Tuesday, January 27, 2009

What About Career Day?

Do they still have Career Days in school? I guess some must, but to me it was always like an adult version of show and tell. You had your parents come if they could beat all the other parents in the job competition or if they had a really cool job kids love like garbageman, but if they were just a typical nine to fiver you probably just wanted them to stay home instead of talking about how their TPS reports needed to have a cover sheet.

So, when I saw the photo from yesterday of Jenna Jameson I was asking myself, how does her soon to be born child explain what their mom does for a living? As her child gets older will they end up at a party where everyone is watching a video of his mom in a three way? I am not even involved or anything and I am already feeling sorry for the kid. Part of me knows that other kids will want to meet Jenna and think it is cool that Jenna was a porn star, but the child will constantly be teased and hassled about it.

Then, isn't it the dream of most parents to have their child take over the family business? Sure, Jenna doesn't really do much porn now, but she does have a porn company. So, is this child destined to spend the rest of their life in the porn industry? Will they have to move up through the company the same way Jenna did? I am in no way saying Jenna shouldn't be a mom or that she won't be a great parent, but I wonder if anyone has ever stopped to think about what the child is going to go through on a daily basis for the rest of their life.


  1. Well, doesn't Hefner's daughter run the Playboy empire?

  2. the probability of them growing up to be douchelike, a la hugh hefner's boys is high...hopefully babydaddy keeps them away from that if mama doesn't. but before they even get to that point i just hope they're born healthy.

  3. Don't a lot of porn stars come from religious fundamentalist families? Maybe this kid will turn that on its head and become a religious fundamentalist himself. Or herself. It'd be a great way to rebel.

  4. Her CHILDREN. Plural, she's having twins.

    The simple answer is NO. People doing this shit are doing it for themselves to feed some form of addiction, for the most part. Perhaps there are some out there who just woke up one morning, thinking, "hey, I have a slammin' body, like sex and I could use some cash".

    Either way, the idea of how to explain about their career choices to children is so far out of their reality, it doesn't figure in.

    Plus, it's highly likely her kids will be going to school with some seriously f'd up kids of other "celebrities". They could be the normal ones!

  5. If I am not mistaken, wasn't both of Thora Birch's parents porn stars?

  6. Okay, I know the porn star bit, but isn't she also a savvy businesswoman?

  7. Please just let the kids come out not looking like Tito. He is one seriously fugly dude. At least Jenna used to be really pretty before she allowed some plastic surgeon to wreck her face.

  8. you know, i can't help but notice that the more pregnant and heavy she gets, she is kind of starting to look like Tito...scary

  9. Bright side of being a porn star, shouldn't take too many pushes.
    All things being unequal,I'd rather be her kid than say, Madonna's.

  10. Future PTA meetings will show record numbers!

  11. "Bright side of being a porn star, shouldn't take too many pushes."


  12. califblondy: For a woman to get where she is in the porn industry, she would have to be a smart and professional person. She's actually respected by some feminists - and they usually hate everything :D

    From what i recall she got into the industry due to multiple sexual abuse/rape situations and a meth addiction. If she is clean now - and can stay clean for the rest of her life - i don't think the porn thing should be held against her (who knows what she will make of herself in the next decade).

  13. That is so weird -- I was just thinking the other day, wonder how huge JJ is now, she hasn't been seen out-and-about recently AND I was even wondering the same thing about explaining-the-career to the kids. Its like Enty read my mind and did a post about it.

  14. This comment has been removed by the author.

  15. I think her children are going to grow up in a world where the average celebrity took their clothes off for money (Paris Hilton, Kim Kardashian etc.).

    Unfortunately reality tv stars are going to be the new celebrity when these kids grow up and most of them will have exposed themselves for money.

    This will be the new norm in 18 years and those of us who try to protest will be told that we are outdated and interfering with peoples rights to express themselves and make money without harming others.

  16. "Bright side of being a porn star, shouldn't take too many pushes."
    LOL, I thought the same thing too!

    Someone else commented that she came from a background of sexual abuse/rape/meth addiction and I wondered: wouldn't a "normal" woman tend to stay the hell away from more penises, not actually make a living from them? It boggles the mind.

  17. Lisa: Victims of abuse very commonly try to (subconsciously) repeat that abuse as a way for the mind to heal what has happened.

    It makes sense if you think of it that way, why so many female porn stars have a history of sexual abuse (people who don't go down the porn route tend to sexualise the abuse either in fantasy or with their partner (trying to make them partake in 'rape play'), or they are attracted to abusers/become one themselves).

  18. Did anybody see her interview with William Shatner? I thought she was very honest and seemed very intelligent.

  19. i never understood that either (so many porn stars coming from past abuse, etc.), but the way i understand it, is their self-esteem is so low, and their abusers often tell them that they are the only ones that love them. so they equate sex with love. same with physical abuse "he wouldn't beat me if he didn't love me" mind set.

    some go the complete other route, which is the one i relate to.
    the mind is a mysterious thing.
    what were we talking about?

  20. At least she had the decency to gain weight and not follow the pregarxic trend

  21. forget porn, how about having a Dad who gets paid to beat the living snot out of people, then explain why bullying is wrong and violence is never the answer.

  22. Sex abuse victims sometimes have disassociation issues with their bodies. Just a thought.

    That said, I don't have any issue with porn stars and sex trade workers. I'm sure there are as many reasons why someone goes into those industries are there are practitioners.

    As for what the kid will have to go through with being teased. Again, no biggie IMO. We all have our proverbial cross to bear. Kids will always find something to tease another about. This kid will probably learn some valuable life-long people skills by dealing with this stuff.

  23. @ ms.:
    you were obviously never bullied as a child.

  24. My thoughts exactly, Enty, when I saw this poto elsewhere.
    Jenna, put some color on your lips! Honestly, lady celebs! If you don't already have natural color on your lips, you CANNOT do the no lipstick look. You will look like an android.

  25. Anonymous9:58 PM

    are her lips pregnant?
