Monday, December 29, 2008

I'm Trying To Decide

This is one of those decisions in life that haunt me. This would be decision that will keep me up nights for the next few weeks as I weight the pros and cons of each side. You may be asking yourself what could possibly disturb me enough to keep me from my alcohol induced sleep? Well, I saw a report today that Heather Mills is being sued for a lack of a better word. It is not really a suit, but more of an employment claim that her nanny filed against her claiming sex discrimination and intimidation.

From reading the reports I really don't see where the nanny was discriminated against sexually. Perhaps they use a different definition in the UK. In any event, I do see the intimidation though. Turns out the nanny was forced to spray tan Heather while Heather was naked. Not really nanny duties, but Heather is on a budget after all. $40M does not go as far as it used to. The nanny was also forced to work as early as 730am and as late as midnight. I'm not really sure how that can be intimidating except as it relates to seeing Heather without any makeup on.

The question and thought that is going to drive me bonkers each night is this. Who would you rather spray tan? Denise Richards or Heather Mills?


  1. Heather Mills. All things being equal, she has a better accent. And more money.

  2. I would rather be forced to listen to Jennifer Aniston talk about how all the years later, she is "over it", has moved on and wants her privacy and what color her bridesmaids dresses will be when she gets married again than to go anywhere near these 2.

  3. On the one hand, I'd say I'd prefer to spray DR because Heather seems meaner and it is probably difficult matching color to her prosthetic, which apparently was part of the nanny's duties.

    However, it might be kinda fun to spray tan Heather while listening to her talk shite about Paul.

  4. Heather Mills, because there's less surface area to cover.

  5. Neither. They both seem to be kinda nasty, either physically or verbally.

  6. Hands, and pants, down Denise Richards. If I did it for the amputee I'd be tempted to beat her to death (or serious injury) with her fake leg, just for the sheer glee of it.

  7. I can cram the spray tan right down her face

  8. I'd rather be locked in a room with Aniston waxing poetic about all things "uncool" than have to spray tan either of those unwarranted self-important cows.

  9. is the fake leg part of the deal or does it make do without the coding of douche bag spray tan? if sans leg then heather- denise would probably make you clean up her pig/dog/kids shit in addition to helping her with her valtrax meds. gross.

  10. If being forced to see your boss naked when you were hired for childcare isn't sex harassment, WHAT IS?!?

  11. This comment has been removed by the author.

  12. Enty you left out the part where Heather Mills gave the nanny a brand new car when she left her service.... apparently they weren't on that bad of terms were they? And the nanny actually got expenses paid vacations.. guess she misses it all...

    never thought I'd side with Heather Mills, the ultimate gold digger, on anything.. but it appears the gold digger has a gold digger now....

  13. If she is a gold digger, then karma's a bitch, ain't it? I think an appropriate caption for this photo is, "I can walk faster than you!"

    Mama Theresa has a plan. Spray tan her eyes. If that stuff is like glue (however remote), spray tan the shit out of her nose and mouth.

  14. You forgot choice #3
    Internal Combustion, which is what I would pray for..
