Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Yeah, But He Was A Backstreet Boy

TMZ has a video of Backstreet Boy AJ McLean stumbling around drunk after emerging from the Key Club last night. Apparently McLean had been doing shots and drinking beer inside the club all night. No one would really care except AJ has been to rehab twice and was allegedly sober for about 6 years until recently.

I think part of the problem is that AJ doesn't really have anything to do for the rest of his life. When you make a ton of money early in your life and then basically retire, what do you do for the rest of your life. Unless you are inspired to get out and work, you pretty much just sit around all the time bored. One of the biggest issues for any addict is boredom. You try and sit around all the time for 50 years knowing you don't have to do anything to make a buck and that you will keep getting checks every quarter for the rest of your life based on something you did as a teenager and in your early 20's.

Everyone is making a huge deal out of this and I feel bad for AJ, but he did have six years of sobriety so he can obviously do it. Hopefully it is just a slip. If you would like to see the video from TMZ, you can click here to wacth it.


  1. Brian was my favorite.
    I wrote so many fan letters.

  2. I always think the same must be true for Olympic athletes - when you reach the highest point of your life at age 13 or even 23, what do you look forward to? You can never re-capture those early highs, or the buzz you get from such an intense focus.

    What does A.J. have to look forward to?

  3. So fucking what! Big damn deal, he peaked at an early age. So this gives someone the right to sit in a self pity party of booze and drugs? I know a lot of people who peaked early who weren't famous and they're the same way. Being famous has dick to do with it.

    Some people just don't want to grow up, they just relive their 'hayday', be it actor, or a HS football star in your hometown.

    It gets sickening of all the excuses people find to not try.

    Man the fuck up.

  4. Dear Ror-

    He got drunk once in six years. Please calm down.

  5. Dear Andrea-

    TMZ has already reported that his girlfriend has stated she has NEVER known him to be clean.


  6. Its a pity, he was the one with the best voice and could have done a serious album. Just goes to show when youre a kid, handled by a sh*t-for-brains like their ex-manager, it can only lead to trouble. Trust me, this is Miley in a few years.

  7. Dear Ror-

    He doesn't have a girlfriend.

  8. Anonymous1:04 PM

    I feel bad for him too, and can't watch that. Not a fan of seeing people humiliated, either by their own actions or others. (Though it's possible this doesn't phase him, I guess.)

    Hopefully, he'll get it right at some point.

  9. Andrea, it was all over TMZ.

  10. I think Ror's point is AJ should get off his ass and do something. He's got the money - he can do pretty much anything.

  11. Do you all seriously think that this is the first time something like this has happened? In the 'old days' it happened all of the time (drunk relapses, etc.), it was just not caught on tape. I shudder to think of friends who were trying to improve their lives (curing selves of drug or alcohol issues) being caught on tape when they had momentary relapses. Even momentary, repeated, relapses. It's not easy in any event. And with a camera following you around waiting to document your failings??? Heck, I think I'd end up pounding a failure just for the hell of it to get them off of my back for a week or two.

    Sorry, just think this is sick...

  12. I love how every just assumes AJ's not doing anything in his life and he's "bored" just because he fell off the wagon.

    News Flash. He's been touring with the BSB for the last past year. All over the world. In fact, he's suppose to be touring in South America next month. He's recorded a solo album, and the Backstreet Boys are currently in the studio recording a new album as well. He's had problems with substance abuse before, back when BSB were huge, so it has nothing to do with boredom. There are other reasons.

  13. apparently Andrea knows more about him than ANYONE else does.

    Perhaps "Andrea" should start HER own blog then! She seems to have more knowledge and "insight" then the rest of us.


  14. ilcahp is right, and ent lawyer is wrong when he says that AJ doesn't have anything to do for the rest of his life. BSB are still touring and making music. They did have a long break a few years back but have had two albums since then and are now recording another. Plus AJ has a solo album due for release, has had some solo concerts of his own and more planned.

    This relapse is sad and I hope he can get back on the wagon, but he wont be the first to fall off and he won't be the last.

  15. haha, just came across this post today. I think AJ drinks and plays with drugs cause he's got too much in his head and doesn't want to deal with it.
    i'm bipolar and i can smoke weed like snoop dogg or down 2 bottles of wine when i'm having a bad day and not for any particular reason other than you feel like crawling out of your own damn skin if you don't DO something. It's drink/drugs or let your mind run on it's hamster wheel all night and keep you up (but miserable and overwhelmed) all night. might as well party.
    granted i dont know him, but i'm sure he has family issues like everyone else in the world and personal stuff to deal with as far as his charity and solo stuff and requests from other charities like Big Sisters in B.C. etc etc and when you add that to someone who is predisposed to depression or other mental illnesses - you get drunky mcdrunkster holding onto street signs to keep upright.
    at least he didn't hurl on those chicks.
    more understanding, less judging. that is all.
