Friday, February 06, 2009

Quick Hits

Apparently Kellogg's Has Never Heard Of The Munchies - Michael Phelps has lost his first sponsor because of the photo released earlier this week showing him enjoying a bong. Apparently Kellogg's has chosen not to take advantage of this opportunity by selling itself as a snack for people stoned out of their minds and craving cereal, and instead will focus on the elementary school crowd instead with wholesome, nutritious cereals that are good for you like Kellogg's Honey Smacks which is about 50% sugar and one serving has more sugar than a glazed donut. They are missing out here. I'm telling you.

The CW Wants Some Vampires - Everyone wants vampires and to try and find a way to make some money off of them. The latest to try will be the CW which has picked up the pilot for a television show called Vampire Diaries. I was hoping it was like Red Shoe Diaries but it seems to be instead based on a series of books about two vampire brothers who are fighting over the soul of a girl in the town where they live. Oh, and they want the souls of everyone else in town as well. Not a lot of sleeping at night in that town I'm thinking.

Yoko? - It is unanimous. All the members of The Kills except for Jamie Hince have said they don't want Kate Moss on tour with them and sure as hell don't want her on the stage singing any vocals. Apparently Jamie Hince has told Kate she could go on tour with the band and sing and of course Kate wants that because hey, she is a major talent and her kid can look after herself at home. I mean she must be all of 8 by now. Apparently the rest of the band said they didn't want to even see Kate for the next six months while on tour. She really knows how to win people over doesn't she.


  1. Kate better take her kid or Paul Walker will be paying a visit!

  2. Loved it: all the members of the kills, except James Hince!!


    I though Alison Mosshart digged Kate Moss...she had a night out with an Olsen Twin some time ago


  3. Michael Phelps should have signed up with Wheaties. LOL

    At the moment it looks like this young man is going to learn a very valuable lesson.

  4. Anonymous11:50 AM

    There goes 1 sponsor I am sure Phelps will be hearing from others. That's the price you pay when you overindulge yourself.

  5. I'm not even allowed to come to Vancouver for two shows with my husbands band...*L* And I wasn't even going to get on stage, just sit in the corner and get drunk with cracked out Vancouver groupies.

    But no. No wives or girlfriends allowed.

    (BTW, it's actually OK because hanging out with bands is actually really quite boring)

  6. @Not On My Dollar

    yeah, and that lesson is:
    "When you're famous, you have no friends."

  7. harriet, did the whole band vote? lmao!

  8. Oh, Harriet. I can totally relate. Only the band my ex was in was extreme metal and nobody went to the shows except for the other bands and their girlfriends. No loss. And super boring.

  9. ok....You DO know that The Kills consist of only Jamie and Allison, right? 2 people. Betcha bottom dollar Allison doesn't want to share the spotlight with a model (washed up as she may be, but still).

  10. @Ms. true but if you're smart at least you'll have your money. He's not that smart if looses friends and money.

  11. Anonymous1:29 PM

    This comment has been removed by the author.

  12. Anonymous1:30 PM

    I told you that sponsors would follow. I just read this at Perez Hilton's website:

    Fast food stoner fave, Subway, is pulling the plug on Michael Phelps' sponsorship deal with the sandwich artists.

    Although Subway hasn't released an official statement, the big wigs over at Subway HQ aren't too pleased with the Olympic swimmer. It's being reported that "execs are pissed off, talking to legal, want their endorsement money returned — and to 'get rid of this embarrassment."

    All mentions of Phelps have been erased from the company's website!

    Way to harsh Michael's mellow, Subway.

    Guess he won't be seeing anymore complimentary meatball subs in the future!

  13. Gyahh, I f*cking HATED Sugar Smacks when I was a kid. Made me gag. All sticky on the outside and weirdly spongy in the inside. Gross.

    I'd eat the non-frosted, non-mini shredded wheats without adding sugar if Sugar Smacks were my only other option.

  14. When the hell did they change the name from "Sugar Smacks" to "Honey Smacks"? Did they think it sounded healthier?

    NO better stoner food than cereal, man....closely followed by cheese and peanut butter (together, preferably a generic marble cheese). Kellogg's is losing out.

    I wonder if Subway will come crawling back to Jared:

    "We're sorry, baby...we didn't mean it. It was a one-time thing...we were caught up in the didn't mean anything, please come back!!"

  15. Priscila - Apparentlt Mosshart has always disliked Moss. She (rightly) accused her of getting in the way of the band.
    Kate needs to look in the mirror - she isnt a teenage groupie/rockstar, she's a middle aged mother. It's about bloody time she acted like it.

  16. Bloody hell, why couldn't "Moonlight" have come out this year instead of last? Stupid $)*&#$(&@'s canceled it too soon.

  17. I never saw Moonlight. I was, however a fan of Blood Ties (the cheesy plots and bad FX just added to its appeal).

  18. "That's the price you pay when you overindulge yourself?"

    No, that is the price you pay when you live in a country of prudish knee jerk reactors. I can see the good mothers and fathers of our nation shaking their heads over that Phelps misfit as they down cosmopolitans.
