Thursday, February 05, 2009

Miley Cyrus Tries To Apologize - Tries Being The Operative Word

Miley Cyrus, much like Holly Madison also blogs or types or has someone who does it for her. I actually think Holly Madison does her blog on her own. I don't think she can afford to hire anyone to do it for her. Oh, she wants to be able to hire someone to do it for her, but for right now she is playing it cool until she gets that ring. I don't know why I dislike Holly so much today. It is carrying over into all the posts. I do like Bridget a lot though and Kendra is harmless and trying to make a buck and actually seems sincere. Holly just seems calculating and cold and completely fake.

Anyway, back to Miley. She decided she had to write something about the photo of she and her friends making slant eyes for the camera. Miley says, "In NO way was I making fun of any ethnicity! I was simply making a goofy face. When did that become newsworthy? It seems someone is trying to make something out of nothing to me. If that would of [sic] been anyone else, it would of[sic] been overlooked! I definitely feel like the press is trying to make me out as the new 'BAD GIRL'!"

I think you want to be the new bad girl Miley. I think your dad figures that is the only way you will have a chance to make it past this year. The only time she says she is sorry for the photos is when she says that she is sorry if people took them wrong and out of context. Umm, what context? There are a group of you all making slant eyes standing behind an Asian guy who isn't. I can't believe someone just let her send this out without reading it first. I mean I guess Billy Ray probably tried but you know he has trouble with words longer than four or five letters and so instead of just saying, "I'm sorry," and moving on, now Miley will have to come back again in the next week and say she is sorry again.

Maybe she is ignorant and didn't know she was making a derogatory gesture. Maybe she thought it was a goofy face. But there is no way that all her 20 year old friends in the photos felt that way also. They knew. If you want to read more of what she says and how she thinks Britney is at the top of her game again, (I know, I know.) then click here. Warning. It is her site so be prepared for lots of cheese. Lots and lots of cheese and you may get ill.


  1. In NO way am I a fan of hers but she does have a point. If it would of been anyone else it would have been overlooked.

  2. Also she's a stupid teenager trying to fit in with her stoned looking friends.

  3. Miley is young and stupid. She probably doesn't have a clue that those pictures could possibly be offensive to people. Nor does she probably really care, but was ADVISED to address the situation and apologize. Even if she didn't do a very good job of it.

  4. Yeah, mr. ray, I've been thinking that since this photo came out. Those kids are baked.

  5. Miley needs to get out of her contract with Hannah Montana and go back to school. I'll take care of her 20-year-old boyfriend :)

  6. Ooooh!

    Another blog link I won't click on.

    Let's go for the hat trick Ent!

  7. I think Billy Ray writes the blog. You have to "of" been borned and raised here in Kentucky to use "of" in place of "have" twice in one sentence, and I don't think Miley has enough of a Kentucky backround to "of" written this.

  8. oops, background. Now I feel bad.

  9. I'm Asian, and my formative years in elementary school were filled with white and black classmates making these "goofy faces" to me all the time. But I'm not offended with this picture. If anything, I am offended that she gets the attention she does.

  10. It is just a stupid picture, from a bunch of shallow, stupid people, and doesn't deserve all the press it's getting.

  11. In NO WAY would I of thought this was written by anyone other than a publicist.

  12. thats crazy that all of her friends and her were making a goofy face at the same time.

    but she is 16 and probably doesn't realized this is a bfd.

  13. Anonymous11:33 AM

    This comment has been removed by the author.

  14. Anonymous11:34 AM


    I am sick and tired of Miley and her mountain teeth.

  15. Didn't a Spanish swim team (or maybe soccer) get into a lot of media trouble last summer for the same sort of offensive gestures? Are Miley's people completely unaware of that incident?

    After all of Miley's other picture problems, you'd think she'd be a little more savvy about the candid pictures she takes.

  16. I couldn't finish reading that. I had to stop at the "would of".

    I'm hyperventilating at the moment.

  17. Janele,
    I'm Asian. I'm offended that you're not offended. That is the problem! I really wish Asians would stick up for themselves. I was called names, spit on, and jumped in a parking lot when I was younger. I never make excuses for people. I would never say that Miley is young, and kids will be kids, etc. There is absolutely NO EXCUSE for Ignorance. This is about Race, Religion, Sexual Orientation, Obesity, Little People, etc...You cannot accept certain types of behavior & condemn other types of behavior.
    If the IDIOTS in the picture painted their faces black, would the comments be different? If you make excuses for this type of behavior or don't feel its a big deal than you're part of the problem! You allow IGNORANCE to spread. I would not have a problem with this picture if they were ALL ASIAN! It's one thing to make fun of yourself when everyone is the same race, but it's not acceptable when you're not.
    The Spanish Team's picture was RACIST! Stand up for yourself and for others.

  18. NYC2008 - Im offended by everything Miley does/is. This more than other things (though her hamster face is a tough call). However i - and i guess most people - am/are not surprised by this. She is a spoilt little cow and will only get worse with age (think Paris Hilton).

    I don't give a crap if teenagers tend to be racist (and on that topic - neither i, nor my friends were), there is no excuse for that behaviour - even in jest (i mean they are hardly being satirical, are they?)
    I can't count how many times i've seen kids that don't look more than 10 shouting 'paki' and 'nigger' etc. It makes my stomach turn.

    This is the generation that is meant to be on their way to tolerance and open mindedness... Seriously?

  19. They just look stoned...

  20. She needs to realize that in Hollywood, pictures will always find their way to almost every site on the Web. Didn't she learn from the nude incident? Not only that, but in life, someone will always be ofended by another's actions.

  21. I'm with Amster, and I hear you, NYC. Miley's a thoughtless ignorant hick child. She's in her own little world, as if what she does has no affect on people. Stupid, stupid girl.

  22. I am so tired of celebrities "apologizing" to the public. That picture was taken in private. She shouldn't have to explain anything to anyone. And I do agree with her that people were making assumptions just from looking at the picture. That's their problem, not her's.

  23. Oh god, the pink!!! It burns!!!!
