Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Plastic Surgery Is Real Surgery

Plastic surgery is so common now that everyone always thinks of it as something you can do on a lark and pay some bucks and you come out looking like a brand new you or bigger you or younger version of you and their is no downside except for the lighter wallet and the soreness.

But, the thing is plastic surgery is real surgery and I think many people don't realize how serious it is. In Tameka Foster's case it appears that the surgery she was in Brazil for was lipo suction and while she was being put under she had cardiac and respiratory arrest which I think is the fancy word for a heart attack. Apparently it was so serious that she was put into a medically induced coma which is why Usher brought with him a neuro-surgeon from Cedars here in LA. Apparently that doctor is Gabriel Hunt. Reporters spotted him leaving the hospital in Sao Paulo but he didn't say anything to them.

Although it is very rare, Tameka Foster makes the 2nd person after Kanye West's mother last year to have plastic surgery go very wrong. Those are just the celebrity ones. How many people in the world die on the operating table just because they want larger breasts? Is it worth it? Are you willing to risk death, no matter how small the chance just to get your breasts enlarged? If you are an adult you can make that decision and weigh the risks and rewards yourself. But, what if you are 18 or 19? Sure you are an adult, but maybe for the past 10 years of your life you have been bombarded with ways you should change this or change that to look like someone. Are you really going to even listen to the doctor when they say you might die on the table? Nope. They are just going to do it.

I'm too lazy to look it up, but I wonder how many people die each year while undergoing routine plastic surgery. Obviously it isn't always that routine.


  1. i think the thing to remember is that these issues are very rare. i'm not a tameka fan, but i can imagine her family's fear at the knowledge of her being in a coma for any length of time.

    now, is it worth it? obvs it depends on the individual. for me, yes. after spending a lifetime in the itty bitty titty committee, i owe my fabulous (and natural looking, i swear!) B cups to a very talented surgeon in bogota. yes, it's absolutely worth it. granted, i live in one of the world's most superficial cities where looks are valued more than character--and i'm not justifying that, just pointing out that perhaps b/c i live in this city, and work in a very image-conscious industry, i'm way more aware of it that someone in small-town america, hence my decision for an augmentation.

    it is what it is.

  2. Having elective surgery 2 months after giving birth is cutting it a bit close. Your body is still recovering from 9 months of hard work, more if nursing. Sometimes the extra few pounds stays on as part of the body's recovery process. I'd have waited at least a month more and worked with a trainer before going under the knife so quickly.

  3. Don't get me started. Most of these procedures are done in clinics, not hospitals, and they don't have the resources or experience to deal with an emergency.

    People also go to foreign countries, usually to save money. This is ridiculous that Foster went to Brazil, though--she could certainly afford surgery in the U.S.

    The problem is also that a lot of plastic surgeons don't have admitting privileges at hospitals, because they don't perform their surgeries there and aren't on staff.

    Sad story and I hope that she recovers fully. That's an awfully high price to pay for a few pounds to get sucked out of you.

  4. The author of First Wives Club, Olivia Goldsmith, died in 2004 as a result of complications from plastic surgery. Even if it's an elective surgery, things can go terribly wrong. Hope she recovers.

  5. ....it was the addadicktome


  7. Of course people are aware of the risk, like the woman who wanted size K breasts even though she couldn't breathe. I blame her and the doctor. She went out of the country because it was illegal in the states. I also blame the Insider for filming it.

    I think most people just concentrate on the success rate because that's considered having a positive mental attitude about the outcome.

  8. Remember in Brasil you do NOT need medical clearance before having any cosmetic procedure so you have a bigger chance of something going wrong on the operating table then in some states where it is required.

  9. Something not mentioned here but is a very real problem is that YOU MUST DECLARE EVERYTHING TO YOUR DOCTOR before surgery. if you consume 21+ alcohol units a week, you must tell your doctor (the clinical definition of being an alcoholic) if you are on sleeping pills, you must tell your doctor (EVEN OVER THE COUNTER.) If you take antidepressants of any kind in any dosage, or anti anxiety meds, or ADD meds, you need to tell your doctor. if you smoke week twice a month, tell your doctor. you're not going to go to jail, but these all affect how you take anaesthesia . it's not about your embarrassment of your lifestyle, it's a life or death situation. just tell your doctor. DO NOT ASSUME your specialist has access to your "file" with your GP, and that they have read it. be upfront.

  10. I still don't get why she traveled so far away? With their money I'd think she could have found somebody in the States.

    Plastic surgery has become too common like buying a new pair of shoes.

  11. 10 years ago, there was this rumor going around that two sisters in Houston decided to do it together, and one of them died.

    Why would you do this big ole anesthesia one when you can do the local numbing? What are people thinking. Brit-Brit does it at LVI in Las Vegas every few weeks!

  12. The risk is easy to rationalize, though. How many people think they're going to be the exception, the one who has a complication, regardless of how well informed they've been?

    Same thing with Donde West's death. People know that a poor candidate found a bad doctor, so they assign blame - what happened to her won't happen to me because I won't make the same mistakes.

  13. the only reason these dumbasses go foreign is for the secrecy of it.

    now everyone knows you're too fucking lazy to do a situp AND you were in a coma. good times.

  14. In 2008 alone I endured 5 pretty serious operations thanks to my breast cancer. I had lots of lipo, which hurt like hell. I also had serious panic attacks before each surgery obsessing over the fact that there was a chance that I could die on the table. Forget dying of cancer, I was more afraid of a heart attack while being under.

    I would never willingly do this. In fact, I almost decided to give up and live with lopsided, nipple-less foobs.

    Sorry to ramble but you are on the mark on this subject Enty.

  15. i'm a registered nurse and this subject is a big one for me. there is no such thing as minor surgery. any time you undergo anesthesia and a scalpel is applied to your skin, you are risking complications which include death.
    to take that risk for the sake of vanity is stupid. sorry, it just is. if you have a disfigurement, that's a different matter. but this mania to be 'perfect' has gotten way out of hand and complications aren't as rare as you think.
    do you want your children to have to live with the fact that they lost their mom because she wanted bigger boobs? what happened to making the most of what you've got?

  16. James Brown's wife had a friend sneak Burger King into the hospital to her while she was recuperating from liposuction.

    Damn if that wasn't one of the funniest things I'd ever heard at that time!

  17. I've had plastic surgery, twice (14 years apart) and don't regret it whatsoever. However, I very carefully researched both certified plastic surgeons before proceeding. This included visits to their facilities, speaking to their staff, on the street references and so forth.

    First surgery (breast reduction) was in a hospital. With the second one (nose job), I had to wait 18 months because he's one of the best in North America, and did it in his clinic. However, his clinic is fully equipped for emergency issues, is located three minutes from two major hospitals, where he has admitting privileges.

    I didn't regard the surgeries lightly and have no regrets whatsoever.

  18. Oh - for anyone here considering plastic surgery - make sure the person is a certified plastic surgeon, NOT a cosmetic surgeon. Any MD can call themselves "cosmetic" surgeon.

    Also, when meeting with the surgeon for a particular procedure,
    flee from the office if they suggest other procedures they can do for you. They're interested in your money only - not your well-being.

    They will ask you if you're interested in other procedures - that's normal and is also part of their screening procedure to weed out unstable people.

    But if the surgeon gives you unsolicited advice about what other procedures s/he thinks you should also have done - this person has zero integrity and don't trust them with your health and body.

  19. the other issue is making sure that the physician is a BOARD CERTIFIED PLASTIC/RECONSTRUCTIVE SURGEON.
    any doctor can up and decide to practice any form of medicine at any time. they take a weekend course, and they're off. plastic surgery is a big money maker, thus prone to this problem.
    always make sure your doctor is board certified in his specialty, and doubly sure for elective surgeries.

  20. My first job after law school, the head partner's wife had died a few years earlier during recovery from plastic surgery. Yes, her husband was a rich and powerful plaintiff's attorney who extracted a huge settlement from everyone who had touched his wife, but that didn't bring back the mommy of 2 young girls.

    Everytime I think, "oh, maybe I'll have this lifted in a few years" I think whether it's worth my kids losing me.

  21. My first job after law school, the head partner's wife had died a few years earlier during recovery from plastic surgery. Yes, her husband was a rich and powerful plaintiff's attorney who extracted a huge settlement from everyone who had touched his wife, but that didn't bring back the mommy of 2 young girls.

    Everytime I think, "oh, maybe I'll have this lifted in a few years" I think whether it's worth my kids losing me.

  22. Anonymous5:35 PM

    I really don't see how anyone can justify vanity procedures period (except in the case of cancer or disfigurement). How fucking self absorbed do you have to be? Jesus pork fried Christ.

  23. Micheline Charest, co founder of Cinar, a Montreal entertainment company, died in 2004 in the recovery room, following 6 hours of plastic surgery. Her death was fairly big news in Canada.


  24. Daily Mail article about a UK glamour model quotes her saying:

    "It's got to the stage where doctors in Britain refuse to treat me any more so I've been flying to the US for surgery and lying about my medical history.'"

    She's had so much surgery, she cannot feel her stomach or left breast.


  25. Plastic surgery does seem to be addictive for a lot of people, doesn't it? They get one procedure, then another, and then just one more to be "perfect."

    I think an un-named co-conspirator here is the magazine industry, which airbrushes the women they feature past any possible form that could really exist. (Hello, Shape Magazine!) The women chasing a 'perfection' through plastic surgery are comparing themselves with a Photoshopped ideal.

  26. @ Bad Fish - Why does anyone need to justify any personal choices?

  27. @ Valentine Baby

    I've read about a couple of people who go overboard, but I think you'll find that with anything. It doesn't reflect the majority.

    I don't personally know anyone who's had several procedures. Do you?

  28. Surgery of any type is extremely dangerous; allergic reactions to the meds they use, a change in the way your body reacts to the anaesthesia, infection and - god forbid - a screw up by the anaesthesiologist [sp?]. Every surgery I have had, from the removal of an impacted Wisdom tooth to my transplant 6 years ago, I have been told about the possible complications. It is always very serious.

    The fact that it was lipo might mean her heart and respiratory failure was caused by a fat embolism. Something got knocked loose and sent a tiny fat globule into her heart, perhaps her brain - which might explain the drug induced coma.

    But whatever it was - I am very sorry that this poor young woman might not have been told of the dangers .. or might have ignored more strenuous warnings here - due to her recent pregnancy - that led her to Brazil instead for her surgery. I really hope for all involved that she will be alright .. but I have my doubts.

  29. You don't have to justify it to the world, but I think you do to your family, and most importantly to yourself.

    People get into massive amounts of denial. "It will never happen to me." The chances of dying during plastic surgery are something like a thousand times higher than they are for flying, yet people are more afraid of air travel than of surgery.

  30. jax said...the only reason these dumbasses go foreign is for the secrecy of it

    Ummm...no, that's NOT it. Foreign doctors, especially Scandinavian docs know the way to do face-lifts. It's NOT about the Joan Rivers Wind-Tunnel look. I'd NEVER get a procedure done in the States, but then again I also wouldn't go to Central/South America. I feel bad for her, for not knowing the proper doctors to go to.

  31. This comment has been removed by the author.

  32. I'm confused how Usher got that neuero sergeon to hop on a plane w/ him to Brazil within a day or even 2 of when the incident happened. I know he is a celebrity w/ lots of money but did he just say hey, here is a ton of cash, drop everything and fly to Brazil w/ me? or was there some pre-existing relationship w/ the dr.?

    I can't believe what I assume is an actively practicing dr. at Cedar's with other patients to attend to would just take off like that because Usher wanted him to. I hope none of his patients back in LA had an emergency they needed him for !

  33. Maiming, complications and death are not real. You just don't hear about it. People who can afford elective surgery can afford to have errors repaired.

    One of James Brown's wives and a famous author are two earliest instances of death that I remember.

  34. I meant to say maiming, complications, and death are not RARE.

    Oh, and doctors drop everything for rich clients all the time. Talk to some people who work at the Cleveland Clinic.

  35. S., Actually Brazil delivers great plastic surgeons, specially in liposuction and breast surgery.
    But as any surgery procedure, there are risks. We don't know if she gave all the information needed to the procedure.
    I am really curious to know where was the procedure. She was at Sírio-Libanês, one of the best hospitals in Brazil, but I am not sure at the surgery was there.

  36. lol jax- that was the tartest and most on thing anyone has said

  37. I consider what happened to Patricia Presley as a complication from plastic surgery. Her surgeon wasn't even board certified if I remember correctly. I don't understand how these people with more money than the average American would take their lives into their own hands to save a few dollars. The old adage of having more money than common sense comes into play.

  38. @ Katy
    Priscilla is an idiot. She let a doctor who isn't certified in the US, inject non-FDA approved substance into her face to plump out the skin. The doctor said it was super-duper stuff that is used all the time in other countries.

    The substance turned out to be industrial grade silicone - same stuff used on cars.

    Her and her friends' decision to do this had nothing to do with money. There are idiots who have it in their heads that the FDA and other regulatory agencies are fuddy-duddies that unnecessarily hold up approvals to new and better drugs/treatments. These agencies are there for a reason and anyone who chooses to bypass their standards for cosmetic reasons is a potential Darwin Award nominee.

    IMO, I think most of the horror stories we hear about are caused by personnel who are not fully trained & certified.

    Like those dermatology clinics that are popping up all over the place - where they offer 'photo' facials, laser services etc. Last place you ever want to go is a 'clinic' like that. Most of them do not have a properly trained physician on staff, let alone anyone with medical training doing the procedures. So you've got some chuckle-head who went only to beauty school using potentially dangerous equipment on you.

    This is not the area to try to save money.

  39. What I want to know is....Where was Usher while his Wife is having surgery in another country?? And where the hell are the kids?

  40. Do these people not watch Nip/Tuck?!

    And forget 18 or 19, some moms are buying their daughters boobs for their 16th birthdays. PUKE!

  41. hey Guys
    I have an acquaintance who was an anesthesiologist. She totally turned me off elective surgery of any kind for-e-vah. An intelligent looking glasses wearing asian woman of 40... Who used to work back to back shifts here in LA without any sleep, and would run the stairs in the hospital every night (hopefully between surgeries). She once told me that the reason she was no longer working at the hospital is that she couldn't get insured... well i didnt want to pry... and later she told me she "lost" a couple patients...
    OMG Dead silence on the phone. LOST??? Where did they go??????? Well you know the answer. They f-ing died. And guess what folks? She finally got insured but the hospitals wouldnt hire her. But guess who would??? The plasic surgery out patient clinics/hospitals that did all kinds of plastic surgery... OMG OMG when it finally sunk in what i was hearing, i was sickened...
    never... never... never... what if the anesthesiologist is busy thinking about something else and gives you too much funny stuff... what if they are a bit hung ovah? what if they are taking speedy meds to stay awake as many do? it just takes a minute and there goes yer life... im with jax... gota get back into the sit ups... not a tameka fan at all... sukks to be her, in many more ways than one... but there is a lesson here in her ignorance...

  42. having said all that, im dying to know where tommy boy and madonna and sharon stone go??? wouldnt it be great to know who all has had surgery and what docs they have gone to and where? obviously they trust their anesthesiologist... or maybe they just assume they are infallible, and the thought of death never crosses their mind
