Monday, December 29, 2008

Now That's A Shocker

According to The Daily Mail, Tom Cruise and Katie Holmes have been receiving death threats from an anti-Scientology group. Apparently Tom and Katie have called in the FBI and security has been increased. Have you seen Anonymous? I love them, but they are not the death threat type. They are the I will go on the protest if I can get past the next level of Guitar Hero.

The thing I love about the story is that they are so fearful of being killed that they have decided to maintain separate residences. Wow. That's a shocker huh? Even when they are in the same residence, it is not like they are sitting in bed together talking about the day's events. Oh sure, Katie comes in at night to find out her schedule for the next day, what she should wear, which cameras she should look in and everything else that their PR machine needs to hum.

Supposedly Tom is so scared of dying that he built a $10M bunker in Colorado to keep him safe. Seriously? Who does he think is after him? Does he think someone is going to send in the military to kill him? Does Xenu have friends in the universe that are pissed at Tom? I'm guessing hat if there is a Xenu and it has evil friends that a bunker dug into some hillside is not going to slow them down much.


  1. HAHAHAHAAAAAA. Stupid. If Kate is really fulfilled, I'll eat my shoe.

  2. Nice excuse for a trial separation, Cruises!

  3. Only an idiot would be afraid of a 4chanr..

    That said, didn't old Elron act similarly in the end?

  4. Yeah, really Kristen S! Who the hell are they fooling?

    Maybe Kate can finally GET some while living on her own.

  5. wow you'd never know anyhting about the threats when you see KatE parade Suri around NYC on a fuckin daily basis.


  6. the pr machine is working overtime with this one. Do they really expect people to believe this crock of shit? agreed, jax, that there doesnt seem to be fear on katies face when she out with suri, the fear only shows the closer she gets to home

  7. they both need a little cock.

  8. WOW......They came up with a pip....gotta hand it to them....L. RON would be so proud......

  9. What the hell happened to that girl? She just looks so incredibly unhealthy these days...

  10. Who'd lay her some pipe? That growth on her lip looks nasty. And I'm surprised it wasn't a dealbreaker for Tom before they married; he seems the type who'd be grossed out having to look at that all the time. I know *I* would be.

  11. I say this just confirms all that we have believed about them.

    Gay, Brainwashed Robot, and not THEIR spawn

  12. Binky..well Kidman had the same thing a week ago so guess who's the common denominator?

  13. She's been on the CELEB HERP list for a long time....and does anyone really think they get it on....?

  14. I hope these two don't expect any pity because they chosen to preside over a cult with abused and enslaved ex members running around, all unhappy and much poorer because of the CO$.

    If they were so frightened they wouldn't be parading around in the open all over NYC. I think she just wants to be as far from Tom as possible and dopey threats just came in time to save her from that wierdo. Now she gets the apt, money and no sexy times with Tom. She's just waiting out the marriage contract anyway.

  15. Is anyone else worried that Tom wants to bump KatE off, and this is just Step One of his plan? I know I watch too many movies, but really -- if she wanted to get out and he didn't want another divorce on his record (people might start to think he can't satisfy a woman, oh my!), or if she was addicted to heroin or something and he didn't want that to get out... I don't know if I believe he (or someone else in the church) wouldn't have her killed and then blame some Sciento-haters. The public would feel so bad for him, losing his young wife; someone from Anonymous would probably end up in prison for her murder; and of course, he'd still have adorable Suri -- with no interference from anyone else regarding her raising. Hmmmm.

  16. oooo, No1, very plausible since they have a nasty habit of trying to kill off people who try to leave. I do hope you're wrong. Neither one of them look healthy. Look at Katie's eyes. Both she and Tom look like they're starving to death. Suri looks like the spawn of Satan in this picture. You expect a cross to come tumbling off a church spire.

  17. Don't they know, the way they're supposed to deal with Anonymous is to buy a dog and close the curtains?

    Memes, get your memes here.

  18. It's probably where he keeps his secret "pets."

  19. Maybe if they put a coat on that kid, the "threats" would stop!
