Monday, December 15, 2008

NY Daily News Blind Item

Which professional athlete talks dirty in the third person? Many of his A-list conquests have had to endure "Yeah, [blank] likes it like that!"


  1. Haha, I'll second Derek Jeter. Too many guys do this, though. *clears throat*

  2. Alex Rodriguez. It's probably a NY athlete (NY Daily News), and someone who has dated A-list. Someone who slept with the athlete had to have dropped this one to the NYDN gossip writer. I'm betting it's his ex-wife who dropped it, in a passive-aggressive fit of revenge.

  3. Yah A-Rod seems logical...i bet he got it from Madonna.....OOOh Madonna likes that...oh Yah Arod likes that.....they could have a whole conversation in the third person.

  4. I don't care who it is - that's figgin' funny!

  5. I don't care who it is - that's figgin' funny!

  6. t.o. talks in the third person.

  7. Ooooh, good one, Molly.
    Probably calls himself "Little T" like from his children's book.

    But A-Rod and Jeter make the most sense.

    Thought of Kobe, but then wondered how many A-listers he's been with.

    Or maybe Roger Clemens?

  8. "Little T", selena...hysterical.

  9. That was a good one Molly.

  10. I definitely thought of Jeter. It's NYDN, and Jeter's had the most conquests of any NY athlete, although I don't know if he's getting much anymore.

  11. According to David Cross, it could be Ricky Henderson (although I don't know who he is). He does a stand up bit about how Ricky Henderson speaks in the third person.
