Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Almost Halfway To A TV Show

A woman in Los Angeles yesterday gave birth to octuplets. Yep. 8 babies all at once. Well, not actually all at once. The 8 were delivered by C section and actually took about five minutes to deliver. Can you imagine if the Duggar's in their next pregnancy ended up with octuplets? As it is, this couple from Los Angeles is not even halfway to the Duggar's.

I can't imagine how difficult it must be even to have twins, but at least there are usually two parents to help and so that makes it somewhat easier. But 8? How do you even manage something like that? This couple is not going to be doing any sleeping for about a year. The bill for diapers and formula has to be many, many thousands of dollars a year. Do you give each baby their own crib? Can you even get 8 cribs into a bedroom? Forget ever having their own room growing up, and for at least the first five years of their life you know the parents will have them dressing identically.

When you have 8 kids like that, can you even tell them apart? There are six boys and two girls so presumably they should be able to at least be able to discern which girl is which, but as for the boys, you almost need to give them name tags to tell them apart. The babies ranged in weight when they were born from 1 pound 14 ounces to 3 pounds 14 ounces. The mom should be able to go home this week, while the babies will probably remain in the hospital for the next two months or so.

So, how much do you think People Magazine has offered for the photos of these kids? To me, at least this would be an ok time to exploit your kids for money. They probably need the money and it is a much more newsworthy event than Brangelina having a baby. 8 kids? At once? Wow.

To read more about the births, click here.


  1. I am hereby banning myself from this thread because I can feel the rage roiling in my gut. Just have to let a bit out: NO FERTILITY TREATMENTS FOR PEOPLE WHO AREN'T WILLING TO CULL THE EMBRYOS! FUCKTARDS!!!

  2. In an ironic twist...the mother has eight nipples.

  3. oh Moosh get ready for the Minivans to come to a screeching halt outside CDAN.

  4. I second that Mooshki. They could even have chosen to have a boy and a girl - perfect family. There is no need to have 8 WTF?!
    How are they going to give all the love, attention and other needs that those kids require? There is a huge difference between having 8 during the course of a decade or two, and having 8 altogether.

  5. I am all for selection before the embryo transfer. I'm sure they can tell which one or two are the strongest and leave it at that.

  6. we can all sit here and argue and judge the parents all the live long day. we can debate their finances and emotional capabilities and include all the woulda-shoulda-couldas to infinity and beyond.

    it won't, however, change the fact that those babies are here and that they deserve all the love and support any baby in any corner of the world deserves. so let's deal. they're not our babies and we're not going to be the ones losing sleep at night. i'm sure the babies will be as loved and as well cared for as parents and family can possibly love and care for them.

    there are worse things to get worked up about.

  7. I have a girlfriend that had to do hormonal injections to ovulate. The doctor had her sign several disclosure documents prior to treatment that she wouldn't go against the doctors advice and get pregnant with a "litter". Each month she went in for an ultrasound to see how many eggs were go to be available for fertilization. The first month she was told NOT to try, too many eggs had "ripened" and use a barrier method of birth control and wait until next month. The followng month she had 3 possible eggs, she was lucky to get pregnant with fraternal twin girls who are now teenagers. There are ways to become pregnant without "selective reduction".
    These multiple births do not produce healthy offspring. Usually there are one or two children that will be mentally disabled, have cerebal palsy, respiratory ailments or other permanent life altering problems.

  8. Amazon, agreed. with all the John and Kate hype i think it leads peole to beleive its that easy to have that many kids without medical issues when in fact J&K+8 were a fluke to not have children who are disabled on some way.

    the most dysfunction in that family comes fromt he parents and the devil child known as Maddy. (ironic name,no?)

  9. OOOHHH, Jax, I have wanted to reach through that TV screen and paddle that Maddy! My daughter loves that show, but everytime that girl starts up, I begin a parenting lecture to my kid, to the point now where she'll look at me before I open my mouth, and says, "Yeah, I get it mom, she's being DIFFICULT."


  10. Pookie, it took FORTY SIX hospital staff to deliver the babies. At that birth weight, these babies are going to cost a minimum of $8 million just in their first couple weeks of life. Do you think the parents are paying that money? No, insurance is. While countless children go without basic health or dental care. It is obscene.

  11. I wonder how much the medical costs have been up to this point, how much the parents themselves have actually paid of those costs, and the same for the future, especially the short-term, because all of these kids will need some serious medical attention at least for a few months. The medical expenses that aren't paid by the parents are either absorbed by the insurance company or written off by the hospital/medical providers, and thus contribute towards increased costs for all of us.

    I have to agree with Mooshki. And as embarrassed as I am to admit it, I remember agreeing with Howard Stern when the McCoys (I don't remember how to spell it correctly) had their litter. The parents were reported to have said something like, "God gave us all these babies," and Stern's commentary on it was, "No, lady, God told you you were barren."

  12. I live in the town where the Harris sextuplets live. This family has milked every business in the metro area and is very unappreciative. They have been on Oprah, had a house built by ABC and they have a reality show on TLC.

    It's sickening that they can't show a little gratitude and have to go national to get more freebies.

  13. Terri, John and Kat +8 have done the EXACT SAME THING! (See Goslins without Pity on the net) They get free trips to places many of us can't afford. They now live in a One Million + Dollar home in the country. Kate has alienated most of her family, including her own parents. I read one article where a lady bought Kate's children's clothes from her "approved stores" list which in this case was Baby Gap, then later found them all with the labels still attached at a consignment store.
    So, I do wonder if folks who do this assinine thing, think to themselves...FREEBIES and no more work for me, tv show, etc. Yes, it's cynical, but the past does vindicate such thoughts.

  14. I had one premature baby, & I can't begin to tell you how much care goes into taking care of just one, not eight. My son had years of speech, physical therapy, and occupational therapy. Multiply that by eight babies----I can't even fathom the delays these babies will have, & the expenses ahead.
    There is a reasona as to why a woman can only NATURALLY get pregnant with a certain amount of embryos.

  15. the mother has said she wants NO information released about her or the babies (other than the basic).
    i have to wonder if this is to keep OUT of the limelight, or if it is to drive up the price for "exclusive rights". and i'm sure eventually we'll hear what a hardship it was for HER to carry these 7 (#8 was a surprise) babies. yeah, bite me.

    i haven't been down there in years, but bellflower used to be not that great a town. if what's his name shows up to build them a "dream house" i'm gonna be pissed.


    Reality check. WTF leads you to think that the world needs your genetic material? What good are you doing besides being a brood sow? There are *at least* 8 homeless kids, orphans, foster kids, etc. that need a good home. Are you a brilliant scientific mind? No? How about a talented artist? Hmmm....a writer? An athelete? A musician? No??


    Let's all just have as many children as we want so we can make sure there are absolutely no natural resources left for the billions of progeny that will spring from our loins for the next hundred years.

    But hey, at least we get to leave them a legacy, right?

  17. mooshki...i get you, i truly do. but the thing is, those babies are already here. i'm not defending the choices the parents made or the cost to us as taxpayers, and i agree that there are so many hurting children in the world. but the fact remains those little ones are here and all our griping won't change that fact or ease the financial strain. it is what it is, whether we approve or not. :(

  18. LOL, Ror!!
    Yeah, not for us to judge. And yeah the babies are here and there's no doubt that they're going to need help. Are we sure they have insurance?
    Jon and Kate have money - their own money - that they're not using for the kids. For this, and other reasons, they aren't on good terms with their family.
    Anyway, whatever this family can get, they'll need and use.

  19. That said, I have to agree with the last part of Majik's post re carbon footprint.

  20. Oooooh!.........Mooshke or whatever isn't gonna post. Get over yourself.

    Look, it's all about one fucking thing. Choice. That's it. You wanna knock out some spermoid..go to town. Just do the HUMAN thing and take care of your juice droppings is all I say. Live with your choices people. Yeah, I am single with no kids, and DECIDED to get snipped because I don't feel the need to reproduce for a TON of reasons I won't get into. But it was MY CHOICE.

    But then again....I am much smarter than your average bear!


  21. Pookie, I see what you're saying too, I just feel an obligation to condemn them to counteract all the people who think it's "cute." It's obviously one of my pet peeves.
