearing ed hardy and driving a Land Rover?

    courtney is a fuckin homicideal,sellout, pig and hopefully one day justice will be served.


  20. brendalove--I thought so. She should have quite a bit of money from that, so why not spend it on her daughter. Better than on drugs & bad plastic surgery.

  21. I think it's a fitting party for a young girl who's probably grown very used to having to see the words "father" and "suicide" everytime she reads something about herself and/or her Mother. Oh and her Father too. Why not laugh at all of it, maybe it will keep her from riding the white pony in a few years...

    As for the amount of money spent, I don't see a thing in the world wrong with spoiling your child silly on their birthday, or any day you'd like. After all it's the parent's money, they should do with it what they like. But, then again I'm not nearly as bitter about money as most people... I had no idea that Courtney was going around playing the pauper but then agan she's a Cancer, and no matter how much money they have it's rarely enough for them to feel secure. Not to mention this is Courtney Love we're talking about here, something tells me that lying about being poor isn't beneath her...

  22. okay, i know the story behind cobain and love.
    but honestly? i know nothing of either one of them, musically, except what i've read in the gossip sites.
    the fact that francis has managed to keep herself out of the tabloids as much as she has is amazing. and yeah, i don't believe kurt offed himself, even being in the dark as i am.
    but how the hell can someone spend that kind of money on a sweet 16? tacky theme? maybe. but it got her press, didn't it? so what do they do for her 18th to top it? my 16th was a silly little thing with a coca-cola cake and my closest friends from the rink (we wanted to go roller skating but one of the moms said we couldn't. i guess she figured it might mess up her girl's "champion" future. ahem). but we still had a blast. cost? uh..... yeah.
    i don't even REMEMBER my 18th.
    and i'm rambling again. i blame it on the absinthe.

  23. Whatever. She's a teenager. They all go through some dark phase. I was a sunny, good girl, but even I had my Sylvia Plath phase.

    And I totally agree with indigoblue. When I was a kid, not even the rich kids had the crazy parties the way they do now. My kids are little and they know I don't waste money on shit like that. Although we make nice parties for them, most of them have been at home.

  24. Whatever. She's a teenager. They all go through some dark phase. I was a sunny, good girl, but even I had my Sylvia Plath phase.

    And I totally agree with indigoblue. When I was a kid, not even the rich kids had the crazy parties the way they do now. My kids are little and they know I don't waste money on shit like that. Although we make nice parties for them, most of them have been at home.

  25. Anonymous10:51 PM

    I find it highly distasteful, but as most 16 year-olds are idiots and self centered it's for the adults in their lives to make them sensitive. We all know Cortney is too busy snorting her latest Nirvana fund to do anything close to parenting so ... As for the death of her childhood, with Cortney as a monsther she couldn't have really had one, could she?

    I spend more money on shipping from the states to get party stuff for my kids than the actual party. Oriental Trading guts my account with their shipping rates, and eBay sellers can be total turds too. I think the $350K is beyond disgusting. At most we go about $500 per kid - and that's if it's hard like the upcoming Dr. Who one. However, we throw kickass parties without crap loads of candy - the kids take home some really cool, themed stuff so the $ isn't that big an issue for me.

    I also wonder if Francis will be paying for this 'suicide' for the next 40 years because mommy snorted or smoked the $ long ago.

  26. I found it more disturbing that the invitation told the young guests the following:

    “Your bags will be searched at the door, not my rules, but it is the house of blues rules so don’t be stupid and try to bring sh*t do it b4 you get into the party if you have to and try to be stealth!”
