Monday, February 23, 2009

Slumdog Millionaire Cast From India

I love how they brought all these kids over from India. First flights. First just about anything. My favorite story of the entire award season. You can watch Ryan Seacrest interviewing all of them beneath all the photos.


  1. So cute! I can't believe Angelina Jolie didn't stuff one in her purse and take he/she home.

  2. The SeaCRUST interview is the reason for my tirade on him here last night.

    As God as my witness, I pray for horrible things to happen to this douchefag.

    I can't stand the thought of growing old while seeing him on every other t.v. show the rest of my life.

    The world needs to do an Intervention on his ass and get him off of electronic transmissions.

  3. lol, Kathryn! :)

    love these candids, those children are beautiful! yay them!

  4. Well...I am Indian and A.R Rahman and the actors made us all proud. These kids deserve the award and recognition more than any of the other actors in the movie. I cannot believe Danny Boyle picked these kids from the less-privileged areas of India and made them act like that.

    Ryan Seacrest pissed the **** out of me when he spoke to the little girl in the blue dress on the red carpet after speaking to another child and said "Oh this little girl speaks good English. Oh thats from GAP ?"

    How absolutely ignorant can some people be.

  5. lol i love that he got schooled by a 10 year man they cut it out of the clip! he was asking the kid to translate and no one was talking so the kid says "i cant translate becasue he's not saying anything!" like duh.

    "she speaks good english"
    STFU Ryan.

  6. Those kids are the cutest.

    And Dev Patel should be signed up to play Akshay Kumar's son/brother immediately!

  7. Sulakshana, what an extraordinary film your country has given the world. and altho Bollywood has entertained us for many yrs, i can only hope SM serves as a launching pad for unsung (no pun!) talent and little films like this that took off when no one expected it to.

    as for ryan's ignorance, i'm going to give him the benefit of the doubt and hope that it was simply nervous energy coupled w/ lack of understanding. i am not excusing him. he should have been better prepared, but as a minority in this country, i can tell you first-hand that the ignorance many americans have towards/about people from other countries does not come from a malicious place. it's ignorance. plain and simple. little by little we (minorities) must make inroads to understanding...and hopefully we succeed.

  8. OMG they are too die for!
    God bless their little hearts, they should have given each of them little Oscars, too cute!

  9. @ Pookie - Thats true. Ryan Seacrest did look tired and had this 'I wanna get the hell out of here' expression. And nobody can prepare him for over-excited kids. But he did annoy a lot of people for sure.

    And go Rahman. Go Bollywood (Though it is a British movie and it showcased India in a not-so-great way (the slums and all)) But...still Yay..

    *does the Jai Ho jig for a bit*

  10. Sulakshana, teehee...i'm def one of those people ryan annoyed. grrrr...

    and yes, go Bollywood! the film may be british, but remember the script is adapted from an indian novel, so for all intents and purposes...


  11. Those kids are so cute. So happy for the cast and crew for Slumdog Millionaire.

  12. Ryan Seacrest--is Idiot boy 1 in my house. Billy Bush--his twin brother Idiot boy 2. Mario Lopez who reminds me of an ex of my eldest daughter, who is now rotting in jail is Douche. I refuse to watch anything with any of those three anywhere near a camera or microphone.

  13. I'm hoping a director or two will take notice of these kids and maybe cast them in another movie. They are all sooo sweet and talented!

  14. Kathryn, I do believe there is footage of Jolie-Pitt attempting a covert pocketing of the cutie patooties!

    LOL, I did see video of them meeting the Brange, it was pretty cute.
