Thursday, February 05, 2009

Taylor Momsen Decided Alcohol And Percocet Don't Mix

Taylor Momsen wants to grow up a little too fast. Whether it is her partying or the way she dresses, it just seems like she is not very happy being 15 and really wants to be in her late 20's already. She, more than anyone seems to me to be the most like Dina Lohan's eldest daughter that is around today. She is the right age, has screwed up the right number of times and if she doesn't get straightened out fast is going to be in much worse shape than even Dina's daughter.

The NY Daily News did a little blurb on Taylor this morning where she said she was at a costume party and that the second youngest person there was probably around 30. She kept telling everyone at the party that she wasn't drinking because she was on Percocet because she had her wisdom teeth pulled. The article pretty much stopped there. But that is where I wanted it to keep going.

Why is a 15 year old girl having to explain to adults why she isn't drinking booze? Why is there any other answer other than the fact that I am not 21 or 20 or some age close to the drinking age where we can pretend I am old enough. Where are her parents? Did they let a 15 year old girl go to a costume party, jacked up on Percocet with a bunch of 30 year olds and their daughter making excuses as to why she can't get hammered with the adults? How does this not turn out really, really bad at some point?

I understand that when your daughter makes more in a week than you do in a year that you sometimes defer to them. I understand that you want some of that money and so are afraid to say no. But they are 15 years old and have already ended up in the hospital nearly dead once. Maybe at that point it is like, "oh, you know what? I'm her parent, maybe I should do something and act like a parent instead of a groupie begging for money and associated fame."

F**k me. And we wonder why all these kids get messed up. Go look at Emma Watson's parents for a good example. She did something wrong and got in trouble by her parents because they are her parents, not sycophants sucking up to her.


  1. its a sad world we live in...but in reality...most 15 years old hang out with way older people. Everyone is in a rush to grow up...until they do so,then they're in a rush to cheat looking old...its a vicious circle. i'm glad i live in a small city where i can count on 25 people to rat my kid out if need be !

    And when you think of it...why is it ok for a 15 yr "actress" to make out with a 22 yr "actor" but in real life it would be scandalous...Our world is F**ked up

  2. Another reason why the amster will NEVER have kids.

  3. I know a 17 year old who got her wisdom teeth removed and they gave her ibuprofin, not percocet! And why is this girl at parties? Don't they have to go to school or meet with tutors?

  4. Wow, this is really sad. If parents don't step in soon, their cash cow is gonna be dead. My god. And what was the wrong thing Emma Watson did?

  5. I had my wisdom teeth pulled out a few years ago, I was given percocet, and even with the painkillers I was NOT feeling up to going ANYwhere, much less a costume party.
    Maybe I have a lower pain tolerance as most people, I dunno...

  6. I'm on percocet right now! Well, I am almost all the time. Or vicodin. Yes, they're prescribed to me. And in a few hours, we'll throw some Jimmy Beam in the fray. Because pain sucks!

    But I agree, if your child is that age and it's common knowledge what goes on at these 'social gatherings', I would be on her like scabs on Paris!

  7. Who the fuck goes out after getting wisdom teeth pulled? You look like a chipmunk and the pain is horrible.Some people even have bruising. I got all 4 of mine done at once in my early 20's. I got percocet and loaded up. I slept for 3 days straight, only getting up to pee and take more percs. Sounds like recreation use to me. I love me some percs myself but this chick is already suspect. Her parents are doing a bang up job! Don't they realize that rehab is wicked expensive and will cut into their cash? BTW, isn't this an answer to a recent blind? Tween dope head deal? I'm too lazy to look it up. LOL Dope addicts in the entertainment business are a dime a dozen.

  8. And what show is she on? I am sorry, but parents have got to stop being a friend and start being a parent. Set limits. The dollar is not worth losing your child to drug addiction or death. Who ever the exec's or producers of her show are should write her character out of the script.

  9. And what show is she on? I am sorry, but parents have got to stop being a friend and start being a parent. Set limits. The dollar is not worth losing your child to drug addiction or death. Who ever the exec's or producers of her show are should write her character out of the script.

  10. I'm with BlahFrickinBlah on this. I had all 4 wisdom teeth cut out at 17, and was swollen and bruised for 2 weeks. I was given enough percocets for 2 days. Besides, I never knew anyone who had wisdom teeth out at 15.

  11. I was thinking the same thing as whole_lotto_luv. She's awfully young to be having wisdom teeth out.

  12. I agree with all of the above--I had 4 impacted wisdom teeth done at the same time, & couldn't lift my head up, let alone go to a costume party.Fifteen is very young, because at that age many are still waiting for molars to come in.

  13. 1. Percocet is a "triplicate" drug. That means a doctor has to go through a bunch of paperwork/hassle to prescribe it. There's a reason for that. Percocet knocks you on your ass. For her to get a percocet prescription, she should have been in BAD pain. Bad enough not to go to a party.

    2. When my daughter was 15, she did/had done a bunch of bad stuff and we had to ride her like Richard Simmon's shorts ride his ass. Fifteen is when the reins need to be TIGHT so, as a parent, you can feel comfortable loosening them as they get older. It is the trouble point for most girls.

    I hope these parents come to their senses and start setting boundaries. I doubt it will happen, but a girl can hope. I mean both me and Taylor. Underneath it all, she, like a ll children, really crave a parent more than they crave a parent/friend.

  14. Maybe TM is fudging her age by a few years? That would account for having wisdom teeth so young, and for her parents' inaction -- if she's 18, their hands are tied.

  15. Anonymous11:33 AM

    like you guys, I wonder what sort of 15 yr old gets their wisdom teeth taken out. The only thing I can think of is if they were growing in horizontally and threatened to squish her teeth together --> bad smile --> braces/less tv roles. That's why I had to have mine taken out, at 18. I was only given Tylenol+codeine. I stayed on it for about 4 days I think. But yeah, I remember not wanting to drink ANYTHING much less booze.

  16. I kind of like the train of thought that she is not really 15. When my daughter was 13, she had 6 molars pulled out, 2/day for 3 days, & was given tylenol. Would percocet be prescribed for a 15 year old?

  17. Anonymous11:41 AM

    The girl looks older than 15 and if she has parents like that than she is already heading the wrong way. Seems like the parents care more for her piggy bank than the kid herself. It's a shame to have parents like that.

  18. i had all 4 wisdom teeth pulled when i was 16. nobody gave me anything like percocet for pain either. i did ok on tylenol, but i sure as hell wouldn't have been going to a party.
    i doubt she really had any teeth out---but i don't doubt she was on percocet.
    her parents suck and probably sucked long before their kid started making big bucks. that's usually how it works. kids HAVE friends---you are not their 'friends'. you are parents. there's a huge difference. if there wasn't, there'd be no need for parents at all.

  19. oh and as to why i had them out at 16, my dentist said they were growing in wrong. one was partially through the gums and hurt, the others hadn't come through yet but he said they were crooked and needed to come out.
    of course, our dentist was a huge asshole and could have been lying for all i know, but i had them out nonetheless.

  20. I had my wisdom teeth taken out at 16 or 17 only because they were growing in so far back I couldn't reach them to brush them. However, they came out so easily that I didn't even need Tylenol and I basically felt fine. So maybe it was easy for her...but that would mean that she wouldn't need painkillers like that.

  21. All of these wisdom teeth stories you're all sharing -- none of you said you had them pulled at 15 NOR did any of you get percocet.

    Her story is fishy from the beginning...

  22. I had all 4 wisdom teeth taken out right after I turned 16 b/c they were coming in horizontally. I wasn't put under for the extraction, just had a local. I was prescribed Codeine but only had to take one. I went out dancing the next night and had little to no swelling. It can happen, her Percocet popping may be something else entirely.

  23. grace, 16 is close enough, isn't it? i don't believe she had it done just because i think she's a pill popping liar and that's just what she told these people.
    i honestly don't see any dentist putting a 15 year old kid on percocet after having teeth pulled either---especially not her.

  24. if her teeth were impacted she would have had to have them removed. sometimes they keep trying to come up but there's no room in the mouth.

    Who the fuck goes out after getting wisdom teeth pulled? You look like a chipmunk and the pain is horrible.Some people even have bruising.

    not to mention the bad breath.

    let's remember this in a couple years if we read she has them taken out

  25. I think the difference between her and Emma Watson is that Emma's family are wealthy (and thus don't need to pimp the daughter), and that she wasn't as young a child star. Taylor was acting since the age of 3 - you can't tell me that it was due to the child wanting to be an actress (at 3 fecking years old)...

  26. I had my wisdom teeth (all 4) taken out at 18. The doctor gave me something for the pain, but I didn't even get it filled, so I have no idea what I was given. Didn't have much pain, but was NOT about to go out and socialize!

  27. Had all four taken out at 15, all impacted and growing sideways...not done in an office, either--it was day surgery at the hospital.

    I got sent home with some tylenol. Not even the good stuff with codeine, eventhough that's over the counter here in Canada. I was off school for a week, looked like I had the shyte beaten out of me, and couldn't eat for about 5 days because of the stitches (and ate nothing but rice pudding for 10 days when I could eat).

    I call BULLSHIT on the wisdom teeth excuse. Half a perc knocks me on my ass for the day. HALF. A full one makes me nauseous. At 15, an entire perc would have killed me...and I've actually been found to be rather intolerant to the effects of certain narcotics (as the anesthesiologist found out when I came out just a TITCH bit too early).

    And who takes a 15 year old to a party full of adults, anyway?? Creepy.

  28. I had all my wisdom teeth pulled out 2 months after I turned 15 I was knocked out for 2 days and didn't eat anything for a week. I just drank water and juices. I could see her getting pain medication but percocet? Nyquil knocks my arse out I couldn't imagine going partying on percocet!

  29. Is this CDAN or Modern Dentistry? :-)

    Anyway, since we're all sharing our wisdom tooth stories, I had all 4 of mine out at 18 because they were impacted and coming in at a 45 degree angle against my back molars, and therefore were never going to pop through & would only make my other teeth crooked. (Which happened anyway, but not as badly as it could have.) I had some kind of combo platter anesthesia that involved a shot of some kind, nitrous oxide (which made me morose, not giggly, damn it), and novocaine once I was already out, and I don't remember a thing about the surgery except very briefly "surfacing" just long enough to ask "What time is it?" "11" "Ooooookay.." and back under I went. (The surgery started at 10, FWIW.) Wasn't sure I'd done it, but my mom says the doc came out, gave her a funny look and said "Does she have to go somewhere? She wanted to know what time it was!" Came around feeling as if I'd had a Super Plus Tampax crammed into either side of my mouth, and feeling weepy; actually went to a bookstore to grab some reading material for my convalescence before the drugs wore off (I'm sure I looked just great, staggering around like a zombie w/dried blood at the corners of my mouth), and then home, where I pretty much crashed all weekend, ate pudding for a week until I got the stitches out, and then got an infection a week after that; fortunately, a good dose of antibiotics and a very painful cleaning out of the cavity took care of that. (One of my friends saw the same doc for the same procedure, had a bad reaction to the nitrous oxide, and thought she was in hell--"it was worse than anything Dante ever dreamed of!" Apparently she tried to beat up the doc, because when she came around, she was strapped down to the chair, and the front of his shirt was covered in somebody's blood...she's still not sure whose. In spite of all that, she had a most unremarkable recovery.) So no, I wasn't in any shape to go partying, and while I don't remember if what I got was percocet, I do recall the meds made me verrrrrrrry sleepy, so I wouldn't be surprised if that's what it was. Anyway, if you're on percocet, you shouldn't be out in public (or online doing a chat, which I did on Pamela Des Barres' site while recovering from major surgery, but that's another story...). My $2.75 worth, take it as you will. ;-)

  30. Well said, Enty.

  31. Maybe she didn't want to drink and was making up excuses so she could fit in with the people at the aprty who were so much older than her.
