Friday, October 17, 2008


The NY Post had a report yesterday that said someone overheard Miley Cyrus telling a friend that, ""she was probably staying at Justin's tonight and that they were going to skip the after-party and have a party of their own." I can believe that. Apparently the entire world believed it also. So, to that end Miley's publicist released a statement that said, "Miley had a great time at the show, but the whole sleeping-over thing never happened. Miley went home with her mom and manager. Leticia is very strict with her."

First of all, I don't recall seeing anywhere in the NY Post quote that Miley said she was going to do anything wrong when she went to Justin's place. She just said they were going to have their own after party. I'm sure of course that meant they were going to eat popcorn and watch Jonas Brothers concerts. To throw in the bonus that Tish is really strict with Miley just makes the whole thing even more laughable. Who out there thinks Miley's parents are strict with her? Yeah, that's what I thought. I hate when publicists treat the world like we are idiots and that we just buy the garbage that they stuff down our throats. We have minds and we know how to use them. What if Tish had told the publicist that Miley had indeed spent the night at Justin's and they ended up sleeping together all night. Do you really think she would have told us the truth? Hell no. So, why on earth should we believe her when she said that Miley went home with her mother. Plus, maybe mom said Justin could spend the night over at Miley's house. Hell, if I were Justin I would rather go home to wherever Miley was staying anyway because it is probably nicer than a 6th floor walkup that he shares with four other models.


  1. Anonymous11:51 AM

    The way she was twisting that tongue of hers at the Runway you think her mind is playing with Barbie's. Don't think so.

  2. I think the only thing Tish is strict about is how much money Miley brings in.

  3. I smell another teen pregnancy headed our way....

  4. he's got a bit of Kutcher going on.

  5. sylvia, if she is, she's got barbie going down on ken.

  6. I'm not sure where Piggy Hilton got this quote from "various sordid after party activities". Sordid can mean anything. lines. lines. lines?

  7. Why would she be playing with barbies, she is 16 years old. I was no whore but I remember how it was at 16 and we werent playing with dolls.

  8. Anonymous12:58 PM

    bad molly lol bad

  9. Her boyfriend seems like he has the personality of a rock. I know that may be unfair to say lol.

  10. Most 16 year olds are doing the nasty. If they aren't doing it, they're thinking about it 24/7 and anticipating the day when.

    If I was 16 years old, I'd be wagging my tongue at that sweet young thing too. Just maybe not so publicly as Miley. I always got a big kick out of being the ultimate good girl, a high achiever with the grades to prove it, and then turning into a wildcat in the sack.

    The days of good girls waiting till marriage ended somewhere around 1966, I think.

  11. Hands up if you think Miley's in the double digits..

  12. stiffkittens, age or the number of guys she slept with?

  13. Anonymous1:35 PM

    To me, the issues are:
    1) It's a felony.
    2) Mom and Dad set them up.
    4) Why would Justin AGREE to put themselves at risk for serious jailtime and a lifetime sex offender list?!?!?!?!

    And I agree, he has the personality of a rock. I saw a video of him at the fashion shoot yesterday and he just seemed like a wet rag. He's okay looking but not stunning. I'd pass.

  14. I agree with everything dnfrommn wrote. Plus I think Miley is a total hobag, skeezy, tramp. (Sorry, I had to pile up all three to show that one word just didn't do her justice.)

  15. Molly: lol. The latter - its got to be up there by now, surely. Im beginning to think that the Disney cop. is just a cover for borderline paedos - especially considering the blinds about Jamie-Lynne and that Amanda Bynes girl. Why do people cover up things like that (and im accepting that the blinds are completely true in regards to those).

  16. A 16 year old girl who has a 210 year old BF, what could go wrong with that?

  17. The one with the money has all of the power. In any relationship. Miley is the bread winner, her mom came from poor white trash in WVa and was a well known groupie who tried getting anyone to knock her up to get a better life, that's why they have different baby daddies and all of them were raised by the grandmother while mom chased musician dick across the Appalachia, that's how Miley came to be.

    The whole group of them are trashy, but I do agree with the poster, why would you set up a sexual situation for your very young daughter? I can't wait for Miley's tell all, after the booze and drug years, of course.

  18. The big deal for me is the double standard. If she's really having sex, why keep up the whole virginity act? It does no one any favors, and ends up making her look like a two-faced slut, rather than just a slut.
    And btw, there are plenty of teens who don't have sex until later. Out here in the bible belt, kids tend to wait longer, and put more thought into who they're doing it with. (no, really.)

  19. Sexecution, how many months after her Montana contract is up do you think she'll start her booze and drug years? My guess is 8.
