Tuesday, February 03, 2009

You Decide - Is Miley Cyrus Drunk, Stoned, Or Neither?

When I saw this photo of Miley Cyrus and her "friends" I was disappointed like all of the Asian groups that have gone after her for being insensitive. While I admit it is very insensitive and wrong, I also understand that sometimes a 16 year old doesn't think about the people she may be offending or the stereotypes she may be perpetuating. The 16 year old down the street does it at his house and no one ever knows and isn't faced with apologizing to a quarter of the world's population.

My thing about the photo is that by perception or whatever, every person in the photo appears drunk or stoned or both. Sure, it could be a flash that blinded them all at the same time and made them look like they are all half asleep and saying, "dude" a lot. Yes, I know they are trying to do the squint look without actually touching their hands to their face but I doubt the one guy on the right is drinking coke out of that wine glass. The most trashed appears to be Justin Gaston who seems to be trying to channel Colin Farrel's Sonny Crockett or something Miami Vice'ish. Now, Justin is 20 so it means he is not old enough to partake of booze and Miley at 16 is certainly not old enough. And if they were doing some other substance, well that is potentially a problem as well.

Again though, going back to 16. I can forgive her for that too. I certainly was no saint at 16 and she shouldn't have to be either. We already know she has practically zero parent supervision anyway because they all rely on her to make a living. It is really hard to say no to the breadwinner of the family. I just think that it is interesting that the entire world is giving her hell for the Asian insult but no one seems to care that the entire group looks stoned or drunk off their ass. Apparently partying illegally is ok, but insulting another culture is not. I want to see the outraged parent's groups get in the act. Make this the all too rare double apology. The kind where she has to apologize to two separate and distinct groups, plus her fans of course. Have that new movie coming out.


  1. Wow, it doesn't even look like her... It takes a lot of booze (or other things) to get a face that puffy! Or perhaps this was during her fat faced maybe-baby period. She should also apologise to her former fetus if thats the case (no one likes a drunk baby)...

  2. Between Miley's bloated face and the stoned look on everyone's face reminded me I need to go get my free Denny's grand slam today. Times a wasting.

  3. Wow, she's definitely wasted. She's got flush-face. Remember how not too long ago she was a church-going, pure Disney princess?

    I think Miley gets more crap about her antics because she announced to the world she wears a purity ring and likes to watch dvds and go to church in her spare time. It was only a matter of time..

    Also, anyone else notice how the Asian guy is the only one not making that face in the picture?

  4. It looks like they are seeing what they would look like with a face lift, or at least an eye tuck.

    But that dude 2nd from the left, you have to admit, his impression is SPOT on!

  5. "Also, anyone else notice how the Asian guy is the only one not making that face in the picture?"

    Because he doesn't need to.

    It does seem like they are taking the piss out of him, though. Miley and her homos seem like the nice to your face, make fun of you behind your back (literally in this photo) friends...

  6. ok this is totally un PC but when we were much younger and dumb we used to smoke weed that would give you 'chinese eyes' and that's what this reminds me of.

    you're right we were all 16 but i wans't being paid squillions from Disney to sell an image. poor rich girl. boohoo.

  7. Jax is right,
    all the best cowboys have Chinese eyes..Pete Townsend...Duh!

  8. I thought I spotted Michael Phelps in the background.

  9. lol, lutefisk. . .
    Wonder how long it will be before her first trip to rehab? And second, etc.?

  10. Is it your birthday, Amster?

  11. She's neither. Trust me.

  12. Dollface, anyone can get a "free" Grand Slam breakfast between 6am and 2pm today. I put "free" in quotes, because the couple of times I've eaten at Denny's, I was paying for it for hours.

  13. she's niether.
    the azn and the guy next to him are stoned, its pretty obvious.

    all teenagers are a little racist and joke about it.
    all teenagers do get drunk on weekends
    all teenagers try drugs.

    god she's 16.

    and the guy drinking looks in his 20's.
    i think she's with justin's friends.

  14. I'm not buying it.
    If they wore blackface, all hell would break loose. Mocking Asians is okay though.

    She's about as nasty a creature as that Mario Lopez mocking the homeless people.

    Boozing it up doesn't make you do things you'd never do - it makes you just care less about being discovered.

  15. remember, she and daddy dearest are trying to get fired from their disney contract. enty posted a few months ago, not a blind. too lazy (and apathetic) to find it.

  16. i read she regularly smokes weed with her older step-brother...so yah definitly stoned

  17. I'm sick & tired of the comments I have read regarding Miley. Most of the comments on this blog as well as the other blogs all believe that its no big deal. Why is it "no big deal" when racism is directed towards Asians, and when it's directed towards Blacks, the whole world gets mad.

  18. Thank you. The first thing I noticed was that they are all (seemingly) stoned. Hardly looks racist to me, though I see how it can be perceived as racist. I think it seems like it is some way related to being stoned and not being racist. My guess is they didn't want to look stoned so they pulled their eyes so as to not see the redness.

    My only complaint about Miley partying it up is that she is so many young girls' idol. I agree with the "I know what I did at 16, and she shouldn't have to be a saint" except for that she is constantly watched and should be a role model.
