Monday, December 15, 2008

Sharon Osbourne Pulls A Jerry Springer

Sharon Osbourne should have learned how to throw a punch while she had her talk show. If she had, then maybe she would not be having to host Rock Of Love: Charm School. I know, I know, you probably even forgot she had a talk show. It's ok if you don't remember or didn't see it. That was at a time when they gave anyone who had ever even had a guest spot on a tv series a talk show.

Anyway, during the taping of the reunion show, Sharon made some smart ass remark to Megan Hauserman who decided that she wanted to extend her 15 minutes of fame. Actually I guess she is already at 30 minutes because I think she was in Beauty And The Geek, I Love Money and also Rock Of Love 2 as well. I guess you can make a living going from one reality show to the next. So, she said that Sharon was "only famous for managing a brain dead rock star." While I agree that Ozzy is perhaps damaged, I don't think he is brain dead. I would have to agree though that Sharon is only famous for managing Ozzy. Its only because of Ozzy that she got to do the Osbournes. Let's face it. Prior to that show had you ever heard of Sharon Osbourne? No. You might have seen her wedding photo to Ozzy, but you probably didn't even know they were still married.

Well, Sharon took exception and so allegedly launched herself at Megan. She allegedly started pulling Megan's hair and scratching her and trying to get in a few punches as well. After security broke up the pair, Megan went to the hospital where she decided to press criminal charges against Sharon. TMZ has video of Megan emerging from the hospital. I think the arm sling is a bit much, but whatever gets you in the news and that possible Playboy pictorial is worth it. I mean she has been featured in their online version, but this could get her to Playmate status. Or at least a shot at being Hef's girlfriend for a few episodes of The Girls Next Door.


  1. never heard of her but those are some ugly ass shoes in that picture

  2. She is the reason the word "butterface" was invented.

  3. Anonymous9:54 AM


  4. Anonymous10:45 AM

    If someone called my spouse brain dead, I'd be a little pissed off, too.

  5. Sharon Osbourne is awesome. I love her.

  6. Ugh, Megan is the worst of the skanks on the ROL series, desperate for fame and a complete butterface. I'm surprised she didn't leave the hospital in a bikini. First time I think I've seen her in actual clothes.

    Sharon Osbourne may not be the greatest, but you have to give her credit for doing a lot. America's Got Talent, that talent show in the UK, various other things. Sure, she became famous b/c of her husband, but she's done a lot since then. Saying she's only famous for her husband is like saying Nicole Kidman is only famous for her ex-husband. Both took a relationship with a famous person and parlayed it into gigs where they could display some real talent.

    I can't believe I'm semi-defending Sharon Osbourne. Ugh.

  7. if someone called my hubby that she'd be lucky to have any hair left on her skank head.

    Black Sabbeth fans will take care of her.

  8. Ya Ozzy's brain dead alright, which is why he is still making millions off his album sales, tv spots and most recently, making a commercial mocking the way he talks. Sharon is a genius when it comes to Ozzy, the lady has her shit togehter.

  9. I guess I look at it differently . . . I think Ozzy's still relevant because of Sharon. If it hadn't been for her, he'd never have had a solo career. The woman's a marketing genius.

  10. haha yes!!!! I love Sharon Osbourne a little bit more now.

  11. I agree with you there kelli - Ozzy would have been in the grave a long time ago without Sharon (both literally and career-wise). Sharon earned him the big bucks, whether you like it or not.
    Also they seem to genuinely love each other, and have been through so much together - i admire them for that.
    Despite all the shit going on with them, their family is solid and trying to forge careers for themselves instead of living off of Ozzy’s money (Sharon’s had many shows, Jack has his adrenaline junkie thing, and Kelly is doing radio) - how many celebs can we say that about?

  12. I find it hard to believe that this Giant Redwood of a Whore, couldn/t beat down that 1000 years young Mummy know as Sharon Osbourne...seriously...check out the pic of the damage Sharon did on first you think that you are looking at the well groomed ass of a Yellow Labrador..but's Megans scalp..btw..the sling is placed to low to do any good...Dummy...

  13. I love Sharon Osbourne--she doesn't take crap from anybody, and after her infamous press release when she quit as Smashing Pumpkins' manager back in the day, she can do no wrong as far as I'm concerned. OK, perhaps that's overstating the case, but I really do think she & Ozzy genuinely love each other and have a healthy ability to laugh at themselves, and she's an absolute hoot. I'd hang out with her any time... :-)

  14. Sharon managed Ozzy's career practically from the start. He's done very well under her management & she doesn't get much credit for that.

    I'm always on team Osbourne! Stupid girl knew Sharon was a firecracker when she started in on her.

    Have you ever noticed the winner of a fight never files a complaint? Hmmmmm..

  15. Anonymous9:31 PM

    OT: stiffkittens I love your name ;)

    people may love or hate Sharon, but as others have pointed out she is a marketing genius. she has kept Ozzy relevant for the last 30 years (almost), to say nothing of helping him to deal with his drug and drink problems, and raise 3 kids; her love of her family is unimpeachable.

    if someone had said that about my partner they would be lucky to be walking out of the hospital on their own two feet.

  16. Team Sharon!!!!!!!!! She is my HERO. Think about all the Hell that woman has been through...... After Cancer and her crazy family, kicking rock promoters in thie pills, and standing up to Simon Cowell..........Sharon is a SURVIVOUR!!!!! Skank didn't stand a chance against her!!!
