Tuesday, January 27, 2009

NY Post Blind Item

WHICH magazine writer who's known in the office as a shameless self-promoter tried to sell her life story as a series? During a meeting with a cable channel, the woman told salacious details about her life to all in the room - including the fact that she's been cheating on her long-suffering husband (whom she married only because of his social connections and money) with a well-known actor. The gossipy meeting was all for naught, as the scribe was turned down. Now she'll just have to find other ways to get on TV.


  1. Anonymous12:00 PM

    michael ausiello.

  2. Awww, don't hate on my boy Mikey! He was my internet true love before I found Enty.

  3. Anonymous12:11 PM

    I know "mikey" in real life mooshki and your taste has greatly improved 1000 fold.

  4. That's sad, but at least now I don't have to feel guilty for never having the time to catch up on his column.

  5. Anonymous12:29 PM

    he must do something right as he has the cutest boyfriend.

  6. Anonymous1:49 PM

    I'm going to go with Tina Brown, now in charge of The Daily Beast.

  7. Totally Kuczynski.

  8. I'm not familiar with this milieu - would Arianna Huffington be a good guess?

  9. With you Janepod.. maybe Alex Kucyznki although she is pregnant now.. But I just don't see husband as long suffering.. thought he swung both ways

  10. With you Janepod.. maybe Alex Kucyznki although she is pregnant now.. But I just don't see husband as long suffering.. thought he swung both ways

  11. Not sure about this so I'm asking because I thought of Huffington as well: doesn't she already have something on a cable channel?
    Not a big mag reader so don't know who the others are. Nuance: when I read articles, I don't pay much attention to the writer's name - only the article content.
